Friday 15 November 2013

The "Blog Cos You Want To" Club

"Want To" No. 1: Five Things


  • Some days I think I'll never come up with another story again. Other days I can't get the words down fast enough.
  • Some days I get unstuck when I try to do something technical. Other days I take a deep breath, start googling and work it out (and that's very satisfying).
  • Some days I have nothing to show you because I didn't get it finished, or I have to keep it quiet for a bit longer, or whatever I was making didn't turn out the way I wanted. Other days I discover a page just ready to go

Like this one which just came back from Scrap365 (a tongue in cheek look at my top housekeeping tip, for the "And Finally" column in the last issue)

  • Some days I go with short because there just isn't any more. Other days, I discover that quick and snappy can be very effective and gets lots of you talking
  • Some days my camera battery runs out, the light is bad and I can't find the tripod. Other days, I nod my head and say I'm glad I took a picture of that even if it's a bit on the blurry side.
  • Some days I wonder how some of my early readers are doing, what they're up to, how they are. Other days, I'm delighted to welcome a new face.
Is this starting to sound a little familiar? Maybe you feel like this too? It comes, it goes, it ebbs, it flows..I was talking to my good blogging friend Ruth the other day, about motivation in part; and she said maybe we needed a bloggers-in-a-rut group. I think she's right. Just for fun I'm going to try to pull together some occasional posts with easy ideas, and tell you why I think they work. So even if you don't like the suggestion. at the very least I'll get you talking about why not! That's the Blog Cos You Want To Club. What? You don't blog? Then go on, make it your mission to support someone who does! Pick a blog you usually read and comment on it, follow it, "like" it, pin from it and say know what they say: Use It Or Lose It!

So, an idea for today? If you are in a serious blogging bind I suggest the first place you start is with Julie Kirk's excellent series The Push Up Bra Approach to Blogging.There isn't one piece of advice I could give you that she hasn't covered. But if you want someone to throw out a quick idea and say - here, you'll get a post out of this one, read on..

Back in 2011 I ran a series of posts called Five Things.
- 5 Things I've Noticed
- 5 Holiday Observations
- 5 Things I've Learned about Blogging
- 5 Reasons to Love an Uncle
- 5 Reasons to Come Back here Tomorrow
- 5 Things I Need Explained This Week
- 5 Signs of Spring
- 5 Ingredients for my Perfect Weekend

You can see by the titles that my lists ranged far and wide. That's what makes it so much fun to do.
WHY WILL THIS WORK?  Because you can scribble down a list or a half anywhere and everywhere. Treat it like a shopping list and just scribble. Because you can come up with titles first and then fill in ideas when they come, or you can have a thought and create a list round it. Because it gives your readers a peep into one tiny little bit of your world. Because it intrigues. Because it chimes. Because it invites your readers to say Me too! 

Trust me. Try it with a few new fresh-out-of-the-box ideas.

- 5 Useful Things to Know About
- 5 Things to Think About at Midnight
- 5 Products I Love
- 5 Colours in my Home
- 5 Books I Have Read More than Once
- 5 Comfort Foods
- 5 Favourite Comments on my Blog

I haven't used these ones yet myself. Coming to a blog near you soon! The Blog Cos You Want To Club. Are you with me? More suggestions as they happen...


debs14 said...

Where do you get these brilliant ideas from? I almost sense a new monthly project to replace the Pick Your Precious evolving ;-)

This West London Life said...

Yet again you've nailed it!

Nathalie said...

I don't know where to start, the brilliant ideas in this post or your hilarious and so well made page! I used to do the 10 random things on the 10th with Shimelle and then she stopped... I have to go back and check your 5 things series and see where I go from there... Thanks again for being an inspiration!

Jennifer Shaw said...

A terrific post and so timely for me. I am questioning the blogging thing for many reasons lately. I just said to Susan this week that you have the blogging thing nailed. It is always interesting and you have the perfect knack of keeping your life private. I do enjoy blogging and I love that it gives me a bit of a journal of my everyday life. I'm looking forward to your new blogging posts and I love this page. Today I should be cleaning but maybe I'll just put some good scent into my house instead. ;)

Cheri said...

Totally loving all these suggestions Sian - I can definitely see a "5 books I've read more than once" post in my future! :) So many good ideas. I haven't been lacking for ideas lately as much as I've been lacking for the time to implement them.

Miriam said...

Totally need this Sian. I feel like I am staring at a blank page a lot lately when it comes to writing! She of the brilliant ideas, I salute you. x

Susanne said...

Great post Sian. Yes, all bloggers must re-examine what they are doing once in a while to keep motivated. You manage to keep things fresh here at High In The Sky - maybe altitude is the key? The other item you mentioned that caught my attention was wondering about bloggers/followers that were around when we first started. Over the past week I've been peeking back at early followers to reconnect to those that are still at it. I'd love to be able to figure out a way to connect to the lurkers out there that must be visiting my blog silently. Any ideas on that?

KraftyKaren said...

all ideas to get me blogging again will be gratefully received - I took part in Blogtoberfest and haven't blogged a thing since then. Yet I have a huge pile of crafty stuff that I am waiting to share - I just seem to have lost my focus a wee bit.

Like the idea of 5 things

Jane said...

life has got in the way of my blogging this year and I'm finding it hard so I look forward to seeing more suggestions from you.

Melissa said...

Oh yes, I've felt the blogging rut a little lately . . . but then I start a post and find I write and write, then put together another one to share a layout, then start another one just to realize it's time to make supper!

I keep a few draft posts with ideas so I can click on them for inspiration - I'm adding the list ideas now & think I'll try one out next week! I like the idea of the five favorite comments.

alexa said...

