It was a taking a trip to the airport, saying cheerio and don't forget to work hard, play hard this term kind of weekend. A looking forward to April already, just think you'll be twenty the next time we see you weekend.
And so it was also, I have to admit, a bit of a comfort food eating and calming crochet weekend, too.
I love to see him going off to do something he enjoys so much. Learning the Law suits him just fine. But he's easy to be around, you know? We like the same stuff.
Mmm..crochet, crochet, crochet. Hook, hook, hook. Very soothing. Two weeks ago I'd had enough of tiny Granny Squares for the moment, so I went large again, with a big Granny square made from remnants of that first ever crochet blanket I worked on last Spring. That's the bigger, heavier, striped one in the photos. Now, to match, there is a lighter, easier to carry around and then throw over the back of the sofa Granny blanket. I didn't have to buy anything for it: it's leftovers of the Stylecraft Double Knitting from the original. Two for the price of one. I'm so sold on the idea of crocheting round and round, choosing colours as I go. Two weeks this one took! Two weeks! Next up? An all purpose camping, picnicking, hiding under special blanket for Little E.
I'll order the wool straight after lunch:
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A magazine and a nice bowl of soup |
That'll put off my afternoon of paperwork for just a little bit longer..
Have a great week! And if you feel like sharing your Monday, then, please, give us a wave. Last week Helena, Becky, Alison, Fiona, Barbara, Jane, Cheri, Deb, Ladkyis, Ruth and Liz all Mondayed along. Hope you have a good one.

Glad he got off fine, Sian: wow, 20?! When did that happen?!
Your blanket looks so bright,warm and cosy.
Doesn't time just disappear!!
I am in again, no pictures cos I forgot about the camera and I haven't yet discovered a way to get pictures from my phone to my puter.
Your new blanket is gorgeous, although I do have a bit of a thing for ripples. I hadn't given much thought to the weight of it changing, depending on the stitch rather than the size. Something worth considering for sure. I'm having a "chasing up my girl's medication (again!!)" kind of day and no chance to wave yet.
Must have been hard saying goodbye. Glad to hear you have some comfort things going on. So great to make another tinier blanket. Yay to leftover wool! I'm excited to see what colours will be chosen for Little E.'s blanket.
Oh that crochet work is beautiful. Can't wait to see Little E's. A boy with an active imagination can go on great journeys with a colourful blanket!
Waving back at you and trying not to dribble too much :D
Those blankets are lovely - I really must try and give this crochet lark a bash, I keep seeing such lovely blankets wherever I blog hop to.
April will roll round quickly!!
So glad that he got back safely. I love your blanket and still envy you being able to crochet! I want to start knitting my next project, but decorating is getting in the way! Waving back t you today :)
Aww yes a full house is always a more fun one. I bet he enjoyed having a fully stocked fridge, heating and having his laundry done for him for a change.
fabulous blanket - I do find a big granny square compelling to make - the next row is always calling
I really wish i could get the hang of crocheting...your blankets look so cosy! how on earth did TTO get to be almost 20! xx
I remember those days of departures with such mixed emotions as vividly as if they happened yesterday. Still have trouble saying good-bye to Sarah and her family even when I know I'll be seeing them in just a few weeks. (Usually it's a few months, but she'll be in Rochester for her ordination in February.)
I guess that'll be me in a couple of years' time... It must feel hard to say goodbye and send him off to "far far away"... even though you know it's good for him and he enjoys his studies. I hope that, by the time my boy is ready for Uni, I will have become reconciled to (if not ready for) the "going away" part...
Crochet is certainly a relaxation - as long as you haven't bitten off more than you can chew, which is my current situation... need to find a video that taught me how to do the current "corner to corner" blanket; being me, I have adapted it and am now in a pickle... I hope the video will refresh my memory on the basics, so I can work out how to adapt it to my own alterations!!
Love the colourful blankets. I bet Little E will be so delighted to have his own blanket. What colours will you use?
He'll be home again in no time. My no1 son went on a school trip to nottingham uni today and he's not done his GCSE's yet. They get them ready early around here.
Now your blanket is fantastic. I love your colour combinations x
He'll be home again in no time. My no1 son went on a school trip to nottingham uni today and he's not done his GCSE's yet. They get them ready early around here.
Now your blanket is fantastic. I love your colour combinations x
There is always that juxtaposition between holding on and letting lad just took off to the USA. Again. With a 2 year working visa. And a new girlfriend to return to. You can imagine how I feel sitting in Oz!!!!! Anyways. They grow up. LOOOVE your crocheting. I'm sticking with the choccies from Chrissy as my comfort!!!;)
I'm truly in awe of your crochet xxx
Sounds like a very comforting weekend & such beautiful comfy blankets!
I can remember the being seen off and the seeing off too, and it doesn't seem so very long ago! Though in my day the flight was £5.25 :). Your comfort crocheting has lovely bright colours - you are a quick worker!
I have a son who is easy to be around too, glad you got to spend time over Christmas with yours and it must feel strange to think he will no longer be a teenager next time you see him. They grow too fast!!
I am so impressed by your crocheted blankets. I really must put that on my list to conquer this year, I have the wool, the hooks, no excuses!! Yours look so colourful and comforting, just what is needed these wet and windy days. Have a good week Sian.
What a beautiful blanket! Crocheting is such a comforting pastime. My stitches never look as even as yours do. I can't wait to see that "under the stars" blanket you are making little e.
I know what you mean about those little granny squares---so much tying off and starting a new color. I just started on some Christmas tree skirts for my girls for next Christmas. I was wanting to do a fun afghan, but couldn't decide on a pattern. You came to the rescue with your big granny square! It's beautiful! I'm going to give it a try for something different. Who knows, the girls might get a tree skirt AND a blanket!
What a beautiful blanket, I really must get my crochet back out from behind the sofa!
Regards folded books, I took "Library" into our library but asked the head librarian what he thought of altering books before I gave it to them - he was happy with the gift ;)
Your crocheting skills are more than I could dream of having. I love the colours! :)
Your blankets are amazing and they look so comfy! Oh and April will be here in no time ;)
Your blankets are gorgeous, I told myself I'd stay away from wool today but, after looking at your blanket, I'm not so sure I will! :)
The blanket looks gorgeous, so warm and cozy :)
Oh that looks so nice & cheery. Makes me think I should get out the hooks again but first I better finish what is on the needles.
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