random is good. I like random. I like throwing out a few thoughts and seeing how you head them back to me. But how about, every so often, we narrow it down? Choose a topic for our thinking out loud and go for it? What we think, a few favourite tips maybe, a good link or two? Shall I start?
...with being yourself in your scrapbooking
- A thought brought to me by what I'm starting to realise is the peril of Pinterest. I've always been a fan. But here's the thing - too much looking at Pinterest stops me from being me. I see all the beautiful pages, I look at all the layout ideas I want to try, different styles I admire: I want to make all of them! Where does the inspiration stop and the "me" begin? I can't be the only one who feels like this? Blogs, books, magazines, classes - I love them all; but lately I've been trying to concentrate on simple shuffling of paper and seeing where it takes me. And yet, and yet...maybe being yourself means accepting that you'll be open to outside influences, learning, changing, experimenting? Using those influences to the good, to help you decide what you love?
- that's starting to sound like finding a voice in your scrapbooking. Making pages about the real you. Someone once observed to me that a lot of my pages were about things. It's partly true. The layouts I show on here are often about things. Or at least have a photo of an object rather than a person. Some of the ones about people are tucked away in my albums. They won't appear here. Surely I'm not the only one who does that, too? The privacy of my family and friends is important to me. I don't share everything we do. But I do try to make the pages all the same. Simply making the ones which appear here? Now that wouldn't be the real scrapbooking me. Oh, but..and yet, and yet..many of the blogs I'm drawn too are open and honest and full of real life...so much to think about...
Or maybe we should just get back to scrapbooking? What do you think? How do you achieve the real you on your pages?
Sian I Am, which seems to fit today, originally appeared in the February 2012 issue of Scrap365 magazine Check out the blog here - or how about joining in the sketch challenge at Sketchbook365 here?

Interesting, I often think I overshare on my blog and that there are bloggers that despair of this in me, but that feels real to me. I love blogs like yours, although I know we don't see the whole picture, I don't also feel I want to either, I mean I don't feel you are hiding anything or teasing us with anything and it's quite rightly your level of privacy.
I feel right with my blog though even though I would love it to be more planned and 'professional'. I love blogs that do share more of their life as well, they are powerful for me in my situation and make me feel less alone.
I guess that is why t'internet is great you can draw from many different sources of inspiration. How do I know whether it is my voice?
I look at the layout I am making and if it is putting something in it or on it just for a challenge and it doesn't feel like me, I try and find another way or leave it out. That gives it more of a challenge and I am happy-ish with my layouts. Crikey, I have more to say about that, maybe it will make itself in to a blog post of it's own :)
I love this topic and have some strong views on the subject. Of course, they are my views and not everyone is going to agree with them, as this is of course, a hobby and open to individual interpretation.
I personally think that the whole point of scrapbooking is having the opportunity to tell a genuine story or reflect on a genuine moment. I have many pages I make which will never see the light of day on my blog or in any other public forum, but I do make a conscious effort to share layouts that are true reflections of me - there'd be no point in making them otherwise.
Something that fascinates me is the connection between finding your story to tell and reaching a deadline, say for a publication - which is something in which I know you have some experience. I am assuming that fact considerably influences how you scrap?
I really don't feel as though I have come across as I want to in my previous comment - it is too big a topic for one small comment I think!
But, bloggers and scrappers who have their own voice and convey it coherently are the ones I am drawn to .. and yes, too much inspiration is a problem; I know it draws me in a confuses what I want to say - quite often.
A very thoughtful post, Sian, that sends lots of other thoughts spinning ... I never feel you are not authentic, if you get my double negative, and feel that you do have a voice which is clearly your own. I guess how much we share might be to do with the purpose of our blog, and that might change over time or circumstance (as it might if we have links or obligations to a scrapping team or publication). Not sharing everything is not to be withholding or inauthentic in my book: simply thoughtful and considered!
I think I've said before that I don't like too much Pinterest/Blog/Internet inspiration as it does get overwhelming and intimidating to (my) personal creativity. There is so much out there to inspire, but inspiration needs to be acted upon, not just admired!
I think how much someone shares on their blog depends on what they want to use the blog for ... a diary, a showcase for their creativity, a promotion for their shop, a way of connecting with friends/family ... perhaps a combination of these things.
