Saturday, and I'm just about to phone Granny to ask if there is anything she'd like me to bring when we visit tomorrow. I expect she'll be wanting to see what I eventually chose to buy with her Amazon voucher. Lucky our post has just arrived, then, and I have in my hot little hands the Dorling Kindersley Crochet Complete Step By Step Guide
A satisfyingly chunky hardback - maybe a bit heavy for bedtime reading, but perhaps that's a good thing? It's too easy to slip sleep if it means time to conjure up a new colour scheme instead.
The raindrop pattern blanket of turquoise, yellow, pinks and grey, which I started in March, is finished and ready for the end of the bed when The (Not So) Small One's room is finally put back together again. I'm sure there'll be a photo at some point. But that means I have been looking about for a new project. Another blanket to keep me hooking into the autumn, something to huddle under as it grows. I thought about granny squares, or flower patches, but it's a quicker fix to keep crocheting row after row with no sewing together at the end; so, although I hovered over a ripple, I decided to go for a simple Granny Stripe. I'm using the Attic 24 tutorial in a selection of Cath Kidston inspired colours pulled from a palette by The Homemakery. If I hook a little more tonight I'll have enough to show Granny tomorrow.
It's a shame the other book I ordered hasn't arrived, though, because I know she'll be interested in it too. The other day I spotted a reference to an online class about Laura Ingalls Wilder: maybe you've seen it too? Seems like many, many scrapbookers are fans and several message boards have threads about it already, looking forward. All the details are here. It doesn't cost a penny and it doesn't start for another month. So there's plenty of time to sign up and grab a copy of the required reading Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer's Life by tutor Pamela Smith Hill.
I'll be going through my shelves here looking for my old paperbacks. The Long Winter was the first one I read. I was tucked up in bed, ill, under my candy striped flannel sheets, waiting for everyone to get back from the library, I remember, and suddenly into my lap fell a shiny green hardback and a whole new world. In my underheated 1970's bedroom, in my fevered nine year old state, I felt a certain solidarity with Laura as she wore her coat and muffler inside and waited for Spring to come. That book will always be a favourite. I've read them all; and I'm older now, and wiser, and I know that what she wrote wasn't always what happened and that memoir can be like that. That'll be something for the scrapbookers to think about. I'm looking forward to it. If you're a fan, check it out, let me know if you're in, we can talk pioneer girl talk together.
Happy Saturday!

What an interesting idea for a online course for you. I just gave away my boxed set of her books. I never read them as a child and couldn't get either of my kids interested in them. Will look forward to your post about it.
It sounds like fun. I am personally already overbooked for that time frame, so I'll be passing on it, but can't wait to hear how it goes for you!
I've read all those books too, many times!
couldn't resist, I've enrolled, think I've given all my books away though apart from The Long Winter.
I must admit to never having read the books.....but it sounds perfect for you,Sian.
love your palette for the next blanket. I love those books and couldn't bear putting them under literary inspection
oh i've seen that book here and there, you'll have to tell us what you think, i need a good general crochet book!
you should check out , she has some pretty awesome crochet blanket pattern!
Crocheting is on my list of things to (try) and learn!! Enjoy your visit xx
So glad you've started a new project to keep you hooking through the fall!
I'm in for the Laura Ingalls Wilder class - I have all the books & have read them numerous times. I have a biography of her life, but not the one needed for the class!
Blow ur crochet... I'm IN....signed up.......ummmed & aaahed over ur postcard idea --- but you'd KNOW this would get me. I read her bio YEARS ago & remembering being interested at the time...but how it didn't actually affect how I felt about her representation of her life stories... So this will be an interesting exercise.... Ever read Angela Carter & seen what she does to fairy tales??? Look her up!'s a story. My Hubby gave me a BRAND NEW BOXED SET of the series......which, when I was going thru the Divorce, ended up being sacrificed to the Auction House. Baggage I couldn't carry around. Not neccessary. Needed the cash to survive. Most of the Beatrix Potter & Bunnykins kids pressies went the same way. Makes you aware of what really is needed in life ... BUUUUUUT I always regretted giving up my books. Somive been collecting them. Slowly. From the op shop. As luck has it, I've all the ones for the course except the bio....phew:)
Enjoy crocheting as you read this tome. SORRY. Tad excited;)!!!!!!
I read all the The Little House books aloud to Sarah. I remember The Long Winter well. We read it in the winter, and I thought the season and the book overly long! I enjoyed the rest of them though. Like Cheri, I'm way overbooked, but I'll be interested in what others think of the class.
Join Bookcrossing and release those books to the wild.
register your books and then set them free so they can contact you and tell you of their adventures. I joined ten years ago on 21st August 2004 so I will be celebrating the anniversary by releasing a few books.
I have never managed to read the Little House books. I know I tried but they didn't grab me
The course sounds right up your street, Sian...I think I may have had to read one of the books for my teaching diploma, but it didn't really appeal very much...I can't actually remember why now?!
Alison xx
I'd never heard of her until the tv show and haven't read any of her books. The course does sound like it's right up your alley though. Lovely colours in the project - good luck with it.
Oh, I loved those books as a girl, although Anne of Green Gables was my very favourite. Loving seeing your crochet. I really must have anther go at hooking, once I've mastered these pesky zips!
I really want to master crochet and feel confident about it ... Now! Dare I check out those links lol
I've read all the books and had a look at the online course. I was tempted to sign up, but know that what with work and things going on at home I just wouldn't get the time to do it, which is a shame as I loved her books! I hope that you enjoy the course :)
I've read all Laura's books and still have them Sian. My very favourite was Little House in the Big Woods. I loved the series on tv as well in the 80's I think. I would curl up by the fire with my kiddies and watch it listening to the wind and rain outside. What memories! I would love to do the course Sian but I'm not sure if these old eyes are up to staring at the pc for long.. Let me know more please..
Dorling Kindersley books are so good aren't they? When my children were young, I used to often go to DK book parties and I never left empty handed. So good for all age groups (including crafty ladies!)
I used to watch the Little House on the Prairie but am ashamed to say I never read any of the books. Be sure to keep us informed how the course goes.
I best check out your links. Think you made the right choice, granny stripe all the way!
The Laura Ingalls Wilder course is very interesting--thanks for sharing. I've sent a note to my daughter inquiring whether she wants to sign up--it might be a fun mother/daughter activity. BTW, I found the instructor's required reading as a Kindle download on Amazon here in the states. I wonder if it's available in that format elsewhere.
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