Um, yes, today it does look as if I've been thinking some dark thoughts, going back to black....
Actually, the opposite would be true. Last week we had some late January sunshine: you know, that lazy, low light, the kind that makes you realise you need to clean? So we've been cleaning. Freshening the place up for Spring, scrubbing paintwork, polishing light fittings. We have finally ordered the cream tiles for our kitchen splashback - they've been on the to do list for about seven years - and they'll be here next week. So, to keep the handyman of the house busy until then, I talked him into putting up our new clock (oversized, bargain from TK Maxx); and into thinking about hanging the houses print. It's by a local artist, of the kind of terraced streets we see all around us here. I got it at our Saturday Craft Market.
And, after the hard work is done, we've been scoffing our new favourite snack: Guinness flavoured crisps. These things are amazing. I'd say by St. Patrick's Day they'll have been declared a new national dish. Mmm, though...I say they're amazing, but the thing about Guinness crisps is that you open the bag, you marvel at their rich blackness, you eat one, and you think you've never tasted anything like it before. So you eat a few more. Then you feel slightly sick. If you are faint of heart, you give up at this point because you know you've had enough; but that just leaves more in the bag for the rest of us, those who are happy to push through the pain barrier and keep eating. I like Guinness crisps. I do. The rest of the family isn't quite so sure. But they are open to persuasion. Just one more bag, then.

haha with the Guinness crisps - not sure i could eat them either. Loving the clock...we have a huge oversized one in our's great!
not sure about the crisps but love the clock and houses print x
I'm not sure whether that's a layout, but it should be!! I'll have to see if we have those "crisps" (called "chips" here). If they taste like beer, I might not like them but I'm willing to give them a try!
Not too sure about the crisps. I saw them in the supermarket around Christmas time and added them to a hamper, but didn't keep any to try. I love your new clock and I'm smiling to myself at your drawing of the terraced houses. You'll see why in a couple of weeks ;o)
Hmm, Guiness crisps - might have to see if we can find them to give them a go! Love the clock and the prints and hope that you soon get your tiles put up!
You sound very busy over there and those crisps sound lovely!
Never heard of those crisps but very willing to try them out!
So pleased to hear that the DIY man has a nice project to keep him busy ;-)
We don't have that product here but I am the one who tends to keep eating things like that when I know I should stop. Love your new clock and print. Sounds like fun working on your house projects!
I have a question Sian..... do the crisps actually taste like Guinness??? I am not keen on the drink and my favourite crisps are plain/salted but I bet Hubby would like them if they were like Guinness! I do love the clock!
I think I'll pass on the Guinness crisps....but love the clock and houses print.
I don't care for Guiness, but I'd be willing to try the crisps. There aren't many crisps I don't like. Love the black clock (we have a similar one in red), and the house print is lovely!
Love the clock and the picture... What little treasures!
Clock is lovely, crisps... hmm not sure Wookie says the Marmite crisps are lovely tho' :)
Love the clock, the print and the tulips ... but those crisps? Not so sure ... unless they're a dieter's aversion therapy?
Beautiful photos Sian, and I am admiring your new colour and framed print. As for the crisps... pass the bag please!!
I've had to look at the calendar to make sure it's not April 1st, and resort to google to make sure I was reading correctly: I've never heard of Guinness crisps! Very stylish montage and I bet those cream tiles are going to be lovely. Will we get a sneak peek of the tiler in action? :).
Hmmm...this sounds interesting. I had to think for a second and realized that in the US these would be beer flavored potato chips. I haven't heard of anything like it here in the states, but I'd certainly be one who is willing to give them a try!
PS: LOVE the houses print!
We had Guinness peanuts over Christmas and in a house of 4 none of us liked them! I love your houses print and the collage is lovely. I saw the clock in TKMax and would have loved it on my wall but I still have the little pine (!) wall clock that my brother (who loves clocks) gave us for a wedding present 30 years ago! I can't let it go, how mad is that?
Guiness chips sound good. Lays potato chip brand is currently having a contest where people suggest new flavors. then they pick two to make. I think I might suggest this to them
Think I'll have to try Guiness crisps, but maybe wait a few weeks until I've lost a few more lbs!! Good luck with the house cleaning and tiling and clock hanging:)
I'm not sure about the crisps, but I'll have to try one just to be polite :) at Christmas we bought Pringles cinnamon flavoured crisps and well let's just say I don't think I'd buy them again, but like they say I couldn't stop until they were gone lol. The mint chocolate ones were without a doubt awful lol
Sounds like some great sprucing up going on at your house, too. I like the oversized clock & that houses print!
A story nicely told, with lovely pictures to support it. I enjoyed the bit about the Guinness chips--there used to be a commercial here in the U.S. for potato chips that "you can't eat just one"--it appears that would be true for the Guinness ones as well!
I love Guiness, and it's much better in Ireland than here . . . not a big surprise. I'd love to try those crisps. Maybe I can find some and send them to Henry at college; brings back memories of when we did the brewery tour.
I like your color themed photo collage and that print! I need to work on adding art to my walls so I am on the look out for interesting prints :)
I think we might still have a pack hiding in the back of the cupboard that we brought over from the UK in August - obviously stale now!! My husband will be hoping they are still on sale in June when we come back for a visit!
Somehow I don't think I could manage having even 1 Guiness crisp. :)
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