Monday 31 October 2016

Memorandum Monday: Sometimes It Works Out Just Fine

Ha, Monday: you have rolled round again and you have brought with you the end of a month to which I'm happy to wave a firm goodbye (and I know I'm not the only one). But I'm making a memo here, so I most definitely have to note that October here saved its best for last.

And all weekend...

A first time memo? I have absolutely, never ever before wished my Mum (or Granny as she is usually known here) a Very Happy 85th Birthday. We used to tease her about her record breaking attempt to be the country's oldest living MS patient ..oh, maybe ten years ago? Now we're serious. When she turned seventy we hired a room in a hotel and threw a big party ("my goodbye party" as she now calls it) because we weren't sure for how much longer, then, she'd be strong enough for hard celebrating. Her three year old grand daughter helped her to unwrap presents.

...whenever I had a minute...

On Saturday we collected that grand daughter from Studentland (they've gone a whole week now without a visit from any kind of recovery vehicle, sewage expert or maintenance man: why did I tell you that? I'm not sure it's a good representation of my landlording abilities) and we went to see the birthday girl. We took cake, but it probably wasn't enough. How much cake would you need to celebrate this kind of an achievement? When my Mum told us about the MS, I was about fourteen. We had lost our Dad just a couple of years earlier. We had no idea what the future would bring. But sometimes, you know, things work out. Sometimes the bad thing doesn't happen And that's good..

Thanks for sticking with me!

I worked on my November pages for Gossamer Blue

Maybe you'd like to make a memo too? Anything new? Anything you did for the first time at the weekend? We'd love to hear from you!

Deb, Helena, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Ladkyis, Maggie, Alexandra, Barbara, KraftyKaren, Susanne and Karen  are my lovely memo makers this time round. Go on, give 'em a wave! 


Maggie said...

Oh happy birthday to your mum. That is lovely to hear about.

helena said...

indeed I don't think there could be too much cake for such a celebration - have a good week

Patio Postcards said...

Happy belated Birthday wishes to your Mum. Reaching 85 is certainly something to celebrate - yes I say there should be lots of cake. As you know our family has been touched with MS. Canada has the highest rates in the world of MS - so lots & lots of studies go on here, so I know those moments of fear in first diagnosis. Glad to see that you are feeling a bit better yourself & that some scrapping temptations have been shown - happy & wellness wishes to the week(s) ahead.

Susanne said...

Oh happy belated birthday to her! So glad your October ended on a happy note.

Ladkyis said...

Oh I do like it when someone sticks it to one of these nasty evil afflictions.I too will be mighty glad to see the back of this month. Today is the wedding anniversary of the Lord Admiral and his Lady. I didn't put it on my blog because she reads it. What a freaking year eh?

debs14 said...

Happy birthday Granny! And well done for proving the experts wrong.
Let's hope November is kinder to you than October was x

Jennifer Shaw said...

I'm happy to hear that things seem to be looking up. Happy birthday to your mother! That must have been frightening news as a teenager after losing your father. Your sneak peeks look wonderful!

Susan said...

Lovely story about your mum - sending along some birthday wishes to her. Glad that things are looking up for you.

smcl said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! Here's to her continued good health!

alexa said...

What a testament to the power of determination, courage, endurance and love your post is, Sian :). And that's all of you, in your different ways ... Full of admiration for you all. And wishing Granny a very happy birthday indeed, and may there be lots of celebrating for you all to come. And may November be gentle and healing too :).

Ali said...

Sending birthday wishes to your mum. Hope you are all well xxx. Enjoy the rest of the week x

alexandra s.m. said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom!
Great post Sian!

KraftyKaren said...

Happy Birthday to granny - wishing her many more years of continued good health. That must have been very tough for you - Mr Ps Mum was diagnosed when he was very little so he never knew much different and his Dad was always around to help provide care.

Wishing you a much better November

KraftyKaren x

Sandra said...

I've happy tears in my eyes ... wishing your mum a very very happy birthday xxx

Mitralee said...

Glad to know you're doing good too, I was a bit worried! Hugs from NY!

Karen said...

What a heart-warming story, and so glad you had a great reason to celebrate at the end of a less than satisfying month! Happy birthday to your mom!

Jane said...

happy birthday to your mum, what a lovely read for the start of a new month.

This West London Life said...

A belated Happy Birthday to Granny! You must get your strength and courage from her, me thinks.

Melissa said...

Wow! A wonderful weekend - happy belated birthday to Granny! I'm so glad y'all were able to celebrate together.

Lizzy Hill said...

How absolutely FABULOUS & what a grand thing to celebrate!! YAY!!!!!

Jo said...

Your mum is amazing and fantastic and I hope she had a smashing birthday x

Sandie said...

What a warm and heart hugging post Sian. So glad that your Mum has enjoyed these extra years with you, each one is a blessing. I say that from experience, my own Mum is 86 and I feel so lucky to still have her in my life. How lovely that she was able to enjoy more birthday cake and candles. I hope she had a lovely day.

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