Whenever I blog, share a scrapbook page or a photo I am aware of who might see it - or should that be unaware as I know who comments, but not who reads?! Consequently my readers get part of me - and I assume that's what I get from blogs I read. I'm happy with that :D
When I first started blogging I didn't really share any of my life....just creative stuff...and not the very personal creative stuff. I do share more now....but wouldn't feel at ease sharing too much.
But like you....a couple of my favourite blogs are very full of real life....but as I read them I'm sometimes thinking "I'd never put that out in cyberspace"...everyone needs to just share as much of themselves as they feel happy sharing I think.
I certainly feel I have got to know you through your blog....and love the style of pages you produce...I love the inspiration of other people's pages....and am certainly open to being influenced....but the pages still need to feel like'me'[if any of that makes sense at all!!.
I think you know that I wonder sometimes if I share to much on my blog but when I reign it in... it doesn't feel like my blog anymore. Sure there are some of my sketchbook/journal pages I haven't shared... which is about as close as I get to scrapbooking at the moment and that's because they are a bit to personal or like in my baby one it involves names we are thinking about so I'll probably share after bubba has been born.
I like both sorts of blogs... I think Jenni up there has pretty much said how I feel too and her comment has me wanting to go check out her blog ;)
As for inspiration overload - oh my word I feel you there. As someone not totally confident in their own work anyway - it's sopmetimes the worst thing I can do when I sit perusing Pinterest or just go on a blog trawl etc. But sometimes it sparks something too. Like recently I discovered a watercolour painters blog and she had been dabbling in a mixed media technique to gain texture (otherwise she appears to be a very traditional painter who sometimes experiments out loud *g*) and it was gorgeous what she came up with and I said to her that what she had done I could see myself using... maybe not in a painting of a meadow like she had but in zombies and things... and it just made me smile that this really traditional blog could set me off thinking like that. So I think it's swings and roundabouts. Sometimes it helps, other times itdrags me down into this "woe is me, I'll never find my voice, never be good enough" kind of mood which is when I have to step back and leave well alone for a while ;)
It's a complicated one!
Personally I think you have a very stand out style that just shouts "SIAN!" I don't think you have to worry about having someone else's voice ;)
Lots to think about here and a few things I consider fairly often. I don't share much personal stuff on a day to day basis. I tend not to mention my children, because I don't want to use their names and don't have a good blog nickname for either of them. To me it seems rather formal to keep referring to them as 'my son/daughter/children' so I end up not really mentioning them at all!
I have only spoken once about my son's Aspergers and actually had a lovely response from most people and a couple of comments which brought a tear to my eye. The only other really personal post I can think of was the elegy for my cousin and I thought long and hard before hitting publish that day. Again I had a heart warming response which I was really touched by.
This comment is turning into a bit of an epic, I think I had better blog on the subject instead! Thankyou for a thought provoking post today.
Oh, good! You've all got lots to say
Amy -Ah, yes, there is kind of a distinction there between sharing pages which are a reflection of you and ALL the pages which are a reflection of you. I think what I mean, or wanted to mean, was that although the pages I share are a reflection of me – they aren’t the whole me.
Deadlines? well, the magazine works so far ahead that I usually have very fair warning of what I have to do and when it has to be in by. Every single page I make is the result of much mulling – I never rush in and I have a real back burner kind of approach. Very nearly all pages have been carried round in my head for at least a few days, often much longer, before I commit them to paper. So I get a commission, hold it in my head for a couple of weeks, making notes, letting it brew and then I’ll sit down one day and pull it all together. I think a lot of my creative process is sub conscious – I’ll be making one page and just at the end the idea I need for one of my backburners will suddenly pop into my head. I don’t get a commission and the hurry to send it in quickly – I’m content to let it come together in my head first, even if that means not going with my first idea. Does that answer your question?
So much to think about there. I do share a lot on my blog, but that's me, a talker! I started with using initials but then I realised that some of my layouts had the names splashed across them anyway! I may change this as time goes on and the children start stepping out on their own. I share virtually all my layouts because I'm not prolific enough to blog regularly otherwise! Also its a consideration that my readership is still pretty low.
I don't feel like I have a particular style so I can influenced by things I see but I am easily overwhelmed too! I think if you have a clear style then it comes through regardless.
