So, at first, it was a box sorting, old Christmas card collection chucking, magazine recycling, no I don't need, tho' I might some day. kind of weekend. (The magazine boxes in the picture are my all time favourite buy from Ikea. They don't make them anymore, which is, I think, well out of order. You can display a magazine on the front and lift up the flap to store more inside and altogether they make me come over all librarian-y)
But then, when we got up on Sunday morning, we discovered that we had been quietly and ingeniously making more space, without even realising it. Honestly! Nobody heard a thing! When we opened the curtains we discovered our garden was twice the size it used to be. Oh, yes, we made space. Our fence had blown down. And you've never seen two men less dismayed by the thought of some extra handiwork. We could put it back ourselves! With cement! other stuff!
Watch this space. Ha.
But the best kind of making space? Well who wouldn't want to play with an astronaut like this? Do they come any cuter?
So, me? on Monday?
I've just discovered our water is off. Please give me a wave! This week might have its challenges..
Last week Fiona, Ladkyis, Helena, Deb, Eileen T, Ruth, Krafty Karen, Alison and Starnitesky all said hello and shared their news. Go on, give 'em a wave back!

Oh golly, that's a way to begin March, Sian - no water and a blown-over fence. Isn't that wht they say about March - in like a lion and out like a lamb? It can only get better :). Oh, and as you say, your space man is cute. Very! There's a whole page in this post.
those boxes could wake a latent librarian in me too! Super cute spaceman and space seems a good prospect with big winds and no water
Ohhhh I love those boxes - you can't show us them and then tell us they aren't made any more! That's just gloating that is!
Love your little astronaut. I hope your water comes on soon - I am actually panicking a little on your behalf if you didn't have a full kettle!
what a cute little spaceman, I hope you get the fence fixed quickly.
Oh no, water is such an essential. There have been lots of folks here without water due to frozen water lines. Luckily, we've escaped so far. I'm hoping it's a quick fix. Sounds like the fence mending is well underway. And, what a cute astronaut! Always glad to see Little E!
ooh - hope your water is back soon! It's a really important commodity in our modern way of life. Little E is adorable. And I'm glad to know that Ikea doesn't make that shelf anymore - saves me from wanting to go buy one to store stuff I don't need!
I could do with that magazine storage, we should start a petition to bring it back! Little E looks amazing and, it's funny, because I always sort of knew his dressing up would go way beyond the boring spiderman type costume :)
Cutest little astronaut ever!
Yikes, I hope the water is back on very soon and that you had a full kettle. Little E makes a glorious astronaut ... perhaps he'd like The Boy Child's genuine-all-the-way-from-Johnson-Space-Centre astronaut's jacket when he (TBC) has outgrown it?
I have a blocked drain for Monday but I am ignoring it until tomorrow because it is not going to prevent my trip to the cinema this afternoon. You can see my Monday here
Ach Sian - I hope your water returns soon!! What a pain. And the fence too? You sound like you might be ready for a holiday soon!
As for the astronaut. Adorable.
And the magazine racks are perfect for someone like me ... who gets a bit 'out of sight out of mind' with things tidied away in cupboards!
That's not a good start to March, hope the water is soon back on and that you had a full kettle before it disappeared.
What a handsome young astronaut you have there, clearly ready for an out of this world adventure!
I love your astronaut!
I've just cleared out most of my magazines. I'm only keeping the Family History ones for now as they have useful tutorials in them, but all the craft - may come in useful, may make that one day - ones have gone. I gave them to the local single mum's group.
Here's my Me on Monday post:
I'm still recovering from the weekend! but it's all written here:
Yikes about the fence. I guess that March came in like a lion in your neck of the woods. Yesterday was a lamb for us but I think today the roof just might blow off the house. Little E. looks adorable. I love it when he makes an appearance on the blog. I love those magazine racks. They really do fall into the library look.
What a cute spaceman!! Hope you don't have to wait too long to get the fence back up. We lost the covering to our small shed roof a couple of weeks ago and as yet no sign of any DIY to get it repaired - I will have to start making noises about paying someone to do it, that usually does the trick LOL!! Hope the water wasn't off for too long, I'm waving back at you today!!
Yep a cute little astronaut. I always think Little E looks like he is ready to take on the world and now he is equipped to take on the moon and stars too!
Oh. Oops. Hopefully the week will get better, but as my old Mam [Grandma] would say [she was an glass 1/2 empty sort] comes in THREES......see, that stuff just sticks with you. So, I'm hoping in your case it does NOT. I do love those mag holders. Brill idea!!!
Little E is the cutest!!! Plus, I think it is very cute how you put the photo with his little bare feet next to the one with the big work shoes!!
Oooh I wish Ikea made those magazine boxes too, they look perfect, very much the librarian Sian.
Jo xxxx
Oh Little E :-) Too cute to go to space though!
I hope your water is back on. Ours was cold the other morning, that was bad enough for an hour!
Have a great week.
That fence sounds a bit worrying... we have the same problem! Great little astronaut too! The magazine holder looks like something I could do with! Don't you hate it when Ikea stop selling a great item! fira is the one I want to come back! And why do they change the names of things? I went in a few years back to get something and it disappeared... It was only last year that I discovered they hand renamed it! Gah!!
Have a great week, Sian :D
Hope the water wasn't off For too long...we have a fence panel hanging precariously and I'm hoping my Man Friday is going to arrive to repair it in the near future (though I've been hoping for two weeks now!) xx oh! ..and cute spaceman xx
I definately need those boxes!!
Oh! I hope the water is back on by now? Love those boxes. I have had a major clear out of my magazines, Oh it feels so good. waving to you on Wednesday with the sun shining here.
I remember those magazine boxes and how cross I was when they didn't have them by the time I went back :sigh:
Very cute Astronaut (Wookie got to wear real astronaut-gone-to-the-moon gloves during our trip to Kennedy and wore a similar look on his face) hope he's discovered all the fun age appropriate stuff available on the NASA site...
Not a good start to the week with a blown down fence and no water, I hope it gets better!
Oh I do hope it's been a good week, that the water was back on quickly & the fence repairs are coming along. We're snowed in (AGAIN!) today, so I'm waving a little late from a very cold Texas! That cute little astronaut makes me smile as I contemplate our upcoming trip that will include a visit to the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
oh no! Hope the fence is fixed now. Can they come and do ours....we have a panel that's been looking dodgy for a while x
I'll be waving hi tomorrow!
Oh dear it sounds like you were headed for a week of challenges. Little E looks so cute in his astronaut outfit.
I meant to mention how great those magazine boxes look. I've never seen anything like that at Ikea.
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