Monday 14 December 2015

Me On Monday

It was a we can't decorate this tree until it dries out kind of weekend. A now it's dripping all over the hall weekend. A remembering the places we've been weekend. 

A Mum, if you aren't going to hang the nativity on the tree at least take the strings off it weekend. A don't worry, Eyore will cheer up when his owner comes home to put him in his rightful place next Saturday weekend. 

A driving out of the city and discovering snow on the roads weekend. A finishing up our cards and then going to write a stack more at Granny's weekend (Sidenote: we went to buy more stamps and the man behind the counter says it's a myth people aren't sending cards any more. He ordered in 27 000 Christmas stamps, he was sent 30 000, and he has sold all of them with nearly two weeks to go. Doesn't that make your heart glad?). A yes, I'll make mince pies, but if you eat them all now what's Uncle Dave going to munch when he gets here? weekend.

A wrapping, list ticking, Granny visiting, warming ourselves by the fire weekend. A good one. Today? I'm about to vacuum up the first lot of pine needles. Already. And after that? I have another pair of socks to finish. Quickly. How about you? How's the wrapping going?

Our Monday-ers last week were Deb, Barbara, Rinda, Helena, Eileen, Jane, Linda, Mary-Lou, Maggie, Louise H, Karen, Cheri, Julia and Sheena. Click on their names to wish them all the best with the week ahead! And maybe think about joining us? After all, there is only one more Monday before Christmas. And then, maybe, it's time for a change. Have a good week.


Julie Kirk said...

Did you put that last phrase on that photo specifically to test my 'must at least try to refrain from sniggering at innuendo' will power?

Your weekend sounds so perfectly and appropriately festive. I'm not there yet. I wish I was. I hope to be soon.

I've done the stamp thing, the tree is at least unpacked and there's been snow nearby but, as yet, not right here. [Will aim to get Christmassy *without* the white stuff though!!]

Happy Monday to you ... have a great week. x

Ali said...

Lovely post - a little bit gutted that when I went to the post office to post my cards the lady just stuck ordinary stamps on!!! :-( not a happy bunny xx Have a great week xx

Cheri said...

Happy Monday Sian! Sounds like a perfectly festive weekend! :)

Louise H said...

Wrapping hasn't even been started here ... and am hoping a certain big online site delivers by the 23rd (as promised on the email they sent)! I used to be so organised about Christmas, oh yes that was BEFORE children. Love those socks, which will be lovely for keeping warm in the snow. We just had rain - lots of rain. Have a good week x

debs14 said...

Once the tree is up it starts to really feel like Christmas is just around the corner! I'm not as organised as I think I should be but we always have that last minute panic and get there in the end.
I've sent just as many cards as normal again this year, I thought (briefly) about shortening my list but then thought that it's more important to let someone know you've been thinking about them!

Karen said...

Your lovely card arrived yesterday! And that is another pair of gorgeous socks; those colors are wonderful!

Alison said...

I'm a great believer in Christmas Cards....sounds like Christmas is well on its way Chez Fair! zz

Patio Postcards said...

Oh Sian your postmaster's message of cards are still being sent does my heart good. WOW that is an intricate design on the socks, pretty colours. When you vacuum other parts of the house does it make every room smell nice with the pine needles inside the bag? Eyore is a favourite, he continues to hope & what a role model. Happy week to you.

scrappyjacky said...

From the queues in our PO I think there's still a lot of snail mail going on....finally got all mine posted Saturday.

Jane said...

sounds like a busy weekend, we've had to queue up twice at the Post Office, good to know it's still busy.

KraftyKaren said...

As you will see from my Me on Monday blog post I have certainly helped the postal cause this year - and that was part 2 - Mr P had already posted a similar size pile over a week ago plus done a post office run for all the cards that had to head overseas - so some of us are keeping things going!!

I too buy decorations as souvenirs - it is quite sad that there is no tree going up here this year as I always like to remember holidays when I am decorating the tree. But you never know what I might find in the Cape Verde islands to bring back to go on the tree for next year.

Sounds like you have had a very lovely weekend - have given you a wave back but this is my last Me on Monday for this year - will see you sometime in the first week of 2016 - I will be the person drowning under a huge pile of 18 days of dirty washing!! Thank you for your lovely card it arrived today - hope you have a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a great 2016!!

Karen x

Mitralee said...

Sounds like a peaceful happy weekend! Nice times! I'm wrapping up cards too, a batch when in the box earlier today and IF I can get my thing here working, a couple of packages...ah the luxery of not having to go to the post office...(when it's working)

Melissa said...

The wrapping? Well, I should pick up gifts for my parents this week & have them wrapped for our get together on Saturday. Robbie's gift will be wrapped a few days before Christmas . . . if I get them purchased by then. :|

helena said...

sounds a fabulously festive weekend and good to hear people are still sending cards. I'm gearing up for some wrapping this week - for those gifts that I need to trust others not to open early and therefore cannot go in a gift bag

helena said...

oh and have a great week

Lizzy Hill said...

Busy busy! Glad you got the tree & cards & some cooking done..... & hoping the socks get done in time too. We're well into it - already celebrated early Chrissy day with one lot who will be away in NZ.....practice run for Christmas day!!!

Sheena said...

It was tree weekend here too.
I love sending & receiving cards, I like to keep all the different stamps, as if I don't already have enough clutter!!
Have a good week x

Jo said...

I'm all done and dusted, my presents have been wrapped and under the tree for a couple of weeks now. It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I'm trying to quickly get pair of socks finished and then start on another pair!

This West London Life said...

What encouraging news from the Postmaster ... seems I'm not alone in sending Happy Mail! And as for Eyore, I'd happily give him a home!

alexa said...

I always enjoy a little peek into your weekend, Sian - and, gosh, snow? I am scared to say we've been lucky this year in case I jinx us. Those socks look wonderful ...

Maggie said...

You are getting on well . Your wet tree reminds me to get mine in in good time. I hope Eeyore cheers up soon!

Sandie said...

How heartening to hear that so many stamps have been sold - there's nothing nicer than happy mail or a Christmas card arriving on your doorstep.
I hope your tree is holding its needles. Your decorations are beautiful and unwrapping and recalling memories of where they come from is something I look forward to each year. I hope Eeyore now has a smile on his face and has gone to his rightful home.
Snow is always good to see this time of year, it makes it feel more like Christmas, but glad to say we have been spared from snow and floods.

Susanne said...

Love those snaps - carry on Christmas-ing!!

Sandra said...

I'm so jealous you've seen snow this year. Xx

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