Thought provoking Thursday! It's hard to say where finding inspiration ends and copying someone else's style begins. I love to look at other people's work and scraplift a bit from here and a bit from there. I don't think I've found my own style yet but I am happy experimenting!
Sometimes I feel I can share more personal stuff on my blog than others but I do know that when I have had a bad time and felt the need to share, I've had such warm and wonderful comments that I've not regretted sharing but have felt uplifted by the comfort and support that I have received.
you have such a style Sian that is your own and I like what you share...I think it is enough. I occasionally share more than normal...mostly through your STS i feel!! lol!
I love surfing pinterest but then have so many ideas in my little head that i sit down to scrap and absolutely nothing gets done. style is something i find hard!!
i did see your layout in 365 and loved the story. Being of Welsh decent myself!
What a great discussion. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and our life through my blog. I am careful with what I post about other family members, particularly my nieces & nephews. I took time when I first started blogging to discuss with my sister what I wanted to post and what they were comfortable with. Sometimes I wonder if I've shared too much, particularly in matters of my faith as that seems to be such a touchy subject. However, it's so much a part of who I am that it just comes out so naturally.
I definitely agree that there is so much inspiration online, but for me I'm ok with that. I was never a very creative person until I discovered scrapbooking, and I don't feel the need to distinguish myself with a particular style. I hope my writing & stories reflect me . . . even if my layout is scraplifted.
I'm back becasue I've been thinking further about some of the great points you've been raising
Jemma - Yes, definitely better and more realistic to assume you are getting part of the story. I think we probably all self edit more than we realsie
deb - I think that's a great point - that what we can be comfortable sharing can change from day to day. That's the authentic, human element isn't it?
What a bunch of chatterboxes!!!
A great subject for debate Sian! I personally share mostly the positive aspects of my life on my blog, although I have posted about unfortunate incidents too...I just don't feel it's right to blog when I'm feeling 'down' or angry...that's too personal & why would I want to offload that onto anyone else?!! Creatively, I love to 'lift' ideas from work I admire, but definitely don't want albums full of generic designs I can take little credit for!!
I'm not really sure what my own style really is...my good friend Karen always says she can spot my work a mile away while I feel it's a little eclectic...a mash up of inspirations!!
I have to say Sian that however much you choose to share, either on your blog or in your pages, your style is unmistakably you & an inspiration in itself!! :D
I share a lot on my blog but that is probably because I don't share much in real life. I am not a talker. I find talking stressful unless I am very comfortable with the person/people and the topic at hand. I am a writer. I find it so much easier to write things down to communicate.
I used to do a bunch of challenges on a digi scrap site I belong to. So many of them were out of my comfort zone but everyone kept wanting to get everyone to 'stretch themselves'. But there is only so much stretching I can do before I lose my grasp of what I am actually good at. I like embellishment laden pages to look at, sort of. But I find them very distracting for myself. It doesn't make me happy to draw attention away from my photo and direct to a huge jumble of flowers & ribbons instead. And I finally have accepted that.
Style? I have to have a style? Oh, OK. My style is to get the photographs onto acid free paper and in a suitable place to keep them safe before I pop my clogs. My style is to get the story contained in the pictures onto the page so my children and grandchildren can read it - oh and great grandchildren now too.
I like simple, I like clean and unfussy. I suppose this is because I started way back when my children were born (the youngest is now 44) I scrapbooked holidays and christmas and birthdays. I used photo albums - some of them with those self adhesive pages (I heard that sharp intake of breath). I rescued those pictures and as I still have the negatives I reprinted them and now I am doing the pages again.
Now I have lost the thread here. OH yes. I don't know how much I give away on my blog because I write it for people to read so somethings get told while other things are never revealed. I remember always that if I don't want it shouted down the high street I don't tell it.
I also don't worry about it too much because when you get to 65 (66 next month) you realise that life is too short to worry about too much stuff so not worrying is my style too.
wittering on and not making too much sense seems to be stylish for me today ~sigh~
Very thought provoking, who am I do I portray the real me or just the real me I want others to see. I do put all my pages on my blog. Because I am not afraid to do so, and I want others to know me. But is that the real me as I know me. No I don't think it is
What I am trying to say is something very similar to what my Son said when he was in his early teens " I am one person when I am with you mum, another when I am with my friends and still another when I am alone I don't know who I am"
Well that wasn't what I started out to say. I was going to say that my style is always altering (scrapping wise) as I am influenced by different people and different styles. I used to be a digi scrapper creating all my own things. I haven't done any digi scrapping for several months now so I have changed my style an awful lot.
