Wednesday 1 October 2014

The World Needs More Letters !

Today I'm thinking back (or thinking again, no: actually thinking still) about that Pile Of Postcards Exchange. I know I said I was going to put the cards I received in an album, or a scrapbook, or file them away somewhere pretty: I just can't bear to do it yet! They're all out on display where I see them every day in our kitchen.

I have a couple of the cards I sent out too; and I look at those and imagine them arriving across the world. I had thought long and hard about what I wanted to send

cards from Arbee
Prize Pack from Arbee cards

It had to be local, so that meant something with a hint of the "Norn Irn" (as we tend to say round here when we mean our very own Northern Ireland), mixed with something High In The Sky-ish. Arbee Cards definitely fitted! 

"We love all things vintage, retro and quirky"

Rachel says on her website. So I bought a stack. And then Rachel and I got talking and I went back and pored over some of the other lovely cards and bits and pieces she makes; and she told me that she was a big fan of snail mail, and I told her about the Postcard Exchange and how I was hoping to do another one, and we decided to do a giveaway. 

cards from Arbee
Everything here is in the Prize Pack

The pictures you can see here are all part of the very generous prize pack Arbee Cards are offering today.

I enjoyed sending a little bit of my "Norn Irn" out into the world with the swap. For years, you know, honestly, most of us kept our heads down here when the world came calling. But times have changed, changed a great deal, and we're proud, now, to say - here we are! Come and visit us! We have lots for you to see, lots of interesting characters for you to find out about. And Rachel loves to shout about them on her cards too

cards from Arbee

She makes the most of wise words from our local heroes - from Van Morrison to the engineer Lord Kelvin to CS Lewis.

cards from Arbee

Did you know CS Lewis was born here? There's a little blue plaque I pass sometimes: it marks the spot, on a block of flats which stands where he arrived in the world. Come to tea and I could show you the door knocker everyone says was the inspiration for Aslan!

Over the past few years, as I've had the pleasure of meeting up with blogging friends personally, I've been able to show them little bits of my Northern Ireland. Next visitor, we're going to the Market to say hello to Rachel from Arbee and talk to her about the pleasures of proper post.

But first I'd like to thank her for her generosity today and invite everyone to join the draw for a big pack of her gorgeous stationery. I'd love everyone who took part in the swap to say hi today, and everyone who'd be interested in swapping again, and everyone who simply loves the sound of proper post dropping through the letter box. All you have to do is leave your name - like this: "I'm -  and I love snail mail"

The draw will be open for a week and I'll post the prize pack anywhere in the world. Good luck!

Arbee Cards can be found on their website here, Etsy Shop and Facebook and they have a stall at St. George's Market Belfast every Saturday morning.
Disclosure: Everything I received from Arbee is in the Prize Pack. I paid for all of my cards myself and I'm linking up with Rachel simply because I love her local products and her enthusiasm for proper post.


This West London Life said...

I'm Ruth and I love snail mail! I was only thinking that it's been over 3 years since Auntie and I came to visit and that perhaps it's time for another, possibly bringing The Boy Child along too. What do you say?

helena said...

Hello, I'm Helena and I LOVE snail mail and always feel sad when I see the postman walk past my house without stopping

KraftyKaren said...

I'm Karen and I love snail mail too!! I loved the postcard exchange and mine are still on the fridge door making me smile everytime I am in the kitchen. It actually inspired me for the first time in years to send postcards whilst we were away on holiday. It was nice to hear on our return how those little bits of cardboard with some writing scrawled on the back made people's days and gave them something to smile about x

Lesley G said...

I'm LesleyG and I LOVE snail mail ( my husband hides when there is no post as LesleyG becomes very grumpy!!!) I would love to join in with your next swap

Jane said...

I'm Jane and I love snail mail, I so enjoyed receiving my postcards this summer xx

scrappyjacky said...

I'm Jacky and I love snail mail....and all the postcards I received are still on my mail art board....and they'll probably stay there til the christmas cards start arriving!!

Kathleen said...

I am Kathleen and I love snail mail! When my daughter moved away with her first job one of our "fun" ways of staying connected is by sending each other beautiful and interesting cards. Now we add shopping for "said" stationary to our list of enjoyable things to do together. It's quite addictive.

furrypig said...

I am Furrypig and I love snail mail. Sadly I have had a fair amount in the form of sympathy cards recently but hoping my birthday brings some happy mail.

Abi said...

I'm Abi and I love snail mail. I would also love at some stage to meet you in person Sian! Another of my dear blog friends lives in Ireland so at some point I will make the grand tour over to you all.
Thank you again for the postcard exchange. It was such fun.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I'm Fiona and I love snail mail! I was just looking back over some posts from Blogtoberfest 2011, while preparing to take part again and came across a post about the 52 Weeks of Happy Mail. I think it's high time I did that again.

Jennifer Shaw said...

I'm Jennifer and I love snail mail! I loved being part of the postcard exchange and would love to be a part of another one if you should decide to do one again. The cards look amazing and thank you so much for a chance to win these lovelies. :)

debs14 said...

