...or resolutions, or whatever thoughts you may have about the beginning of the new year. My intention, most often, is to make no resolutions. Maybe it's because I see September as my start of the year? I love that open-a-fresh-exercise-book feel after the summer holidays. That's when I make my grand plans. And yet, and yet..
Christmas often brings me a craft book and with it a happy anticipation. I'll try something new. Last year it was crochet. I was determined I wouldn't let 2014 pass without learning at least a little. And I did it! I learned to crochet. And two and a half blankets later, I'm still going. But, oh, I did a bad thing on Sunday. I started another new project. You know I've been doing Granny Squares? I have over 200 now; but they're so little, fiddly, I feel like I'm always stopping and starting, and in front of the tv on a dark winter night I just want to keep hooking up and down rows. Fast. So, after dinner (leftovers), Sunday, I gathered up all the wool (also leftovers) from The (Not So) Small One's end of the bed blanket, and started turning them into one GIANT Granny Square. It can go on the sofa at the other side of her bedroom and then all those lovely colours will be spread right round the room. I've been making excellent progress during Mapp and Lucia and old Wallender stories.
I'll have to go back to the little squares at some point. And then my intention (oh, what! did I really say that?) is to learn popcorn stitch. There's a beautiful popcorn stitch blanket on the front of my crochet book and I'm itching to try it.
Okay, so that means, I guess, I do have a resolution. So, while we're at it, I'll own up to the others. They're right there on my page: learn to emboss, learn to stamp properly, learn to make good meringues. There's a pattern there. Let's see how I go with it.
This page was made for Get It Scrapped's new Page Prompts series. You can see what some of the other team members made of the prompts on the new blog post Page Prompts No 2
If you'd like to try making a page to fit, the prompts are:
- Mix B+W and color photos on your page.
- Render your journaling as a list.
- Use the color gold in at least three different places on your page.
- Use symmetry in your page’s design.
So that's it for 2014. I can't thank you enough for joining me this year. It's been a pleasure to have your company. And I'm looking forward to, hoping, that you'll continue to drop by in the New Year. I'm thinking of a Valentine Postcard Exchange, and a few other things besides. Happy 2015! I hope you have a good one!

I do like a really big granny square and good way to use the spare wool. Learning popcorn stitch will be on my list too. I love that your list includes both avoiding sugar and making meringue!
Sian....nothing I've ever seen of yours leads me to believe you can't stamp properly!!
I'd put crochet on my list...but I think I'm just too scared of it now!!
Wishing you and yours a Very Happy New Year.
I made a giant granny square baby blanket for my second niece using a rainbow of pastel colors. Good luck with the stamping! I've decided my goal this year is to finish the cross stitch project I started back in January but then neglected for crochet & Project Life.
Good luck with your list. Crochet was on mine too and I managed to crack it just before the year was out. Looking forward to expanding my skills next year, but thinking most of my crafty time will be spent on sewing. It's always a pleasure to visit and see what you are up to Sian. Thank you so much for being one of my most steadfast commenters. Your words are always appreciated. Happy New Year to you and yours x
Firstly I want to echo Fiona's thanks for being a wonderfully welcome 'steadfast commenter'! Thank you foe keeping me company throughout the year once again. xx
And - I would love nothing more than to throw my Big Shot, dies and embossing folders into the back of the car and nip round to show you the whys and wherefores! [Pick my brains any time!].
Wishing you a wonderful, creative, happy, story-filled 2015. xx
Oh Sian.....thank you, you, for all your beautiful posts and insightful comments and just, well, for being so you and so wonderful! [I was so hoping you'd be announcing that STS would be back.....but we'll all just have to settle for the postcard swap ;)]
There's a fine set of creative and other intentions, Sian! And oooh, yes to the Valentine Swap :). Love the delicacy of your page - those lemony yellows and greys set each other off beautifully. It is always such a delight to visit you here - thank-you for all the support this year too. Looking forward to 2015!
Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year, may 2015 bring you much happiness. I'd also like to thank you for all the amazing creative ideas you've had, you've been a great inspiration and friend xxx
i love this! best of the new year to you! i have so enjoyed getting to know you in 2014. you are a delight. and if you learn to stamp properly, please share in a post. i could stand to develop this skill as well.
I think your page is beautiful! You have some great plans for the upcoming new year. You did so well with your crochet this year and I hear you on the fiddly of the granny squares. Wait until you start putting them together. ;) I have a pattern for a blanket that is exactly what you are doing... just keep going on the granny square. One day because it sounds like fun. I love the idea of a valentine exchange. I love sending and receiving snail mail. Maybe we could send beautiful Valentine's Day cards or the carmakers could make some. Sounds like fun!