What a great discussion!
Sian, finding your own style has been something I have given much thought to and I have one or two draft posts waiting to be finished & published. And I have been struggling with authenticity this past couple of weeks, so was very interested to read your post and the comments.
I too can get lost in pinterest and blogs,to the point I don't actually create because I have no time left or I have too many ideas jostling. I have tried to be more restrained recently.
As for sharing, I am confused about whether I should use names or not. It's not something I have set a rule for and I am aware I often refer to my children as daughter or son, yet call my granddaughters by name. I need to make my mind up and have consistency. Most people within my 'creative' online network use abbreviations or blogname. I do prefer real names although I respect people want to retain privacy. I have been quite touched by some who post deeper things, or life struggles. I like reading posts that share an insight into every day life as there is more connection and relating.
I think because I already have a public presence through my career, I have not been overly concerned with privacy. I think that being a Californian also contributes to that. As for sharing personal things, I have definitely done this more as I have gotten to feel a close connection to people like you and other bloggers. I find the "Hello Monday" meme a nice way to do this because friends will read it for the updates, while my more distant arty followers can easily skip over it.
I also find I write about personal things during storytelling Sunday and others posts that are story based because it's part of my writing style and makes my writing stronger.
As for my artistic style, it's definitely evolving all the time!
okay - lots of interesting comments here!
One might think I post lots of personal things given my sharing of Project Life but I have found a way to keep certain parts of it private and still share. My immediate family knows I blog, they read it and are okay with me posting photos and I only mention their first names. I would never blog about my work as I am in the public sector and am always cognizant of this with social media being a huge concern these days. It amazes me more what the younger generation will say on social media platforms while at work and about their work :)
Anyway - as for pinterest... I visit it perhaps once a month. I have noticed a big difference in my scrapbooking this year. I would say the influences for me are more from the blogs I read, but certainly some of it is from pinterest. Honestly, I cannot keep up with it all. I use to be in the know of all the new stuff coming from CHA, but I rely more on my blogging community to share what they like. I'm not certain, but this change in needing to have all the latest supplies might have something to do with my switch to doing PL.
Now as for your layout... I have a secret confession... the first time I skyped with a fellow blogger, we talked about you and your name. Mostly because I knew in my head I was not saying it right and I felt shy about asking you. She set me straight :)
It's always a pleasure visiting your blog Sian. You could write about anything and I would find it interesting!
Well Sian, your making us all think long and hard today. With regards to 'being you' and where we get our ideas and inspiration, for me it is exactly that. Inspiration comes from all around us...blogs, magazines, art etc but we use it in our own individual style. I am a firm believer that there are no new ideas just recycled trends in art. As you know I use names of my family in my blog and layouts, I don't see the harm in it. But to protect my son, I don't share my blog with work collegues or Facebook with anyone other than the scrapping world or anything too personnal. I will give hints but maybe not the full story on mote personnel issues. If your having say a rough time blog readers don't need to be brought down by your bad luck, life can be rubbish at the best of times and blog reading is an outlet from your own world sometimes but then again I wouldn't want my readers to think I live a charmed life....that can irritate me that some bloggers seem to have perfect lives. I haven't scrapped for ages prob due to not a lot of 'good' happening. But that is changing so maybe I will be back scrapping soon.
Ooh just also wanted to say that 'my style' is taking all the creativeness I have seen (I usually avoid pininterest as it just wastes hours of creativeness time by browsing and stick to blogs and mags) and then just shuffle everything on the page. I'm into using non scrapbooking embellishments and mixed media at the moment. One day I can produce a graphic style, other days a more arty style. Also wanted to say my blog started off as a scrapbooking blog then turned into a more personnal blog (based around art and photography) I have met some great people through blogging so for me it's the best thing I could of done for my creativeness....I'm going off topic now so I shall shut up:)
I've found that I like to strike a balance in my blogging by telling stories that I would only be happy for my work colleagues to know. None of them follow my blog (that I know of) but if it would make me feel uncomfortable for them to know something about me, then I wouldn't share it with the whole internet. It's a useful barometer! :)
I haven't ventured into Pinterest for a while and you know I haven't run out of ideas it seems I actually have some of my own. That doesn't mean I still find it really interesting and useful and just recently I went back bought a knitting pattern that I pinned over a year ago so it definitely has it's uses.