Lovely inspiring post and. I do love that page ...

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

LOVE your layout, Sian. And your suggestions for blog posts are really fun! I keep wondering when I will run out of ideas, but fortunately they keep coming. I may bust out a post or two using your suggestions though, just to stay up with the club. :o)

Have a lovely weekend!

Amy said...

Sometimes I have to shake my head at all the things we have in common ... this layout hits on yet another, scented candle burning in the background as we speak so I can imagine the house is clean while I read blogs!

Alison said...

Like Jane, I feel life has got in the way of blogging this last few months....all ideas are gratefully the subject of your layout, as well as the layout itself!,
Alison xx

Cate Brickell said...

Well, this early reader of your blog has been busy the last few months but is loving your proposal and layout! Look forward to seeing what evolves from this post and my ponderings

Denise said...

You have indeed nailed it yet again. I've been very remiss in posting and commenting lately and i really miss my friends. I always feel i shouldnt post if i have nothing to share but it shouldnt be like that should it ?? Great post Sian xxx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I love that page. Brilliant! I thought I had fallen out of love with blogging, but I think it's just a lack of energy left over for anything else, after the every day trials and tribulations of two children with special needs. rather than abandon my blog totally I challenged myself to post each Sunday this month.

Missus Wookie said...

I was given this advice by someone when I was first married. Didn't have to worry that - Wookie & I already knew our respective clutter preferences :)

scrappyjacky said...

Hmmm....some days the light is bad....seems like everyday the light is bad here right now.
I think I should take one of your great ideas and try blogging without the need for a photo.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

I´m glad to say that I don´t have any totally dry spells any more. I´m blogging 1 to 7 days a week. How´s that for precise? ;) It really depends on the projects I´m working on. I love series!

Ladkyis said...

I had a fallow time recently, couldn't summon up the energy to write much about anything and I think it was because I was slowly becoming ill as an infection took hold secretly in the eczema on my leg. being taken to hospital and pumped full of antibiotics has made me feel much better and suddenly I have a whole host of wordiness tumbling about in my head! You have given me some ideas too

Barbara Eads said...

I'm "with" you!!! I've copied and pasted some of your "5 ideas" to a list that I"ll use some time. Thanks for the incentive!

Barbara Eads said...

PS I forgot to mention that I love your layout too---especially the subject matter! You're right---that a clean smell can fool you in to thinking the house is actually clean!

Lisa-Jane said...

Great ideas as always. You always get me thinking and pondering and I love that you about you!

Sandie said...

I love your layout and as always, a great post and very inspirational. I've been in a rut with my blog lately. So many ideas and things I could blog about but no time. Or rather, I procrastinate and spend too much time on Facebook or commenting on blog posts rather than writing! I'm with you and hoping to get back on track. At least I have started a monthly post like I planned for a long time. I just need to get a balance back. It's good to know so many others feel stuck or tired too.

Julie Kirk said...

What I like about your whole philosophy here is that it shows how the blog itself isn't the main 'thing' about blogging. It's the fun you have with it, the stories you share, the ideas you raise.

I think some people think they have to keep blogging to satisfy 'the blog' .... rather than just enjoying having a space to express themselves.

Your prompts here are the kind of thing I'd have found fun to do when I was a teenager ... in a *notebook*. Just for fun! 'cos I wanted to!

The blog's just the latest 'how' to do that kind of thing.

And many thanks for mentioning my Push-Up Bra series! xx

Sinead said...

Sian, this is SUCH a brilliant idea and I found myself nodding in agreement as I read down through your list! I find it difficult to fit blogging in, as well as having something to say, so I'll definitely be following along with these posts. Thank you for the inspiration as always! :D x

Jo said...

I Am definitely with you! I love this idea and had already planned to get more structure to my blog in the New Year! :)

Karen said...

My blog posts do ebb and flow, but more because of time than anything else. Sometimes, though, I really do need a bit of inspiration and these lists have been copied and filed away with your excellent list of things to write about that is already residing on my desktop! I just love the idea of five things---AND I love this layout. I think what I love best about it is how the journaling travels across the six cards. Just so creative!

Sheena said...

I'm certainly with you :)
As you know I've struggled to stay motivated but with a little help from a friend ;) I've looked at blogging with new eyes this year xxx
love the 5 things idea...

Beverly said...

Oh so much where I am, for a bit it was because what was going on in life was overwhelming and demanded my focus but now I am just so tired. I am thinking through my upcoming posts and getting excited and think you will be seeing your inspiration in a few. Thanks, Sian!

Suzy said...

Im just catching up with my blog commenting as my phone which I use the most has decided not to let me comment on any blogs so Ive had to fire up the ancient computer to join in.

Ive hit a bit of a blogging slump again after being so enthused by Julies fab series so I will be watching carefully and joining in where I can

Jimjams said...

Fab post - I did a few 5 things posts in the early day - I think I ought to re-read my BFS prompts and revitalise my blogging for 2014 - it's felt like a bit of a chore recently. I definitely need to mix it up.

Fab page - I have been guilty of spraying Pledge on the radiators before now ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great post Sian and I needed it! Just can't seem to get with it lately. Think I'll think of a 5 Things post to get me moving again.
Great looking layout!

Carmen said...

Well. One thing I hate about falling behind with my reading is that I miss posts like this :)

I'm in such a rut at the moment - not just with my blog but in general - little Mister is teething and so inbetween cuddles and whatnot - my days just seem to disappear. I miss my blog so much but sometimes feel it is slipping away from me. I'm going to adopt your 5 things idea. I am!

Carmen said...

P.s I love that page - it may be tongue in cheek but it's SO true!

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