Oh you are going to have so much FUN learning new things in 2015! I do like the sound of a postcard exchange - I missed the last one with just too much going on then. Happy New Year to you - looking forward to a bloggy 2015 filled with stories, new & old!
Wishing you and your family a very happy 2015 and thank you for all your wonderful posts and the postcard swap AND the Christmas Club! Thank you also for commenting so regularly on my blog. Looking forward to what you have to share with us in 2015.
Good luck with your list - I'd reckon you'll reach those goals - they're DEFFO reachable!!!! LOOOVE this page...the writing on the edge.... The drawing the eyes to the middle... The big ampersand ....& those 2 diff age photos. Really lovely! I decided I wouldn't do so many challenges this year......but, heck, I've already done 2 for January & it's not even a day old. OOOPS......!!!!!
Like you, September has often been the time when I feel a need to start anew. Probably a result of 37 years of new school years! Nonetheless, the last few years, I've been much better in January than in September in thinking about intentions. I LOVE this scrapbook page. The photos are delightful; I love symmetry, and I love a good list. Happiest of New Years to you!
A lovely page...and I'm with you on the sugar front! thank YOU for visiting and commenting on my blog...like everyone else, I'm looking forward to seeing what creative ideas you come up with in 2015 xx
Happy New Year of crafting to you, Sian. It's always fun to tag along on your journey's and hear the tales you tell.
Popcorn crochet? Hmmm maybe I need to google that!
Thanks for a brilliant 2014 Sian, you've been inspirational and I love seeing your new projects, ideas for memes and you never fail to acknowlege everyone that joins in with things.
Here's to more fun in 2015!
I'm funny about resolutions too & tend to find a word to suit me instead x
Crochet is wonderful isn't particularly in the evenings, I made a number of animals as Xmas gifts & now have some orders!!
I love joining in with your challenges/swaps xxx
I actually said 'Ooh...' out loud at the mention of a Valentine Postcard Exchange :) Yes, please!
This year I intend to join in with more things that will encourage me to blog more. I too would love to be able to stamp properly - my Christmas cards were a woeful testament to my inability to stamp straight or solidly (if you know what I mean) If you are doing another postcard exchange I would love to join in please. Hope 2015 brings you all you would wish yourself.
Hope 2015 is going good for you. I came from Notes on paper and her my month in number.
I also re-took up crocheting. I'm trying to do slipper socks but I'm having trouble with the instruction.
If you have time stop in at my blog for cup of coffee
Oh, a craft-based 'resolution' list, sounds like fun to accomplish!
I usually make some resolutions, too, but I haven't gotten around to it yet this year.
Happy New Year Sian! I love your page:) and your resolutions. I too am in the process of making resolutions/goals for 2015. But first I am reviewing 2014:)
Hello, Sian! What an adorable scrapbook page with those lovely photos of you. I love it! I also love that you set creative goals for the new year. I did that in 2013 and left the list hanging in my craft room, crossing off things as the year progressed. You've inspired me to do the same for this year. All the best to you in the new year, my friend, and I look forward to seeing your list of crafting intentions coming to fruition. xo
I am a teacher and we are always trying to get our students to think of learning as a life-long process, which sums up your page and resolutions! Happy New Year - it sounds like it will be full of fun, creative projects.
Happy New Year to you all Sian. thanks for inspiring me throughout the year and for always making me smile with the comments you leave me. Here's to a popcorn stitch 2015 - now you've mastered crochet this stitch will be a walk in the park for you x x
What a lovely page! I can't wait to see what you have planned for 2015 :)
That is a great page. Good luck with your intentions :) Happy New Year x
Please be sure to share a photo of the finished granny blanket. I am sure you will master the popcorn stitch in no time. Knitting and crocheting are two things that elude me :/ I find your blog to always be such a warm and cozy spot to visit. Looking forward to 2015!
And a happy new year to you Sian! I love your page, and the two photos. What a lovely idea.
I also like the idea of naming a couple of things you want to try during the new year. I might write them in my morning pages, hold them in my head, but have not announced them as such. So I might just do that this year. I have a couple of things I want to do - more art journaling - regular walking (I've started 45 mins a day!) - and I have others too. Well done on the crochet! Such an achievement, I did start to learn but didn't keep it up to become proficient. It's something I would like to master, so perhaps I need to get out the hook and wool again. The big granny blanket sounds wonderful! I am sure it will be well loved.
A stunning layout and good luck with your goals.
I made a meringue roulade for our dessert - it was very easy and freely looked and tasted good - go for it!!!
Stunning layout and learning how to make good meringues depends on what you like - chewy or crisp?
The kids and I joined in an international valentines day card swap every year (made one for each person so we all had loads to open) and I loved it.
I'm liking the sound of that granny square from leftovers. My resolution has nothing to do with learning - instead it's to lose weight and get healthy. It's becoming obvious to me that it is a very important and needed decision.
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