I'm scrapbooking what February means to me
A short month, usually a shivery month and, as I turn up the heating I'm reminded of
- A spelling mistake. Round here, Feb-roo-ary sounds a lot more like Feb-yew-ary so I've always wanted to spell it without that first "r". Every year I remember the page of work my teacher returned to me with a big red extra "r" inked in, about twelve times, right down the page. It looked silly enough to make me learn how to get it right.
- Pancakes. The one night of the year when the man of the house here likes to make dinner. Flipping pancakes? Must be something like BBQ. That basic, caveman thing. Did cavemen like pancakes? You have to wonder..
- First family birthday of the year. before he came along all our celebrations were in the second half of the year. Twenty years later I still feel unprepared for this one.
- Not long now until our lives won't be bound up in the school year; but for this one and the next, February will still bring me the first hint of changes and endings. Does that sound odd? maybe it's those Mock Exams, the start of the rehearsals for the big Finale School Concert, the Sixth Form Valentine's Formal, the talk of university places There's a lot of looking forward to the last big coming togethers in February.

Very pretty page, and it has me wondering is you leave the d out of Wednesday?
That first r? Completely superfluous, in my opinion.
Lovely, lol at your comment about the men and pancakes that's my hubby job toIo!! :-) have a lovely weekend x
A lovely page and I love that background paper. I'm a forgetful speller and think that words should be spelled as they sound. Febuary really makes more sense!
A beautiful page, and many more positive thoughts about February than I could muster right now. Your experience about spelling rings a bell, although I don't have as vivid memory of how I was corrected.
Wow!! I love the pop of colour! <3 This layout has just retrospectively coloured the whole month for me! :D
I call it Feb as often as I can get away with it.
I was thinking this evening that we are within hollering of the clocks going forward. I love all the seasons when they arrive and I am always ready for them to be over.
Happy March!
Oh gosh I struggled so much as a child with how to spell February - even now I really have to think about it!! Fab page - the photo is a beautiful splash of colour on the neutral background
You always seem to come up with the best ideas for pages and then illustrate them beautifully! I love it but I will also add that as an English as second language speaker I hate saying "February" as I always try to say that dang R!!!
I stil have to think about the spelling of February every time I write it! A lovely post Sian and fab page x
I always feel Feb is more a month of change and transition than Jan - love your last comment heralding March and green with hints of spring growth and St Pats and Ireland in 6 nations
I'm enjoying that bit of red for the Feb V day...that heart pp is FABULOUS & I'm myself in serious love with the jot it down stamp!!! But I just, today PROMISED myself not to ever NEVER buy another stamp. For as long as I live.....
What a beautiful page. Love the pop of red and the note this down stamp x You've got me thinking it would be nice to reflect on what each month means to me - oh no! Another 12 pages I want to scrap added to an already long list!
Not much I love about February other that it being short, so it is over quickly! :) You've definitely found more redeeming qualities to the month than I could.
That's a beautiful page Sian and what a fab roundup of February :)
I'm so glad you used that picture on your "what February means to me" page. It really says it ALL! And I love how you reddened that time little heart!
Hi Sian, nice FebRuary page there! I also have 12 lovely red roses in a vase downstairs (though they're on their very last legs.. prob. going in the bin tomorrow).
I like the stories you have, for February.
And, like you, we're going through all the lead-up to the Mocks and talks about University application etc. I wish TSO luck with her mocks (and the For-Real A/S levels in a few months' time).
Does she know where she would like to study (and what)? J thinks he would like to study Engineering and has his eye on Cambridge. Competition to get a place there is fierce (like Really fierce!), so second and third options are very necessary... But we're helping him as much as we can and encouraging him to work hard and aim high. Cambridge really would suit him - he's that kind of chap - but whether he has the stamina to cope with the whole "getting in" process remains to be seen. Even if he has, he still may not get an offer in the end - there were 17 applicants for every Engineering place in 2013!
I was never a great speller and was even more of a challenge to my teacher where I spelt the same word several different ways on one page and all wrong! I see you are the same timetable of events with your youngest as we are here.
A lovely page! February was busy here, good stuff, lots of crafting, but ending with snow & ice! UGH Time for spring!
That is a lovely page. I think for me February is just a big, boring void of space between winter and spring x
Gorgeous page Sian. February means I get older boo hiss! :D
Such a pretty page! I love the neutral background with the little bits of bright papers layered behind the colourful photo. Really draws the eye!
Those colours and such prettiness is most welcome at this time of year. Green? Can we have a lovely fresh shade, and not the muddy version which passes for green up here, please! I just love the way you layer ...
I love the way the back matting paper pulls the red pop and that it's not just a vase of roses but you holding them. I have the same issue with spelling February, I always double check that I did it right.
I remember those going into sixth form wobbles as it all becomes too real.
I like that background paper and the splash of red for the heart.
Lovely splash of red
I know I say it again and again, but oh I do love your style
Oh! this has reminded me that I have started my February post but not finished it and here we are on the 8th of March! I love your page.
February was never a problem for me but pronouncing Wednesday was - I even had a teacher request my parents teach me the proper way to say it. That didn't work because my Mum and I pronounced it the same. :)
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