Whenever I do any scrapbooking there is always lots of paper shuffling :)
Oh what a great discussion Sian!
Firstly, I totally understand the inspiration debate. That was part of the reason I stopped scrapbooking for so long. I found that I could no longer make a page that satisfied me because I was forever thinking about how it wasn't like other peoples. I became bombarded with so many new things to try I felt like I could never start a page because I had too many ideas and conflicting designs. That said though, I love pinterest and as a springboard I think it is great.
In terms of blogging, I would say that from the beginning I have been pretty honest on my blog, I like to include as much about me as there is about craft because I feel that for me the two go hand in hand. That said, there are some things that will never come up on the blog because they are to do with my family and not just me. I want to respect their privacy. The boy for instance is never named nor are my siblings. I have debated about whether my blog has too much personal stuff on it but I feel that taking it out would, for me, get rid of quite a lot of substance.
The next debate I think is that although we can control what we put on our blogs, sooner or later we become friends with our blog readers and connect up on social media sites such as Facebook. I personally love that I am friends with so many blog readers this way but it raises issues. Like, on my blog I don't name the boy however become my friend on fb and in less than two seconds you could see his name. It's really interesting.
Thank you for such a great topic sian. Sorry for the overly long comment! xxxx
I often wonder too if I share too much...but that's who I am...I probably share too much IRL too! I started off by not mentioning Craig or Kirsty by name, but as someone else mentioned look at my LOs and you will see names, so I gave up on that. Happy as I am to share snippets of my life, I am aware that friends of Kirsty's- and my own-read my blog, so am careful not to discuss personal issues which would embarrass them or myself. As Deb mentioned, I have found the blogging community to be so kind supportive with those personal things that I DO share.
Creatively, I know how far I'm willing to go with challenges etc...too much stretching of myself ends in stress for me- and I love scrapping too much to let it do that to me!
Alison xx
This is such an interesting discussion you have going here Sian and one that is close to my heart.
I spent a couple of hours on Pinterest the other day and remembered why I don’t look at it. It is too easy for me to get bogged down by what everyone else is doing and I end up feeling inadequate and stop blogging.
I am happy to follow the blogs I follow, If I want to use something or scraplift something I have seen I will e-mail & ask if it’s ok.
My barometer for blogging about me or other people is; if I think it would or might embarrass them I won’t publish.
I think I reveal more about me as the time goes on. It feels as though over time I am getting to know you all and it feels more comfortable, like a conversation in real life. But still I have whole projects that I have never shared on my blog.
When I have shared something very personal I too have had lots of support from other bloggers. It is a strange and wonderful community which I love being a little part of.
I have a real sense of you when I read your blog Sian.
As for Style, like Ladkyis, I just do what I do. This is my hobby, it should be making me happy not stressed!
My son always says it is all going in the big green skip when I’m gone so I am just to have fun doing it now while I can. Such a sensitive child!
Gosh , that could have been a blog post. x
Sian, this is a thought-provoking post for sure. To keep this from running too long, I'll just focus on a tiny piece of your subject.
Whether it's on my blog or on a scrapbook page, it is, for me, all about memory keeping. None of what I share is the whole me, but the fact that I'm sharing it means that it is, in some way, significant to me. I've told most of my stories aloud to family and friends but there's a permanence about putting those same stories in writing that appeals to me (and I have editing privileges too!). One of these days, when I'm long gone, someone will read something I've written and think "oh, that's how it was way back then!" The fact that I know relatively little about my grandparents' lives and my parents' childhoods emphasizes to me how important it is to record my life's story, no matter how mundane, because each person's story is important to someone else, even a generation or two removed.
What a very thought provoking post Sian. As to inspiration and style, sometimes I'll be inspired to try something that I've seen elsewhere but after doing it if I feel its just not me I don't use the technique, look whatever again. I think you have a very distinctive style.
