True confession time:
Oh, I know there are lots of you out there who bake for pleasure, and bake very well while you're at it. A little bit of me wishes I could be that baker. The rest of me recognises reality. Honestly? I'd rather stitch anything, cut up everything, knit, knot, patch, darn or glue than put together a sponge cake. I'd prefer to paint a skirting board, weed a flower bed or strip an entire room of its wallpaper.
it's not that I can't. I do birthday cakes, yes, on birthdays; and mince pies at Christmas, apple tarts every Halloween and a pretty good batch of potato bread for St Patrick's Day (soon, then). But most of the time I'm extremely relieved to be able to hand over to our girl, whose chief object of desire these days is a Kitchen Aid of her very own, mint green, of course.
And that's all I have to say on the subject, which is why I chose to make of it my "six word memoir" for a Get It Scrapped prompted page. Amongst the other requirements was a "found object"...
What else? Known as a "bun case" round here and a "cupcake liner" in other parts, I'm told, here it is at the top of my page. The kraft coloured strips down the sides aren't cardstock, just to add to the theme, they're brown paper bag.
M also needed to include a large scale print and a selfie. That's kind of a selfie. I did take it myself.. More ideas for Prompted pages at Get It Scrapped!

I worked in catering for more years than I care to remember so cooking became a job. I was NEVER able to make a real victoria sponge no matter how hard I tried. They always came out like paving stones and one of my rock cakes actually broke a window when I was in agricultural college learning how to cook - on the 50 year reunion I was teased about it!!! I too have handed over to my daughter
I really enjoy baking....but tend not to do too much of it as I then eat too much of it!!
Strip a whole room of wallpaper...I hope I never ever have to do this again...I'd prefer to bake every day for a year!!!!!
Love your page.
As you have probably noticed I love baking but just from your blog I can see you have many talents in many other ways. We can't all be the same. Anyway you sound like you have a star baker in the family ithe your girl!
What a gorgeous backdrop that patterned paper makes. Baking isn't my favourite thing to do, given the choice. I'm happy to hand over the job to my sous chef. She and I will be baking up a storm on Friday afternoon, ready for the wake. A Kitchenaid is on our wishlist too.
Great page and confession - although no one remembers it after that long list of other things you are happy to be doing. I used to enjoy baking (and fudge making) much more when I could afford the attendant calories. These days I rarely bake - and today I'm missing it.
I can only bake a few things well, like biscuits and scones and that's it. The Brainy One says he doesn't need the extra calories, so I don't do much at all.
I like your page & I like the theme - umm think I will scrap lift the idea & layout. Baking is something I enjoy but thanks to Weight Watchers, no longer a need or requirement in my life. There's my page title - Surplus To Requirements. :)
I only bake when I need to. And I virtually never need to!
All that careful measuring and following instructions is not my idea of fun.
I'm much happier guesstimating and tearing and stapling things at wonky angles.
As for *eating* the end-product of baking well ... 'necessary' isn't a word that comes into it!
I like the addition of the cupcake liner! I like to bake, although I don't do it as much as I used to. However, I'm voting for your girl to have a Kitchen Aid mixer - we have one & I bought my mom one years ago as a Christmas gift. Mint green sounds like the perfect color!
I'm with you, baking/cooking as needed. Thankfully the rest of the family likes to cook.
A beautiful page and love the use of the kraft paper and cupcake liner. You may not like to bake but you have so many other talents. I used to love baking. My favourite was cookies and there was period of time when I would bake tins full weekly for my husband's office. Then one day I just got sick of it. What I used to love doing just became a chore. Now, like you, I bake for the odd occasion. It's better that way since I have a sweet tooth and am usually the one eating all of the baking now that the girls have left home. Besides, you can buy baked goodies. LOL My husband bought me the yellow mix master a few years ago. It is beautiful but dusted more than used. LOL But... it makes my kitchen look like I'm a baker. Ha Ha Hope your daughter gets one! We bought the red one for my oldest and the silver for my youngest. They will have them for life and there are so many attachments to be bought to use it for other things also... like pasta making!
this is a fabulous page Sian .... there are many things I do only when strictly necessary. Baking.. i don't do a lot but i do more than is strictly necessary! X
I love this and your little confession! I like baking but I prefer stitching and sticking. My housemate on the other hand is a master baker. She is the kind of girl who bakes when she feels stressed. You can imagine how many cakes we had when exam season came around!
Who needs to bake when I know who sells the best cake 'round here. It turns out that Son & girl love baking!
Gorgeous page.. and I love a title that is honestly humorous. :)
You know I'd love this - bold pp, pops of brights & that wonderful, big black lettering! Super!!!! Patty cake cases I know em as here. Once upon a time I was an Earth Mother (actually pre kids) & baked bread in our wood stove & created pasties from scratch. And grew bean sprouts in a jar. Thank goodness THAT phase passed;)!!!!!!
I love six word memoirs, and never realized how great they are for a scrapbook layout! Yours is wonderful; I love the centered photo and title, and the black and white background is stunning.
What a great prompt!
I don't bake either (except when forced to). I took a great shimelle mini-album class once called "I Confess." Your title made me think of that.
You and me both. Strange isn't it? It's not that I can't - Craig is often (in his attempts to get me baking) telling me how my lemon drizzle was the only cake to sell out at the bird show and I'll always, always do a batch or two of Mum's rock cakes at Christmas - trying to emulate 'that' Christmas morning smell (never managed it yet) But truth be told, I'd rather leave it to the kids. And they love it - every single one of them. Even the Bear - I'm pretty sure his first sentence was 'bak a cak?' which he says to Pheeb every weekend and yup, every weekend she bakes a cake or cheese straws with him.
Loving this page Sian and the story behind it :)
Oh, that could be the start of a lot of pages... "I only ... when necessary"!!! I LOVE this page and all its elements!
I love baking and would much rather do it than strip wallpaper! Love the layout!
Haha, I love this. The cake case just finished it off nicely :)
Love the confession and layout :) I don't like baking so much because everything has to be precise but I am very good at cheesecakes ohhh and the red velvet cinnamon rolls I blogged about yesterday. I had never done anything with yeast or rising and kneading and they were amazing1
I do love to bake but there are a few things higher on my list of things I like to do before baking :)
Sometimes I think the pressure is on us to do everything and do it well.
I love baking but don't do much of it these days as Simon is in slimming world and its too much temptation
I like the kitchen aid but went with a Kenwood (British designed and built... or they were when I bought one). I like baking but tend to do it when I can share the results and calories.
Do like six word memoires.
I definitely think that qualifies as a selfie! I used to love to bake but with both of us now being lactose intolerant it's a bit of a pain finding substitutes for dairy products.
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