Wednesday 26 October 2016

A Million Tiny Little Things: November Calling

A million? Or maybe just one or two big things. As I missed making my memo this Monday, and that's something I don't like to do, I wanted to let you know how we are. We have been having a bit of a rough time of it lately. 

My energy for putting myself out there disappeared completely for a few days: no blogging, no instagram, no pinterest, nothing. But I'm hoping to jump back in very soon. It's been a difficult couple of weeks, but we're getting there. The Accountant has been, and continues to be, quite unwell, away from work, with more tests scheduled. On Thursday last I received a recall for further tests following a routine mammogram. There's no good time for a surprise for that; but it probably created more anxiety than it needed to because we are already a little low. We had a hard weekend. But I'm happy to say that, after more tests and a few needles yesterday, I was given the all clear and now we are re-grouping!

I've been doing a lot of knitting - I have a whole finished body of a new sweater to show you soon - and reading (Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada). My November Gossamer BLue kits are stuck in a Parcel Force van somewhere. I hope. So, fingers crossed, I'll be scrapbooking again in no time. See you soon?

Oh, and please, don't ignore those letters! Go! Get checked out! There are nice people to talk to in the waiting room; and it might just save your life.


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Goodness Sian, you really have been through the mill these last few weeks. So glad to hear your news was good and hoping the Accountant will have some answers soon. Still thinking of you xx

Karen said...

There's that saying, "when it rains, it pours!" Seems apropos to your last week or so. I learned at a very young age, never to ignore the need to see a doctor or get a test done. Hoping TA sees improvement soon!

Ali said...

Sending you hugs. Glad all okay with you and hope hubby is feeling better soon xxx. Hope the rest of the week is good xx

Linda said...

((HUGS)) from me too. It's not good when you get a scare like that, but glad to hear that you have the all clear. I do hope your husband feels better soon, and that the tests results are all OK for him. XX

Patio Postcards said...

Sending trillions & trillions of hugs along with all the positive associated energy. If there wasn't such a big pond between us, I would show up (but not stay) with tea, treats, magazines & some flowers. Thanks for posting & letting us know, we were worried.

debs14 said...

It does seem that bad things come together so hopefully now you are on the road to recovery, the accountant will follow suit. Wishing you both a full recovery x

Jennifer Shaw said...

When it rains it pours. Sorry to hear that things have been hard lately. Hoping that sunny skies are soon coming your way. I have my test next week. I always feel grateful that I get to have my mammogram each year. They really do save lives.

Susan said...

oh boy - it always seems like everything happens all at once. I'm due for a mammogram shortly - glad your call-back turned out well. Those are always stressful. Hope things turn around for you soon!

Susanne said...

My oh my, lots of scary stuff going on there. I am glad yours turned out to be nothing - I have been in that exact spot before, so I know the stress of it and the wash of relief you eventually experienced. I never miss my regular screenings, because I am of the mindset that it is better to know than not to know until it is too late. It goes without saying that I am praying for and rooting for the Accountant, a kindred spirit in one way, at least. Hopefully they will be able to identify and address his ailment soon. Hang tough, Sian.

Ladkyis said...

Being given the all clear is when you realise you've been holding your breath for too long and that's when everything except PHEW deserts you.
I am so glad the news about you is good. I am sending healing vibes to the accountant and I am joining in with the "let's just cross October off the calender and move on please" group. It has been a bitch of a month and deserves to be cancelled. I am beginning to think that having two Februarys would be an improvement and we all know what I think of February

helena said...

hugs and healing vibes beaming your way - all that on top of the empty nest - no wonder the energy to put yourself out there disappears.

Lizzy Hill said...

Crumbs! You are not having a good time of it, either of you. But I'm GLAD yours was AOK.... that's a start, at least:) Hope that kit arrives shortly & I'm so glad at least you've got the knitting to keep you busy in the meantime. Take care of you and Him xo

Mel said...

Sorry to hear that things are a bit uncertain. I can understand not wanting to put yourself out there at a time like this. You're in my thoughts! x

Mitralee said...

dude! I do hope things swing your way has a way of being messy sometimes...I guess it makes the happy times just a wee bit sweeter! HUGS!

Jo said...

Oh you really are going through things at the moment and I do feel for you. It seems that it's always when we are at our lowest that more rubbish comes our way. It's great that you got the all clear and I hope that is the turning point and everything will start improving for you now xx

Jane said...

so sorry you have all been unwell and then you had that added worry. What a relief everything is ok. Take care xx

Barbara Eads said...

There is nothing worse than health issues to put a damper on your life. I hope that your get some good reports on the accountants tests soon and are able to move towards getting back to normal around your house. It's that fear of the unknown and living in limbo that is the worst. Prayers headed your way!

alexandra s.m. said...

Oh my! what a relief Sian! I had the exact same scare a couple of years ago.
It's and awful feeling specially since it always involves waiting.
I hope your Husband feels better soon.
Keeping you in my thoughts...

alexa said...

So glad that all is looking more positive for you both by now, and hoping you can relax and recuperate. These things, even when they end well, really take the energy out of one. And I am sure there isn't a single reader who hasn't felt their creative light grow dim and just need to hunker down and wait for calmer waters. Sending you warmest thoughts ...

Mardi said...

So sorry to read of your patch of anxious times...nothing affects our sleep and well-being more than anxieties over health. Living in anticipation is all consuming. So glad things are brighter again now. Much love...Mardi xx

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