As my scrapping has been very limited the past couple of years when I finally do get something done I usually do share it but there are most definitely some that do not get shared just as there are somethings in my "real" life that don't get shared on my blog.
i journal rather than scrapbook but,like you, find that if i spend too much time looking at what others do, i start to question myself. there is a balance and it may be different for all of us. i have had a hard time sharing my work and my personal life on the same blog although i can't figure out why... very thought provoking post, sian!
wow what a fabulous discussion u've started Sian. As u know I feel I have been really honest on my blog, because that is who I am and I began my blog not only to talk about the crafting I love to do but also to try and reduce in my own small way some of the barriers people experience from having a mental health problem. I have learned the hard way, however, that there are certain things which u can get into trouble for sharing, primarily to do with my job. That was tough and I felt very upset that my own personal blog could lead to so much backlash. But having now limited anything to do with those aspects of my life, I feel I am relatively free to talk about myself as opennly as I want to.
I do like Pinterest as it gives me inspiration for my pages but I find inspiration in so many different places that I don't find it overwhelming my own creativity. I pick so much up from blogging, classes, the world etc. that I don't find Pinterest actually affects me as much as other aspects of the world at large. I like to think that's what makes my pages ecclectic and interesting.
Anyway I look forward to our next debate soo,
Jo xxx
I've too been thinking about these same subjects a lot lately. Actually, I love your scrapbooking style, and I had noticed that the pages you publish here on your blog and in your magazine work are more generic rather than "personal". But reading what a great storyteller you are, I assumed there are many, many great pages that you wouldn't show us. We do all self-edit - in fact, a story I put on my blog may be edited for the layout I eventually create - on the page I will put (back)in more of the details that my family mentions I haven't published on the blog. Most times that is by design, I take a little editorial license when I am storytelling for the blog - always making sure the emotions I do share are honest - although the whole story may not be shared. Also I have to watch that when I am sharing something which is so familiar to me, that I don't leave the wrong impression by what I do and don't include - because readers can sometimes read between the lines and get it wrong. I don't think any of us will have many readers if we share very little. I think that's why I much more enjoy looking at layouts on blogs rather than in the more sterile environment of online galleries. And on the subject of inspiration, I am finding that the most effective way to use anything inspirational (Pinterest or other sources) is as a starting point from which I can take off in my own direction. I also share my pages even when I don't think they are perfect - I don't follow any of the experts' blogs where they never have a single doubt about how a page turned out. I guess I just like keeping it real.
Recently, during a conversation with friends, I discovered that all they did on Pinterest was search for things and re-pin them. They never pinned anything new. Now this turned into quite a heated discussion but I swayed most of them over to the 'use it as a pin board' camp by the end of it. Now I don't mean that they shouldn't use it for inspiration and re-pin things, just that by ONLY doing that, they were swallowing up all of their creative time by sitting on a computer. They were doubting their own ability to play and create.
I am a huge fan of Pinterest and I do repin things that spark my fancy, but my main use of Pinterest is to 'pin' the things I see in my normal day to day travels across the internet so that I know where to come back to when I want to see them again. I occasionally pin layouts and I try to always (time permitting) say what drew me to it. i.e. the colour scheme, the positioning of elements, creative use of washi tape etc. I used to keep an notebook and rip pictures out of craft magazines that inspired me. I would write what it was that had me excited next to it. For me, Pinterest has just become a digital format of that.
I only follow blogs that feel sincere and you don't have to tell everything in order for that to happen. I don't feel the need to know everything that is going on in someones life to appreciate what they say, but if they become patronising or insincere, I unfollow. In some ways blogs are like the human body ... revealing a little and letting the imagination fill in the gaps is exciting and tantalising. Show too much and there is nothing left to dream about. :-D
I enjoy your blog :-)
I like reading backwards - so I read lots of follow up before I got to the original post :lol: Wookie is very firm that he doesn't want real names posted for him or anyone else. So everyone has a pseudonym.
I don't post all photos or stories and often add in names on pages after I've take a photo for the blog. So the one of Peter has his real name under his photo.
Wookie points out we live in a public building and we have unusual names - wouldn't be that hard to stalk me. Might as well make people work for it :lol:
Means I re-edit blog posts when I print for pages and enjoy digi journaling as I can do a blog version.
Pintrest - I don't do that mainly for time versions, this is a season of lots going on and little time. So I'm very fussy about what I choose to spend my time on and I'd rather create or spend time with my family than browse pintrest. Do read quite a few blogs and mags so see other people's creations :)
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