It was a back to basics weekend. A do lots of little chores you've been putting off for as long as you can weekend. Know what I mean?
A restock the underwear drawer weekend. (My own daughter, my own flesh and blood accused me of underwear theft. She said I was pinching her pants, nicking her knickers. We went and bought a lot more. And labelled them) A clean under the sofa weekend. A shore up the tower of magazines beside the bed weekend. Yep, I just restacked it. No need - yet - to do anything hasty with the recycling box.
And I also tackled the little pile of crocheted Granny Squares
The ones I've been ignoring in favour of giant, free ranging, easy big Granny blankets. It had to be done. Every time I looked at the kitchen sofa, with its cowboy cushions, I saw the spot where the new matching blanket...wasn't. Then I had a little whine to myself about the tediosity (probably a word, should be) of little squares and then - suddenly, right out of nowhere - I had the answer.
Little squares? Pshaw! (as I believe the cowboys used to say) to little squares. I'm going to turn 'em all big!
So I've started adding extra rounds to each one: bigger, better - and best of all - I won't need to start any new ones. Once my enlargement scheme is complete I'll have enough to cover every sticky mark the kitchen sofa has to offer. Result. Well, almost: it's still quite a large enlargement. I've got a bit to go yet.
Joking aside, it's been interesting watching how the character of each square changes with every round of new colour. I'm sure there's something to learn there for all of my makes.
I'm looking forward to doing some more later. For now, I'm off to pack up an envelope to take to the Post Office. There's a student slow cooker waiting for a delivery. Told you we were talking basic this week. Have a good one!
Last week Helena, Eileen T, Jane, Rachel B, Starnitesky, Deb, Ladkyis, Mel, Alison, S, Liz and Krafty Karen all gave us a wave. Go on, give them a wave back!

I just tested out my slow cooker from Craig's Mum last week - waaaw - I love the curry packet from that range! SO yummy! (We used Quorn not chicken but otherwise... delish!)
The blanket is going to be a masterpiece! And I got accused of knicker theft last week too! Who'da thunk that could even happen this time last year? I don't think slinkying up and down the living room in my delight that she thought I was skinny enough helped the matter ;)
Can't wait to see all those enlarged squares joined into one big ole granny quilt! I'll never be accused of nicking knickers - I wouldn't be caught dead in the little nothings that pass for undergarments for my girls!
That enlargement is going to be gorgeous! I love those colors, and looks like it will be a bright addition to the kitchen sofa.
The blanket is looking good. I don't think I would fit into my daughters underwear but we did have a bit of a dispute the other day because I accused her of hiding a pair of her socks that I had got out to wear.....they still haven't turned up! The joys of teenage daughters!
Love your post! You sound so 'you' again: what a joy!
There's no confusion here in whose knickers are whose, mine have considerabley more fabric in them! The issue in our house is opaque tights. R likes hers 100 denier, I like mine slightly lighter. After several disputes over which were which R decided enough was enough and sewed red Xs in the back seams of mine!
Good plan for the crochet, won't be long before we see the finished article!
That sounds like my kind of weekend :-)
I love the idea of go large or go home with the quilt. I am with you with the colour theory. I loathe this first crochet blanket I am making (longest time recorded in history for the making of a blanket, I hope I will never be needed in a war effort.) each time I stitch a row as the colours are not at all what I wanted or expected. However when I glance at it squashed up in the box it looks marvellous and I think it will look great in the end.
Have a good week. Oh and I had a CT scan today as my concussion headache isn't easing but thank goodness it was all clear, no bleed or broken head so just time and rest and pain killers. Thanks for leaving a message.
Oooo, I didn't know about that range of slow cooker sauces, I always make my own from scratch. Will have a look for them next time I go shopping.
Your day sounds better than mine - I've just posted my own Monday exploits.
I love the colours you have used for your squares, can't wait to see it when it's finished :)
All I can say is that it is definitely a good thing when your undies can be mixed up as being the same size as your teenage daughter's. This is something I never experienced. Ha Ha Love weekends like this! They always feel so productive. The blanket is looking amazing and great idea to make the squares bigger. The one I am working on now, for my daughter, has much larger squares than my first one. Having said that, I haven't made any progress on it in about 6 months. Yay to crock pots and supper in one pot!
Sounds like a good weekend. I can't wait to see your granny squares made up in to a blanket x
A little shopping, a little cleaning, a little idea---makes for a BIG weekend!
I love the thought of you trotting around your life with your name in your knickers!
We like that beef and ale slow cooker mix, as well as the beef and tomato one ... although I suspect that ale is more readily available in a student house than tomato. Just sayin'.
I think its a great achievement that you can fit into your teenage daughter's knickers!
hehe...The knicker nicking reminds me of when i lived at home with my sisters!! I just know your finished blanket is going to be gorgeous x
Hmff! Some of us are lucky to have girl childs to get mixed up with!! Not 'fess ing to the top of my step grandgirls in NZ that somehow stowed away in my suitcase! And your weekend sounds BLISS. Slow enough to really enjoy the minutiae of life:):) my DH does killer lamb shanks in his slow cooker!!!
Made me smile :). Wait until she comes back from uni for the weekend forgetting to bring hers with her and goes back with yours, permanently. I'd be labelling those socks too! Your quite is going to be quite splendid as it metamorphoses ...
the blanket is going to be lovely when finished. I must investigate those mixes for the slow cooker - not seen them before. Glad you managed to sort out knickergate!! I'm waving back at you x
Now that was a stroke of genius: just make them larger. I'm smiling at knicker nicking. It's always sock stealing here.
My 2 daughters frequently have knicker arguments....and one of them insists on labeling all her plain t shirts!!
Making those squares bigger is perfect . . . and, of course, Texas cowboys would love it because "everything's bigger in Texas." LOL
What a great idea to 'go bigger' with your's going to look great! Xx
I like how these posts allow me to catch up a bit with you what have going on. My blog reading as been terrible lately but I'm waving hello back at you! I'd love to see the finished XL squares :)
I did join in last Monday but forgot to let you know! I love to crochet granny squares as they grow so quickly, I like the small squares but they do take ages to crochet together!
I'm slowly catching up with my blog reading and oh what a lovely granny squares they are xx
Princess gets offended when Ewok sorts laundry and gives her my knickers....
She's also planning on buying a bigger slow cooker as an addition to her small student version we bought.
I'm beginning to think the dryer eats undies because there sure isn't anyone else here I can blame. :) I love the colours you've been using in your squares and can't wait to see them made bigger.
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