Me? When Lori, the lovely owner of kit club Gossamer Blue, asked me if I'd like to make some pages for her with the June kits. I said Yes! Please! very quickly before she had a chance to change her mind
I've been a fan of the beautiful Gossamer Blue collections for a while now: not only the main monthly kit with its clever combinations of patterns and neutrals, but also the hard-to-pick-a-favourite add ons. They always seem to include my most used sorts of supplies: wood veneers, neat little stamps, stickers, alphas to turn to again and again. As soon as the postman placed the big Gossamer Blue box in my hot little hands I ran upstairs to start cutting and sticking.
I have two pages today..
..the first of six I have finished up from a mix of the kit selection for June. You can see the kits here. It's pretty obvious these layouts only scratch the surface of what there is to be made. What about those big alphas? and the flamingo? I had to get in on the flamingo thing. More to come!
For now, I have Squeeze The Day
which came about when I looked at the lemon printed paper in the Bits and Pieces kit. I've always liked the motto "Seize The Day", so I thought I'd combine it with that other good plan - making lemonade when life gives you lemons. Squeeze the Day, I say!
My other page uses the Perfect Day paper, which is a Gossamer Blue exclusive, in the Main Kit, for a layout about last Wednesday, when we had a couple of excellent visitors:
I just had to record how easy this little star was to entertain, because it turns out he loves pretty much all the same things my own big, grown up boy also enjoys. We have plenty of books about football and more than enough pens and paper for copying out the best bits!
Isn't that paper, perfect?
I've had a wonderful time digging into the Gossamer Blue June kits. I'm pretty sure I have more pages to make! But for now, if you head over to the Gossamer Blue blog you'll find four more layouts and a little piece of me. There were questions...

A gorgeous set of pages,Sian....all so different....but definately you.
I enjoyed all your answers to the questions as well.
Oh, my goodness! I just cried out loud and had a tear in my eye ... that's my boy on one of your gorgeous pages! The girls (boys?) knew they were on to a good thing when they asked you to be a guest designer, that's for sure!
Fab layouts, their papers really suit your style. What a good decision to use you as a guest designer, I think they'll be asking you again!
Congratulations and I bet they were thrilled with these lovely layouts :-)
Two wonderful pages! Looking forward to seeing the others :)
Many congratulations! and your pages are very pretty. Clearly lots of lovely things to play with, and I will pop over and have a peek. I do love your Squeeze The Day - the wordsmith in you is alive and well!
So much fun to see someone I "know" featured. Love your pages as always. I just ordered my first Gossamer Blue kit--an add-on. I can't wait till it gets here. I have all kinds of ideas for it.
Gorgeous! I love the way you record memories... lucky Gossamer Blue to have you on board this month...
Mardi x
Oh, Sian, so good to see you were asked to design! Congrats! Love your pages! Can't wait to see your flamingo action!
their kits do look gorgeous...lucky you being asked to design for them. Fabulous pages Sian and those flamingos are popping up everywhere aren't they.
OOOH! The biggest of congratulations! That must've been a BIG thrill! And they do have amazing kits! Love the way you use words and sayings..... & the 2nd one I really like. I think it's the design??? Not sure, anyways, it super! Off to check out those questions!!!
How fun Sian! I love the lemon squeeze page.
As always, I love all your little details---the ink spots, the stapled tag string---but most of all that little gold dot with the 01 on it. Adding the "good" above it is genius!
How exciting! And how sensible of Gossamer Blue to invite you! You have done the papers proud and as always I love your style and colour choices. Squeeze the day is a good sentiment, I often think I try to get every minute I can from it!
I hope you love it :)
I love how you noticed this
Great pages, with all of your wonderful little details. You've done them proud. Isn't it just the best name for a kit club?
What a wonderful opportunity, just your style!
I really like the yellow and brown color scheme of the first one and the text background in the second one.
what lovely layouts and I do love your picture in the first LO x congrats on being chosen and also on the beautiful work xxx
Yay! I guessed right! I used to love their kits - think have just used the last one up. Love both your pages especially the lemons one and I agree the embellies are just what I would use too!
Great layouts with brilliant titles :)
Not surprised she asked you to guest - always delighted to see your pages. Fun to see that boy here, and glad he was entertained with the football books.
They all look great but I especially like the flamingo one. Congrats on being the month's guest designer.
How exciting to be invited Sian! But then your reputation and skill goes before you and Gossamer Blue knew they were on to a good thing. Lovely pages, and like Barbara says, the small detail are so you and what makes your pages stand out above the rest.
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