It has been the most beautiful end of September morning here: warm, sunny, bright and clear. Like May with added crunch. So my trying on of my new winter jacket will have to be a quick one...
It was a party going, craft market visiting, toasted cheese sandwich making, Red Velvet cupcake baking, I'm-going-on-the-school-trip-to-Romania celebrating weekend. That would be The (Not So) Small One, who came home on Friday afternoon, so excited to tell us that she had made it through the selection process and had been offered a place for the journey in January. She'll be taking aid to orphanages there. It's a big, life changing, life affirming trip; and I'm sure I'll have more stories to tell about the fundraising and the preparations before the year is out.
The cupcakes were for a school bun rota. No, they didn't have bun rotas when I was at school either. But I think she's planning ahead already, selling cupcakes (or "buns" as we usually call them round here) is always a good money spinner. Maybe she's testing her market...
Were there any cupcakes in your weekend? Or buns, even? Hope you find time for cake of some kind this week! With a special wave to everyone who joined me on Monday last week - Deb, Ruth, Theresa, Fiona, Alison, Susanne and Ladkyis. Have a good one.

what an amazing opportunity and equally fabulous coat
Oh red velvet ... Yum.
That is really going to be an amazing trip, you must be so proud of her, and rightly so.
By the way ... Loving the jacket. I can't wait to take my winter clothes out
Hi Mrs Sheep ~ fabulous coat!
Proud of TNSSO and her embracing of new experiences.
That coat certainly looks snug!
Well done to the Small One and good luck in the fundraising. My DD is going to Nepal next November and trying to come up with fundraising ideas is hard to say the least!
Oh wow, what an amazing teddy bear coat! It looks so warm and snuggly. In fact it looks a little bit like our puppy ... ;-)
Great news for TNSSO - what an opportunity. I do love a red velvet cupcake, what a shame I don't live closer to help with fundraising by buying up a batch!
Oh, I love this photo. Makes me want to give you a hug. Maybe not until my germs are all gone though! Good luck to TNSSO with her fund raising. My trip like that, to India when I was 17, was a life changer for me.
I wish there had been red velvet cupcakes in my weekend, I'm settling for donuts right now, it's not so bad :)
Love the coat....definately still too hot for one here as well...yesterday was cut offs and sandals!
Cupcakes here this weekend were chocolate Baileys ones....delicious.
Well done to TNSSO....what a great opportunity.
Oh my gosh, Sian, what an adorable photo of you! I love it! :o) And congrats to your girl on her upcoming trip. I'll look forward to updates about it along the way. Have a great week.
What a fabulous looking coat---on quite the fabulous woman! Congrats to the Not-So-Small One---those adventures are talked about for the rest of your life. Both my kids had opportunities to do such things through our church.
Yes it is getting time that time to bring out the winter coats. Your jacket looks like it will be nice and warm. That is great news about the trip and the cupcake making looks like fun.
Hello Sian! We call them buns here too! How exciting for her and what an experience she is going to have. Just looking at you in that coat made me feel faint lol! Managed to join in this week. Happy Monday!
Congrats on her being chosen! Oh I remember the days of fundraising bake sales - more fondly because those days are behind me. The coat does look snuggly and quite warm! Good to see you today.
One day...when I have less DTs, go in less challenges...I will join you girls...I think the Monday posts are such a FUN idea. No cupcakes here. The DH has decided it's diet time. That or insulin injections, seems to be the choice...we'll see....& GOOD ON YOUR GIRL.... She is on the start of an amazing adventure. May her buns prosper. All year:):))
Love that coat!!! We didn't have cupcakes, we had pumpkin spice muffins with cream cheese icing.
My granny who was a prolific baker always called them buns but up until the trend of cupcakes they were always called fairy cakes here. I am sure her fundraising will be very successful.
Loving the coat but hope it will be some time before you get to wear it - I am loving these nice warm days without too much heat to drain me and then the cool nights with just that hint of an autumnal nip
Love the coat! Congratulations to The (Not So) Small One too. Her buns sound yummy - I'd be more than happy to be taster-in-chief if required for fund-raising!
Fabulous coat, you will look amazing if you have snow.
They are buns here too. Congrats to your daughter and I am sure she will have a trip to remember.
Have a good week.
Yummy - sounds like it was a FUN weekend around your place! No new coats here, but I did finally get around to getting a new swimsuit (in a smaller size) yesterday so I can enjoy the indoor pools on an upcoming trip! :>)
love the jacket, very snuggly. Didn't manage a Me on Monday this week, the internet universe was against me :-(, but the weekend was lovely and warm. Can't believe it's October now, but the trees are definitely telling me it's Autumn.
It's nice that you have that lovely coat to look forward to when the weather turns colder--and nicer still that you have some nice autumn weather before you have to do any more than model it!
Congrats to TNSSO on being selected for what sounds like it will be an amazing trip--and wishing you both well when it comes to fundraising.
The cake in my weekend: a generous slice of cheesecake--yummy!
There was triple chocolate cake and peanut butter cookies in my weekend one supplied by Morrissons for Ruby's birthday and one supplied by Pheebs who is obsessed with baking at the moment.
Oh the trip sounds so exciting ans, yes, life changing. Congratulations to TNSSO :)
Sounds like a great weekend, congratulations on the trip to TNSSO, selling buns to raise money is always a good idea. I'm all for anything that produces cake :)
Brill photo of you. There was nothing in my kitchen at the weekend. Literary. The only thing in my kitchen is a fridge freezer. Really! I can't wait to make cakes!
I know I'm really late commenting on this post, but I'm still catching up after being gone last week. First off, I LOVE your coat!! It's still way too warm here---in fact, we don't have many coat wearing days.
Secondly, I just had to relay a little story that your "toasted cheese" sandwich reminded me of. A few years ago, while in Scotland, I ordered a toasted cheese (we call them grilled cheese) with pickle. When it came, I said, "excuse me, I was supposed to get a pickle." The waitress said, "yes?" and looked at me like I was nuts. That's when I learned about Branson pickles! That was something completely new to me, but so good. I brought a few jars home. It's nothing at all like our pickles.
That is a really lovely photo of you :)
What a great opportunity for her. Now as for your new coat, I think I could do with it here this morning, or maybe it's just the change in temp from the Med & Barcelona. Looking forward to catching up with what you've been up to.
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