Wednesday 14 January 2015

It's Back! Pile Of Postcards: Valentine Exchange

Well, would you believe it? It's January 14th already! That means we only have a month, so we'd better get our stamps on if we're going to organise a Pile Of Postcards Valentine Exchange. Would you be interested?

Pike Of Postcards Valentine Exchange

I do hope so. The original Pile Of Postcards Exchange last summer was a lot of fun so of course it wasn't long before I started thinking about a good time to do it all over again. Round about now feels good to me. How about sending a little extra love round the world this February?

Now, I know Valentine's Day can be a pretty inclusive affair, with lots of cards, in some places; but, round here, we have a tradition of sending only a single card, to our one true love. For that reason I'm not going to suggest we send traditional Valentine cards. How about, instead, a postcard with a picture of something you love? Your favourite view, perhaps, or a painting you like, or a special quote? You get the idea. I hope you'll join us!

We'll do it the same way we did it before. Everyone will get a list of six names and addresses to post to and in return will receive cards from each of six surprise senders. I'm making one change in that I'll add blog addresses (if you have one - absolutely not essential) to the list, to make it easier to keep in touch and say thank you.

So, timing, let's think: if I keep sign ups open for a week, that takes us to 21st January , then another week for me to sort and send the lists (though it probably won't take that long)...that'll give us a couple of weeks to pick out and post our cards before 14th February 

Sooo..if you'd like to join in, please email me at the link in my sidebar. If you know I already have your address and blog details, great, don't bother adding those; but if this is your first swap (and you are very welcome if it is!) please do make sure I have all your information. I'd appreciate a FB "like" or a "follow" here, so that I know who you are and how I can find you. This is an international swap, so do keep in mind that you'll have a mix of places to send to and be willing to adjust your posting schedule accordingly. We want as many cards as we can manage to land on or around Valentine's Day.  All cards must be posted by 12th February .If you joined in last summer I'll try to make sure you find some new names on your list this time round. Newcomers, please jump in! I'd love some new names for the list!

Any questions at all, please get in touch. For now, have a think about choosing six postcards to send. What do you love?


scrappyjacky said...

Great idea,Sian....and with the wintery weather it'll certainly brighten up the days for those of us in the northern hemisphere.
I'm in please.

helena said...

yeah I can use some art postcards

Sandra said...

Please count me in again Sian.

debs14 said...

Woohoo! I was hoping you'd do another one (although this time I don't think I'll use the hashtag #postcardsexchange for any instagram posting!)
I'd love to be included; you have my details!

Jennifer Shaw said...

Yay!! I'm in again. It is so much fun to get snail mail!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

A fantastic idea! I'm in!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Ladkyis said...

ME, ME!!! I was in horsepiddle last year and missed out completely so I am definitely in this time. You will receive my email although you have my address and stuff. Just making sure that's all cos I don't want to miss out again ... going to sort out six cards from my stash

Lou said...

sounds lovely and one day i will join in x

Cheri said...

I'm in! Just so happens I "found" a small pile of postcards while cleaning out my scraproom the other day - happy to send them on to new homes! :)

This West London Life said...

Me, me, me, please!

JO SOWERBY said...

Pick me pick me xxxxx
Jo xxx

Larry said...

Oh yes! Count me in please! I think you have all my details!

Melissa said...

I'm in this time - just emailed you! This will be FUN!

ally said...

I loved last years cards, they are still on the fridge. I would to join in again.

Lesley G said...

Email sent :)

Alison said...

Yes please! Xx

Lizzy Hill said...

I'm in! I sat on the sidelines last time ummming &!regretted it!!! Off to email now:)

alexa said...

Joining again :), please. And great to have a way of saying thank-you.

Abi said...

Oh Sian, you come up with the best ideas. I'm afraid I may have to sit out of this one. Funds and dissertation writing are putting rather a strain on my time over here! i will enjoy watching them flood in around blog land though! I so enjoyed joining in over the summer.

Beverly said...

Summer was too full but this is just what my winter days need :)

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Yes please. I'm in x. I think you have my details.

Susanne said...

Count me in again. This was so fun last time.

Mari Craig said...

Hello! I'm new here! Found your blog through a link in Jot magazine: loved your layouts and wanted to see more! :D

I'd love to take part in the exchange, will email you tomorrow!

Julie Kirk said...

Count me in again .... I've even bought my postcards! Thanks Sian x

Sheena said...

Count me in again :)

Ashley Calder said...

Thank you! Just signed up. Such great timing... just yesterday I was thinking I want to send some post cards out!! :)


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Still dithering!

furrypig said...

this was such fun last year I am so looking forward to joining in again.
Thank you xxx

Karen said...

I'm in. Thanks for organizing this. By February I'm always looking for some way to brighten things up!

Kirsty.A said...

Excellent. I missed the boat on this last summer. And I know I said I'm not blogging regularly this year but I'm still following when I can. I'll email you

Ginger said...

I would love to join in Sian! I saw this last summer and had missed the deadline, please add my name :) I will also email my information.

Jo said...

That sounds like a lovely idea, wish I had the time to join in :(

Missus Wookie said...

What a lovely idea - I'd love to join in! Just squeaked in on the 21st too....

Anonymous said...

Sian....forgot to pop over yesterday to ask you to include me....hope I'm still in time xxxx

Rachel Brett said...

This sounds fab! I can't believe I missed the deadline. How fun :)

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