Monday 15 June 2015

Me On Monday

It was the weekend of the Fish Lips Kiss Heel*. And the weekend of at last! no more exams! A sock knitting, relaxing with some magazines and thinking about buying some new colouring pencils weekend.

A surprise package from a lovely friend weekend. A first BBQ of the year (finally! Oh, how I love you Chinese pork ribs..) weekend. A facetime with Little E weekend. He was looking freshly scrubbed and particularly winning in his Dr Who pyjamas when he called on Friday night. He knew his dad had hopped on the train so that he could meet up with our boys to watch cricket, and he wanted to check I wasn't home alone. That, and tell me about reading Fantastic Mr Fox.

Sport? Exercise? Did someone say physical activity? For it was also a weekend of celebrating two full months of getting to two Pilates classes EVERY week. I know maybe that doesn't sound much to some of you. To me? It's something of a mad, minor miracle. 

So, essentially a weekend of small significant pleasures. A good one.

And me? on Monday? Well it's like this: I'd love to be able to tell you where I'm hanging out today; but it hasn't been officially announced quite yet. That'll be later...

Last Monday Becky, Louise, Eileen, Alexa, Helena, Fiona, Deb, Jo, Julia, Ruth, Barbara, Jane, Karen, Patio Postcards, Sheena, Ladkyis all gave us a wave and a glimpse into how they were starting the week. Go on, go say hello! And have a good Monday!

*Fish Lips Kiss Heel: a ravelry pattern download from The Sox Therapist and an entirely different way of constructing the knitted heel of a sock. Easy to do, but I'm not convinced of its sturdiness. I'll see what my testers think before I switch completely.


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a relief that the exams are now over for your girl. A BBQ sounds like a perfect way to celebrate. My girl is done too, but my boy is still soldiering on for another week yet. Go you! I miss my pilates class. Our instructor was brilliant, especially for somebody hopelessly uncoordinated. His replacement turned it into something akin to an aerobics class, which is just not for me.

Julie Kirk said...

We were just chatting about BBQs yesterday - our own BBQ in particular - when the weather was less than BBQ-friendly. Me: 'When did we last use it?' Him: 'We've never used it'. Probably about time we did something about that then!

What a sweet thought of Little E's to check you were managing without your menfolk - such a little gem. And hurrah for getting to your class so often - I've spotted a new yoga class fairly nearby and have been arguing with myself ever since over whether I dare go! I'll let you know if I do!

Happy Monday. xx

This West London Life said...

Fantastic news that exams are over for this year! We had thought of a BBQ last night, but I ended up using the kitchen grill, which isn't the same!

Lizzy Hill said...

Bet there's a BIG sense of excitement that the exams are done......& good on you with the pilates [making me feel VERY inferior down here in Oz. I didn't even walk up the shops last week....too wet....] AND the chat to your wee fella sounded lovely;)

helena said...

a series of small significant pleasures sounds great - I can see why they are called fish lip heels

scrappyjacky said...

What a lovely assortment of happenings. We've had our first BBQ as well....hoping for many more this summer.

Eileen T said...

You're doing well with your sock production! Are you still keeping your sock record book?

Susanne said...

Small significant pleasures - gotta like the sound of that. And I have noticed so many ladies lately taking up the adult coloring book habit - color on! Oh, and congrats on that other "color" announcement too! (wink)

debs14 said...

Thank goodness you have Little E to keep an eye on you.
What a relief to have those exams over - time for relaxation and fun now!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sian, congrats on your pilates! Go you! And on your new collaboration (can't wait to hear about it!)....Little E is *so* sweet!!! My son is studying Fantastic Mr. Fox at school (much to his consternation, as he says that Dahl "wrote much better books, Mama")......! Hoping TSO is relaxing.....well deserved!!! Have a great week, Helen xx

Anonymous said...

P.S. Glad to hear you're colouring......I've found it's such a great exercise for encouraging stillness and reflective thinking!!! I'm after the 'Advanced Style' colouring book!

Melissa said...

What a tease - looking forward to seeing where you're hanging out these days!! Sounds like it was a lovely weekend. Congrats on getting to those exercise classes consistently!! Have a great week.

Sian said...

Yes! I'm sure it will be making another appearance soon

Patio Postcards said...

First of all, thanks for the shout out. I am so enjoyng the blog world connections, such a lovely group of ladies. BBQ - weather not been ideal but with summer's arrival on Sunday - oh better make the effort. Happy thoughts to you. ... Mary-Lou

Lou said...

im glad you said (above) you are still keeping your sock book. I hope to see the fish lips kiss heal make an appearance soon. Glad the exams are over for you. We finish here on Friday x

Karen said...

Once again, Little E proves his thoughtfulness! Sounds like a lovely weekend. We had a lovely one too, but it's unlikely I'll find time to post about it. Typing this as I eat my lunch.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Love your new socks and I always love hearing about Little E. I have to ask, are you doing some grown-up colouring? The reason I ask is because on Friday night while at our bookstore, I came upon a colouring book for grown-ups. It will take me the rest of my life to finish it. I bought myself a set of pencil crayons and coloured for three hours until my thumb tip went numb. (It still is a bit!) Yesterday I bought some fine tip markers because some of the designs are so intricate, I'll never get in with pencil crayons. We always seem to share the same interests so if you say that you have been colouring too, I won't be surprised. LOL It is very therapeutic.

Claire said...

Great photos Sian and your socks look lovely. Hope you had a lovely Monday.
C xx

Unknown said...

Well done Little E, checking on his Auntie Sian :-)

Hurray for exams being over!

Sheena said...

So glad the exams are over for you, just one more here next monday.
my mum is a huge fan of adult colouring & says its a fab stress reliever x

Jo said...

Sounds like a really lovely weekend and well done on sticking to the Pilates classes. I've wanted to try the Fish Lips Kiss Heel but I'll wait until you've done your research on how sturdy it is :)

Cheri said...

What a lot of wonderful things for your weekend. Mine was the weekend of curling up with a good book and trying to ignore the fact that I couldn't breathe and felt like crud. Still trying to get over this cold.

Maggie said...

A busy weekend! Pilates twice a week. I felt pleased that I actually got to the one session this week!

Julia said...

Yay to exams being over! I love the purple hem to your weekend photos :) I miss Pilates and very impressed you make two classes a week. You've inspired to investigate more and find a local class!

Gail said...

So glad you put in about the Fish LIps Kiss Heel - I was going - what the heck is that. Congrats on the Pilates classes - I really need to do something - walking just isn't cutting it but I think for a bit more it will have to do. Love the Little E was concerned about you being alone.

Sandie said...

What lovely colour socks Sian, and name for the heel. Fish Lips Kiss... really?!! Who thought of that I wonder?
Good going with the Pilates!

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