I'm Deb and I love snail mail! I really enjoyed the postcard swap and kept hoping there would be another one!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I'm DebTurtle and I love snail mail. (...had to add the turtle because our other Deb got here first!) This is a lovely post, Sian. xo

Larry said...

I'm Larry and I love snail mail! There is nothing gives me greater pleasure than opening an envelope to find a long newsy letter to read. I loved the post-card swap so count me in in any future swaps please xx

Ladkyis said...

I'm Ladkyis and I LOVE snail mail.
I am also teaching my granddaughter about the delight that arrives with a letter or card so that she can learn to love snail mail too

Carmen said...

I'm Carmen and I love Snail Mail :)

If I go quiet in blogland and you run the postcard thing again, give me a shout? It looked so much fun last time. :) Pretty please.

I love the look of Arbee Cards, especially that old fashioned text message :P

Nathalie said...

How generous of Rachel! I am Nathalie and of course I am a fan of snail mail! I am also hoping for another Postcard Exchange in the future!

alexa said...

I'm Alexa and I love snail mail! And so funny you should be mentioning CS Lewis - my soon-to-be 91 year old Dad is just reading a biography of Lewis, who spent his childhood not so far from where my Dad grew up, and he is enjoying all the references to places he knows in the capital of 'Norn Irn' (you made me smile here).

alexa said...

I'm Alexa and I love snail mail! And so funny you should be mentioning CS Lewis - my soon-to-be 91 year old Dad is just reading a biography of Lewis, who spent his childhood not so far from where my Dad grew up, and he is enjoying all the references to places he knows in the capital of 'Norn Irn' (you made me smile here).

Sandra said...

I'm Sandra and I love snail mail. I must admit I still have my postcards on the fridge, and they really make me smile

Elizabeth said...

I'm Elizabeth and I love snail mail. In fact, I get very disappointed if the postman passes me by. I love 'Norn Irn' too - I lived in Omagh for two years way back in the 70s and remember it still with great affection. And I love Van Morrison ... especially his Coney Island. So pleased to have discovered you lively and interesting blog. Elizabeth

Susanne said...

I'm Susanne and I love snail mail. I should send more of it. Soon.

ally said...

I'm ally and I love snail mail. My cards still decorate the fridge, I love snail mail letters arriving. Would love to do another swap

Lizzy Hill said...

I'm Lizzy & I love snail mail. There, I've said it...can i say more now?? Everyone else has!!! CS LEWIS was born in Norn Irn?? Love that shortening...TRULY??? He is one veeeeeery clever cookie. His books [religious] are incredibly deep and yet simple to read and access...bit like Norn Irn????? Anyways, thank YOU & ARBEE....taking your Norn Irn bag off for a jaunt to the grocers now:):) LONG LIVE SNAIL MAIL!!!!!!

Melissa said...

I'm Melissa and I love snail mail! :>)

Theresa said...

I'm going to pass on the chance of winning the prize, but I love this post, because I made a real effort to write proper letters and thinking of you cards this summer, and I think it produced a few smiles (and a few tears). Long live slow mail, and the postal workers who deliver it!! Thanks for the into to their Etsy site.

Missus Wookie said...

I'm Missus and I love snail mail. Have a stack of cards to make and send off this weekend - sent one yesterday. Like to send things to the uni students too.

Alexis said...

I'm Alexis and I love snail mail. Woukd love a bit of Norn Irn all the way here in the Philippines! :)

Unknown said...

I'm Jen and I love snail mail :-) Such a personal touch in an increasingly techy world. I love techy don't get me wrong, but the slow way is more thoughtful.

TenaciousLee said...

I'm Lisa, and I LOVE snail mail!!!! I love snail mail so much, I call my Fiance on my lunch break asking if I have any post!!!!! Obsessed, and love receiving lovely mail!!!!

Lou said...

I'm Louise and I'd very much like to be part of the next I'm hoping that it won't be too soon so the house will be straight again and i'll be able to pen to paper x

Maggie said...

Hi . I'm Maggie and I love snail mail. I get so excited when I get a personal letter. Rare these days!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm Maria and I love Snail Mail. Well, except for bills but that goes without saying.

Fab giveaway, thanks for the opportunity x

stephanie said...

I'm.Stephanie and.I love snail mail

ScrappingKatie said...

I'm Katie and I love snail mail! I was inspired by your card exchange to send some real mail this summer and would love to join in another postcard swap :)

Jo.C said...

I'm Joanne and I love snail mail/ Also apologies I haven't sent your quilt square yet. I'm hoping to get it sent this week x

Anonymous said...

I'm Julie and i love snail mail. I have my postcards slipped into Project Life pocket folders in readiness for pretty paper and embellishment. I thought this way I could keep both sides on view!
Thanks again for organising the swap.

Julie Kirk said...

I'm Julie and I love snail mail. I also love that the swap put you directly in touch with the maker! She must have loved your story! x

Anonymous said...

So sad I missed out on reading your blog while we were away. If you do another swap I'd love to participate.

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