It was a comfort food eating (shepherd's pie, now that summer feels like it's disappearing), feature wall painting (pre-teen pink also disappearing), car fixing (so bank balance, yes, disappearing) kind of weekend.
With added height measuring (6'4" - still growing - how are you actually my mother? he said), lemon coconut cupcake baking, new term planning and - best of all- power of speech celebrating. To her great credit, Granny has been taking in very good part all the heavy leg pulling about the very welcome return of her conversational powers. She wasn't silenced for long, which is good; and she's always happy to offer an opinion, which is...interesting.
Yes, dear, that's a lovely blanket, but it's not actually crochet, is it? More like one handed knitting. Put the wool in your other hand and hold it properly....
She's back, then.
My photo today has me unpacking and deciding where to pin the little map banner I made for this month's copy of Scrap365. A couple of you have asked about the recent 365 news: and yes, it's true, after this month Scrap365 will be produced as a bi-monthly supplement to be included in Craft Stamper magazine. The first issues of the new format are planned and I'll be writing along as ever. The blog will be continuing to provide as much inspiration as we can pack in there; and of course you can follow DT members and their personal blogs too by following the links in the 365 sidebar. Scrap On 365ers!
..and have a great week

So glad to hear Granny G is back talking - and cannot believe the height of the Tall One!
I had to laugh at that"are you sure your my mother" comment. And I'm so glad to hear that your being offered constructive criticism lol. Sounds like she's on the mend. X
yeah for the return of talking - must be so frustrating when you want to comment and can't - how do you manage to crochet with the wool in the same hand?
So happy to hear that Granny's powers of conversation have returned!
So glad to hear granny's speech has returned....and that it's a double edged sword!!!
LOL...on t'other side of t'world....Shepherds Pie Friday night...left overs [don't s'pose you have them in your house with a 6'4"er to fill up!!!] Saturday night!'s a GOOD meal:) Glad Granny is back to issuing statements of import!!!
I'm looking forward to seeing the room makeover - hope that is going well. I laughed out loud at the tall one's comment about you being his mother and your mom "interesting" opinions! And what a FUN banner you've created.
So pleased that your Mum's voice is returned, along with helpful advice, comments and suggestions!
6' 4" - wow, that's a very tall son!
So pleased Granny is getting cheeky the way senior family members can always get away with!!
I also think you need to stop feeding that boy!!
So glad to hear that Granny has recovered her speech - must be so frustrating. 6ft4 - wow!
Glad to hear Granny is getting back to herself. And yes, you do need to hold the wool properly.
Told you those cwtches are magic - they'll never run out either. You will always have an armful.
The Tall One!!! Is he now The Tallest One?!!
I love a feature wall, I suspect not as much as TNSSO will.
Glad to hear about Granny :-)
I am so pleased that Granny has got her voice back. In two minds about Scrap 365 as not big on stamping but will give it a chance before I decide to stop my subscription.
I got a big chuckle from Granny's comments! Glad to see she's back in form!
Ah constructive criticism - Craigs Mum is great at it! She's lucky I love her :D
Love that flag banner!
Is it a case of be careful what you wish for?! Oh no to fixing the car. There are so much more exciting things to spend money on than car repairs!
Love the map bunting! Glad to hear your mother is getting better;)
The banner is really gorgeous! It sounds like a busy weekend and I love The Tall One's comment. Good to hear that Granny is making a recovery :) xx
Glad your Mum has found her voice. Hope you found a home for the map banner, it's very cute.
Happy to hear Granny is getting back to normal. Perhaps you should explain to the Tall One that you supplied lots of healthy genes and he's using 'em all ;)
good ole granny :) Had to smile at Missus Wookie comment on tto x
Delighted to read that your Mum is continuing to make such a great recovery. Her comments remind me of my own Mum's!
So glad your granny is doing better. 6'4"---now that's TALL!
Well, it's a catching up on Me on Monday posts kind of day here. Thank goodness for Inoreader so I don't miss anything, even if I am late. Glad Gran is doing well.
So good to hear that Granny is doing so much better and has recovered her power of speech. Sad to hear the news of Scrap 365.
Good to hear that Granny is on the mend and I laughed out loud at TTO's comment.
I also love the bunting, good to see it IRL (as it were) for a sense of scale.
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