Happy weekend everyone! It's been a busy week here. I'm going to be looking forward to spending sometime curled up on the sofa peering out at the rain and curled up with a book - but only after I've finished reading the new edition of Jot magazine. Issue Four is out now and, oh, it looks so good! You can read Jot here
This time round I'm revisiting my plan for some quick scrapping. It's what I call Twenty Twenty Scrapbooking: twenty minutes to plan and pick, twenty minutes to push forward and twenty minutes to prettify your page. I have a new sample up on the Jot Blog and you can see the three stages I went through to end up with this page
in an hour. Twenty Twenty Scrapbooking can be found here. And, then, if you like the idea, go on, see if you can carve out three times twenty minutes, make a page and link it up on the Jot Challenge page so the Jot girls can come and see. And if you are interested in submitting, you can check out the guidelines for Issue Five (coming in March) while you are there. Jot Magazine. It's good.

Actually I thought I was leaving my comment here, but if fact, I left it on the Jot Magazine site instead. I wondered why I needed to "sign in" to leave a comment. :-)
Hello! I just had a few spare minutes, while D. was resting and having a sneaky at the football. In a minute, we'll be back upstairs, spring-cleaning (!) the bedroom. The amount of dust still remaining after the builders is staggering...
So. I read several of your recent posts - and all the Jot ones too. Lovely, lovely stuff Sian!
The book pile looks fab - I now want to read about Uncle the elephant and dolls of the 60's and making dolls' clothes...
The scrap page about Funny Money was lovely and the Milly Molly Mandy one on the Jot posts was great - serious nostalgia; I had that edition of MMM. I loved those books too. I even created a model of the village and all the characters, using a cardboard sheet, colouring crayons and my plasticine!
Thanks for a great half-hour's read. It's been good to catch up with you a little. Back to work now!
It looks great, Sian, even after just 20 mins and I am all for scrapbooking a bit at a time - that's the only way I get to do any at all. Your article in Jot is full of helpful hints and great ideas - a very good read!
What a great challenge & I really like that woodgrain background paper on this layout.
A lovely page and amazing that you got it done in an hour! A fun idea this twenty twenty scrapping. :)
Your piece in Jot caught my eye, as you know, when I scrolled through my FB feed. Always lovely to you in print and how you see things. Excellent stuff!
A super article Sian and as it takes me much longer than 20 mins to do a layout I may just give this a go x gorgeous page too x
Yes, Jot is really a good thing and your piece has made me think! As a turtle speed scrapbooker, I might give your suggestion a try!
This is a great challenge Sian. I work best under pressure or when I am focused, so this is worth trying out. Off for a browse of JOT, and I love the page too.
I saw your article in Jot Sian and loved it. twenty twenty scrapbooking is such a great idea. I may have to try it with Project life!
Great article and lovely layout! I like breaking things into segments, my mind works better with chunks of time for pieces rather than just sitting down and hoping.
Love the detail of the journaling in the pocket!
Such a beautiful layout Sian! I love the idea of twenty twenty scrapbooking - sometimes I think it's good to try something new and push yourself so I really hope to join in! Looking forward to downloading Jot and having a good read with a cuppa :D Well done on the article! x
I just love this idea!! I hope it becomes a regular article with each edition! Thank you so much for this!
great article Sian x
I think I'm going to give this challenge a go as I spend so much time faffing normally!!
I'll let you know how I get on :)
What a brilliant idea, I am going to try twenty twenty this week as I keep putting off scrapping because I don't have a couple of spare hours. Thanks for the inspiration and what a gorgeous page.
That is a great page. I tried this type of scrapping yesterday but only allowed myself 10 minutes per section so I managed 2 layouts in an hour :)
I remember thinking what a great idea 20/20 scrapping was last time around, especially when I was using the kitchen table for crafty pursuits. Now I have a permanent space again it's even better. At the moment I am 20/20 sewing, trying to get my skirt made! Love the woodgrain and the little polaroid frame. Are you cutting them with your slice?
Great neg space,love the arrangement :)
I'm still paying catch up with PL, but I'm then certainly going to give your 20/20 a go.
The fact that you are able to do this means to me that you must be a very organized scrapper--you know where everything is, everything that's in your stash--and that you have a strong personal style (I seem to recall at least one post on that topic). All of that combines to make quick scrapping like this a success.
Definitely going to have a look at this. I'm several copies behind! I like the idea of your 20/20/20 - must have a go at that.
I tried at at our local crop and then finishing at home, brilliant! Twenty twenty is my new tool for 2014 thank you :) hope you like my page...
It looks great and to think you did it so quickly. I'll have to go back and read your article in JOT.
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