Monday 8 June 2015

Me On Monday

It was a weekend of worry and weeds. Anyone - everyone - caring for an ageing parent will know what that means. A weekend of thinking about how things are and how things might be (there's the worry) and taking on the very few things we can change (that would be the weeds). There is nothing else to be done. We make her as comfortable as we can and we leave and we never know now how many more visits there will be. Sorry, it's just been that kind of a couple of days.

In our family we have always turned to books and to creating when we need diversion; and as long as Granny is able, she's happy to talk about both. She passed on her latest bargain read and she asked about my newest wool delivery. She has her eye on a pair of socks.

So I'll probably make a start as soon as I've finished my other diversionary task of the day: finding someone to paint the shed. ..

Well, I wouldn't be my mother's daughter if I didn't have a whole list of holiday jobs up my sleeve..

Last week Louise, Helena, Fiona, Jo, Deb, Jane, Gail, Ladkyis, Sheena, Julia, Karen, Barbara and Miriam all gave us a wave. I'm waving back to everyone, and to you, and wishing you a happy diversion or two, no matter what your week has in store. Make something nice!


Becky said...

Oh Sian, I do understand about Granny and send you hugs. As you say, so difficult when you don't know how many more visits. We are in a similar position with our Granny (Hugh's Mum) and she is so far away in Cornwall. We keep in constant touch by phone, but it is still very hard. You will be in my thoughts this week and I hope you find someone to paint your shed! xx

Julie Kirk said...

It sounds hard Sian. I'm sorry. Consider your hand squeezed and the kettle flicked on xx. (I need my garage doors painting ... so if you find someone obliging send them my way ..). x

alexa said...

Thinking of you, Sian ... You'll know I understand about aging parents, and will be holding you all warmly in my heart. I have to say that your garden shed looks wonderfully antiqued and vintage from here - does it really need a coat of paint?!

Miriam said...

Alexa's thoughts on the shed are mine! It looks wonderful to me. I understand about Granny too. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Lizzy Hill said...

Sounds like a so-so weekend. I DO like the name of that paint, I must say! And go, knitting and reading...... aging doesn't really think much about that in with growing kids but it's there, of course.....mine's off on Safari to Africa. At 76. By herself, on a bus tour. Not bad, eh??!!!

Karen said...

I know, oh, too well, what you are going through, and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

helena said...

big hugs - the not being able to do anything is harder, I think

scrappyjacky said...

I know exactly how you are feeling about an aging thoughts are definately with you.
I sort of agree with Alexa about the shed....but also know that without the paint it's just going to rot!!

debs14 said...

Oh dear, it's a hard time to be dealing with, when you know that each visit brings you one closer to the last visit. Thinking of you at this worrying time.
I'm pretty sure you have a tall person just home for the summer who can help with that painting - I mean what else does he have to do with his days?

Eileen T said...

Sending virtual hugs ... it's not an easy time for you all.

Thanks for the book recommendation - I've added it to my list.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sian, feeling for you. Helen xx

Ali said...

Hugs to you xxx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Tough times. I know. Sending you love, along with a wave x

Maggie said...

Not an easy time Sian. I have similar worries with the senior members of our family. Is your university boy home now for the summer?

Jane said...

I'm the same with my mum, I know just how you feel x

Jennifer Shaw said...

I understand where you are at right now. It is such a worry. I don't think that we fully understand what it is all about until we are there. It is not an easy phase in our adult lives. Thinking of you.

Cheri said...

My heart goes out to you Sian. Of course you nailed it when you said to address those things you are able to change. I'd skip the painting and get on those socks - you'll probably enjoy that a lot more!

Sheena said...

Sending love & hugs xxx

Unknown said...

Holding your Mum, you & your family in my thoughts this week.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Sending comforting thoughts to you and yours.

Lou said...

it can't be easy for you!
a beautiful wool collection...are purple socks next?

This West London Life said...

You know that I'm thinking of you all very often and sending you lots of love. x

Melissa said...

Sending hugs to you as you continue to enjoy the time with your mom - how wonderful that she talks books & creating, a fantastic way to spend a visit!

JO SOWERBY said...

ooh misty meadow is a great name for a paint isn't it, I can imagine you having a bit of a brigadoon moment when you go in and smelling the heather on the hill. Sorry to hear that you're all so worried about your mum. I worry about mine too, she's often falling over and this week she's flooded the utility room and burnt her carpet, and my dad's there. What a disaster area.
Jo xxxx
PS thanx for the kind hair comments x

Jo.C said...

Thinking about you Sian, hugs x

Ladkyis said...

done those worries, with you every step girl.
I am in again this week

Mad about Craft said...

I've got elderly parents too! They are such a worry!

KraftyKaren said...

Awww I know what you mean, we had all of this with my gran and I know it is to come with my parents, especially as my Dad has my granny's stubborn streak. Sending hugs along with a wave this week x

Sian said...

That's fantastic!

Sian said...

My thoughts exactly

Sian said...

Yes! another pair for a friend

Abi said...

Thinking of you Sian. That must be so tough. Sending you hugs.
Craft and books are oh so good for a worried mind.

Jo said...

I know what you mean and I feel for you, you have some lovely distractions x

Julia said...

Some weekends are just a little different aren't they? Hope you have many more visits. And the shed? It'll paint itself x

Gail said...

Thinking of you - I remember those days all too well. Hugs.

Alison said...

You've been in my thoughts lots,'s not easy...hugs from me xx

Sandie said...

Thinking of you Sian.... caring for parents becomes difficult as they age or become unwell. It sounds as though you are doing a wonderful job, and it's good to have some books and creativity as light relief.

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