The discussion is still going! Thursday's post prompted lots of you to dive in with your own thoughts and they make for fascinating reading. With the thoughts came some emails asking about my creative process: if I'm not looking at Pinterest, what am I doing? goes a bit like this..
One: Idly make a page one Saturday afternoon - playing about with scraps, strips, stick on alphas and thinking about the words. Make a mental note that I like the idea of a page with a big quotation on it and want to take the idea further.
Two: Later that week I'm asked to think about a layout for Scrap365's "And Finally" feature. It usually features something a little quirky so I suggest a page with a focal point quote and start jotting down some ideas.
Three: Distracted by entirely different layout idea. I sketch it out in my notebook together with a couple of alternatives and some notes. Realise this might work for a possible-in-the-planning-stage blog series, tentatively called "Sian's Stuff" which has grown out of emails asking me for tips. Further distracted by brainstorming "Sian's Stuff" while keeping an eye on the dinner. Underline one idea, turn the page in my notebook and write some more. It would make a nice workshop, or another blog series..
Five: Notice photo of Little E in stripey hat and remember I promised I'd knit him another one. Months ago. Stop scrapbooking, start knitting.The (Not So) Small One notices knitting and asks to join in - start her off on sparkly, silver skinny scarf with bargain wool we bought on a whim in the Pound Shop. Make mental note to think of funny blog post about visit to Pound Shop. Promptly forget again.
Seven: Remember that Storytelling Sunday is coming up next week and I need to get thinking about that. Don't forget!
Next Sunday! If you are looking for a theme - how about Too Cool for School. Which could be the best day you ever had - or the day you left! It's just a suggestion. I know lots of you already have a plan. And remember - a photo can tell your story for you if you feel light on words this time round. Everyone welcome. especially Freshers! See you there...
..and that's how it goes. Bit of this, bit of that. And today? I'm off to visit my Mum. Who knows what ideas I might find while I'm there

Lots of creative processes being woven or knitted together - and your photo of the silver wool is a wonderfully sharp illustration. Hope you have a lovely time with your Mum.
I'm glad it's not just me who gets constantly side tracked into doing something wonder I have so many unfinished projects!!!
My creative process is a bit like yours, only I'm always forgetting what popped into my head, before I've committed it to paper! I had a great idea for Storytelling Sunday while we were away and now I've completely forgotten what it was! Ah well, something else will come to me in the meantime....I hope!
Distraction or procrastination, never sure in my case! But I love your distractions, especially when stories about Little E or The (Not so) Small One are involved.
Your Thursday post was so thought provoking. I have written about it on my blog today. Irene x
Sometimes distraction from the task at hand can result in a better project or page - well, it has happened from time to time here!
I have a story lined up, just written out, by hand, a rough draft. Not on theme however, it's a story I had forgotten but recent events sparked the memory.
Happy visiting with your Mum, I see mine in a couple of weeks!
Oh - you are another one with a 'butterfly mind' like me - always getting distracted and side tracked. The housework takes twice as long as necessary because of all the magazines and books and other stuff that I find on my way and have to read or do something with.
Butterfly Brain - nice to have lots of creative projects on the go!
I love your thought hop much like mine at times.
Yep that thought process seems really familiar - ooh! ooh! I have a school story! And a title. I have written them in my storytelling Sunday list. Now to catch up on mundane stuff like making 3D foxgloves to go on a quilt and chicken herding...
Oh my I see there is hope for being distracted - you do get things done. Think I need to keep something handy to write ideas down when they strike.
Ooh, so simular us two:) Im currently knitting, scrapping and thinking about trying some patchwork. Ever thinking about the next project:)
LOL Sian! This reminds me of the book series, "If you give a mouse a cookie . . ."
Just put the finishing touches on my story for next Sunday!
My brain works the same way. That's why I walk around all day with a small notebook, but I don't always understand my notes later when I go back to them because I didn't want to take the time to write in whole sentences.
LOL! This really is a creative brain in progress isn't it?!
I can totally relate to starting a train of thought that ends up going in many different directions. I think I may have a little ADD! Luckily, I'm a list person, so I have something to remind me to focus.
I loved reading this. Made me think, if I had to document my creative process, would it make me more aware of what I'm doing and how I'm spending my time? I should give it a try.
Interesting to read your creative process:) Love the expression 'butterfly brain'. Mine is usually too full of cotton wool to have any butterflies in there!
Great to see your brain progression! Mine is just as much a butterfly but I am so glad that we are able to get everything done that we want to do :-)
I reckon if I wrote down my thought processes they would definately count as 'Butterfly Brain'!
Alison xx
What fun to wander along with your wandering creative process. I'm percolating an idea for Too Cool for School.
I love this post, Sian. You sound a bit like me with moving from creative project to another. :o)
I'm catching up today and just popped over from Google Reader and I see that you have a new look to your blog. I love it! Well done, friend! xo
Butterfly Brain is definitely something you should patent as a more glamorous or sophisticated version of Baby Brain/Mummy Memory!
I am still mulling over your 'thinking out loud post' gosh what a lot of things and emotions have gone by! I don't even know where to start with posting again! Hopefully SS will spark me off again. Great Stuff Sian.
Loved reading about your creative process!! So glad I'm not alone in having a flash of inspiration & promptly forgetting it...thankfully it usually resurfaces!! I always have knitting/sewing/scrapping projects running simultaneously (& recently home improvement DIY too!) but only one of each at a time!...I'm already formulating my story for Sunday! :D
Phew! That was an exhausting read! :-)
I think I may have to go back a few posts to see what I have been missing ... Don't read anything for about a week and a half and I am suddenly wayyyyyyyyy behind. I used to have a notebook that went with me everywhere, I wonder when I stopped carrying it around. Now I spend more time forgetting the things I think of then actually doing anything with them!
Oh how I wish I wrote things down!
I made a Lo years ago called Too Cool For School! I wonder if I could use that for Sunday, off to have a rummage. I love the hat , scarf & the lovely little 'cotton reels' in your photos Sian.
Definitely recognize the butterfly thought/creative process. I write things down in two ways - brain dumps as suggested by Dave Allen keep me sane and then in various notebooks in Evernote. But I have learned to write in full sentences :lol: or I just delete them later.
Another fab post, Sian. (I'm reading them backwards.) It points out the creative advantages of keeping a notebook close by!
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