Tuesday 26 June 2012

Rinda and Sian's Grand Tour

Yesterday I said good bye to Gotta Craft. Today I'm already missing a blogging friend who came to visit at the weekend. 

Oh, I wish she could have stayed longer! After a year of planning and anticipation Rinda and her family came to town. I know lots of you, like me, are big Rinda fans. Over at Gallo Organico she blogs her scrapbooking, her photography, her mixed media, her art - and her stories. It's a fabulous mix. 

I couldn't wait to meet her. It's the strangest thing, when you suddenly spot walking in your direction someone you've seen in a hundred photos. I was trying not to run towards her; but I think I did in the end. 

Then we started to talk; and the families started to talk; and we kept on talking over lunch. We took a tour, then, around town: all eight of us in one big taxi.

Rinda and I together spotted a photo opportunity for this year's Summer Scavenger Hunt (read how to join in on that here on Rinda's blog). Look - I haven't just got a picture of a bride. I've got a picture of Rinda taking a picture of a bride!

We spent the afternoon together and, after a quick freshen up, we went out for dinner. Still talking. Still enjoying each other's company. Still marvelling at what blogging had brought us.

What can I say? Getting late after an hospitable night out, a grainy phone photo seemed like a good idea at the time..

It was a wonderful day I'll never forget. Maybe they'll all come back soon. we're hoping so. Or maybe we'll cross the world and end up in Half Moon Bay. We're hoping for that too. Rinda and family - it was so good to see you.


Maria Ontiveros said...

Oh, indeed, Sian! It makes my heart swell and makes me a bit teary to read your post today!
Do please come visit (and bring your wonderful family with you).

Amy said...

Oh girls, I am almost misty eyed myself, from way down here!
I am thrilled for you both to have this fantastic opportunity to meet up - really, who would have thought that a small online class in 2009 could create so many fantastic relationships?!
Here's hoping you all find a way to meet again one day!

Jane said...

so glad you all had a good time, hope you meet up again.

Jennifer Grace said...

What fun! The families look great together! I hope I get to meet up with some bloggers some day... I'm glad you had such a lovely time! x

Irene said...

How wonderful to have the opportunity for a blogging friend come to visit. It sounds like it had all the right ingredients; lots of talking, laughter and fun as you sped around in a taxi. Do hope you get the chance to go to Rinda's. I imagine it would be fabulous.

Ifa said...

Oh wow, what a wonderful meet. I am still hoping we'll meet ourselves one day. How about Cambridge for the tall one ?

Abi said...

Wow, it sounds amazing! I would love to meet up with blog friends in real life! Xx

Unknown said...

That sounds so exciting! I am glad you all clicked.

Beverly said...

So happy for the two of you and I imagine the rest of the family got along great :) The blogging world is full of blessings. A bit jealous of the bride sighting, we saw some people outside a very small country church waiting on the bridal couple as we drove home from the beach Saturday but I wasn't brave enough to pull up and look like some crazed paparazzi wannabe lol I think a bride will be the greatest challenge for me.

Gem's Crafts said...

How lovely that you got to meet one of your blog friends, and it looks like you have a very memorable day :)

scrappyjacky said...

Oh Sian....this post takes me back to meeting Rinda this time last year....I so enjoyed the meeting....and also hope to do it again some day.....maybe in California??
Glad you all had such a great time together.

Cheri said...

So happy for you two... and I just keep thinking "someday"...

This West London Life said...

Hooray! No need to add anything more.

helena said...

who saw the graininess your 2 smiles said it all

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

When I found out from Rinda last week that you'd be meeting each other on Saturday it was all I could think about. I woke up Saturday morning with a smile on my face, and thought about you two all day. Then, I started watching each of your blogs for photos!!!

Since Carrie and I got to meet Rinda last summer, I felt like a part of me was there in Ireland with her, meeting you, Sian. It's hard to explain what a great feeling it is to see two dear blog friends smiling together in a photo. I love it!!! I'm so happy for both of you that you were able to meet and spend some face-to-face time together.

And awesome that you got a photo of a bride with Rinda in the shot!

laurie said...

how fun to see of my two favorite bloggers together!!! i can imagine you had plenty to talk about and will find a way to see each other again soon.

Alison said...

I can only imagine how exciting it was..so glad for you both!
Alison xx

Nathalie said...

I often wonder if my online friends would become real life friends (or not) if we ever met... you both definitely had a great time!

Jennifer Shaw said...

So wonderful that you got to meet!! :)

Carmen said...

I'm very lucky to have met a few of my bloggy friends in real life and it's amazing isn't it?

I did love this post Sian - such huge smiles from you both!

Amanda said...

I think it's lovely that you all got on so well together and it looks like you had a fun day out.

Melissa said...

How exciting (a little jealous here!). I've take a couple of photos for the scavenger hunt, but I think Bride will be the most difficult.

Scrappi Sandi said...

What a wonderful feel-good post & how lovely to see you both together...even in a grainy photo!! TFS! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh how neat! Looks like you all had a really good time but then how could you not. :)

Lizzie said...

Oh, I knew it must be Rinda, when you were dropping hints! I knew she and her family were nearby, so I was sure you'd have all met up.
So pleased for you both - sounds like a wonderful day. I love how you just talked and talked.
Great news - and I hope you manage to return the visit some time soon.
Blogging is wonderful - just think of all the friends we've all made, from all over the world!
Excuse me now... I need to go and find a tissue, to wipe my eyes. They seem to have gone all soggy...

Karen said...

It's been fun to see your visit through both of your eyes this week. Whoever thought blogging would bring so many folks together across so many miles?

Estelle Grace Tudor said...

What a lovely post! How nice to have been able to meet and spend time together!


Fiona@staring at the sea said...

I'm so happy that you got to meet up. It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time together. What a bonus getting the bride shot. I'm hoping to tick that one off my list on Saturday too.

Cheryl said...

Glad you had such a wanderful time and that you both had the opportunity to meet up xx

Ginger said...

This is such a fun post to read! How wonderful for you both and your families to make that connection! Here's to more blogger meetings!

Becky said...

Very jealous! I was in San Francisco at the same time and had hoped that I might meet up with Rinda! Oh well glad you had a great time anyway :-)

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

sounds like a lovely meet up

alexa said...

How moving and heart-warming to read of your meeting: looks as if you all gelled wonderfully ...

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