Another day, another list, maybe? Lists are definitely the way to go when you feel like writing something fast. Round here, nobody has been feeling up to doing a lot the past couple of days; but November is rushing past and I wanted to stop for a minute and record what we've been up to. So I did it quickly, like this:
What's Hot
- For The Tall One: a first offer of a university place to study Law for next year. He still has to get the grades, but now he knows what he is working towards.
- For The (Not So) Small One: making a Ranger Guide promise and looking forward to Monday nights and putting on that blue sweatshirt. She went to the party dressed as a "Time Travelling Guide" in my old shirt and hat.
- First arrivals of Amazon boxes with Christmas shopping inside. I think I'm more organised than I was last year.
- An inviting stack of gift guides stacked up on the coffee table. I collect them all and wait to see if anyone circles the things of interest. She always does.
- Vari-focal contact lenses. Genius.
- Ready chopped frozen peppers from Sainsburys. Also genius.
and russet apples from the Saturday Farmers market. I haven't tasted one in years.
What's Not
- Exams before Christmas.
- A crown coming unglued. But a trip to the dentist always brings out some old stories. They went to school together.
- Lightbulbs. They don't last as long as they used to
and the gastric virus which has us all struggling this week. Hope to be back to full blogging strength soon. Sunday, maybe?
If you are gathering with friends and family for Thanksgiving - have a good one!

hope you are all feeling back to normal soon. I love the taste of russet apples but have to brace myself for the rough texture on my lips (I'm the same with peaches). I love the idea of time traveller guide for a costume
Oh no not the Bug with you too? it's spreading so quickly.
Great news for TTO! Sorry to hear you've all been struck with the lurgy, it seems to be going the rounds.
GWS ♥♥♥
Well done on being so organised with shopping
Congrats to TTO on getting a good offer and also to TNSSO for progressing with a great organisation!
Love this idea for a list. Hope you all feel better soon. Am intrigued by vari focal lenses having recently stated wearing the glasses fformat.
Sorry you've all been unwell...hope you're back to full strength soon.
I seem to be seriously behind with christmas shopping this year...I'm usually far more organised.
Lightbulbs!!!! Aren't these new types meant to last about 10 times longer than the old ones??
I'm good at making lists, but then I just put them aside and forget about them. It's almost like writing a letter to someone who hurt you and then not mailing it.
Lovely list! So easy to read a list isn't it? Good lucj to the tall one for uni, and the small one for Rangers. Hope you all feel better soon:)
Good to see there is more Hot than Not. Get better soon
Congrats to the Tall One!!! Is it in Scotland? Will he hear from other Universities or just the one?
Henry won't heart anything until the end of December.
What a great early Christmas present for your "Tall One." Congrats to him and your "Not so Small One" on her commitment!!
Nothing worse than a little gastric "stuff" during the holidays! Hope you are over it soon.
A fun list to read. Hope everyone is feeling well very soon. The bugs are flying around here too. Mostly stomach this year.
I'm so with you on the lightbulb front! I'm always replacing them and not only that, but since they banned the old type of bulb, I'm never sure that I've bought the right size/wattage/fitting.
Yuk to the gastic malarky, horrid germs but good to get it over with long before the Christmas festivities.
I had so many plans for this evening, but I am feeling a tiny bit exhausted so lying in the chair watching tv and surfing instead. Hope you are all feeling up to full plan and do mode next week. It does feel good to have some presents in the house doesn't it.
funny i was thinking of you today while i was searching frantically for my shopping list....thought i'd found it in my coat pocket - but it was last weeks list.
Hope you all feel better soon and good news of the uni offer xx
Bleurgh! Get well soon! My parcels are piling up here and I love collecting gift guides too, for me it signals the start of the festive season. Management disagrees, Christmas Eve signals the start for him.
Busy, busy:) Congrats to the boy. Thought I read clown came unstuck and thought you had taken up childrens entertaining:)))) Christmas mean:( Lovely seasonal photo...I like:)
Varifocal contact lenses?! off to find out more!...hope you are all feeling better!
Alison xx
I can't imagine a life without lists!! I've had varifocal lenses for almost a year now & am still amazed at how good they are!! Trouble is they're so good I keep them in far longer than recommended!! Sorry you've all had 'The Bug' & hope you're all over it very soon...better to get it now (if you have to) than over Christmas!! Chopped frozen peppers AND ready chopped frozen onions! Lifesavers!! ;D
I like the 'hot' list but not the 'not' list, hope you're all feeling better soon x
Sorry to hear about the lurgi - that sounds horrid :(. Hoping you're all better soon ... Many congrats to the TTO and TNOSSO too. Lightbulbs not lasting? Don't get me started! :)
Hope you are all feeling better soon! I need to place an Amazon order tomorrow & pick up a few other gifts this week so I can stay organized!
Gastric viruses are simply revolting, I hope you are all feeling a lot better very soon.
How are the vari focals going? I used them once before but didn't like them and changed back again.
All sorts of interesting news today - congratulations to TTO and TNSSO and hip, hip hooray for online shopping!
Oh I do empathise with bugs that knock everyone sideways - hope that you are all feeling better soon. And that no one goes down for a second time...
Congrats to TTO on the offer - knowing what you are working towards is always a good thing. I loved being a Ranger - hope the (NS)SO enjoys the experience.
Envious of the being organized for Christmas - we've not even agreed a budget this year, although I have bought a couple of bits...
Oh and russets - we've been loving them in our fruit & veggie box. It's the best reason for such a thing - trying things you just don't see in the shops. :yum:
So sorry to hear about the virus and the crown. Neither is any fun at all. Congrats to The Tall One. It's always such a relief to have that first acceptance show up!
Congratulations to both kids! How cool to get to wear your shirt! Please tell me you got photos! ;)
Hope you all feel better now.
"Boo!" to the virus and "Yay!" to the university offer. I love russets too with a nice bit of cheese. I've been to the optician today and she rather tactfully pointed out that I may well need to wear reading glasses soon!
Hope you are feeling better now! Such great news about law school! I'm looking forward to this week's start of gift deliveries. I need to think of a gift for our UPS driver who we see so much of this time of year.
Hope you are all starting to feel better. I'm so far advanced with my Christmas shopping that I can't quite believe I've done it all!
Hope you and your family are already on the mend... Would love to be organized for Christmas and have boxes already coming in but with two birthdays towards the end of November to take care of, I am never able to worry about Christmas until now...
Varifocal contacts?? Hmmm maybe I can go back to not wearing glasses. Definitely going to check that out. Congrats to The Tall One. Hope the bug didn't stay around long and you are all back to normal.
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