Monday 28 November 2016

Memorandum Monday: And The Singing

Hey Monday! I hope you aren't having trouble hearing me. I'm a little hoarse. That'll be all the cheering and shouting. And the singing. Don't forget the singing.

Because this weekend, for the first time, instead of sitting at home watching rugby on a screen in my living room, I travelled south to watch it live at the Aviva Stadium. And we were so happy to have made it! The tickets were a birthday gift, months ago, to the patient here; and we've been wishing and hoping for weeks now that he would be well enough to go. He's getting better! We went! We had a blast. 

I've been to matches before. I've even seen Australia play before; but never in Dublin. I could try to describe the atmosphere for you; but it might be quicker if I simply tell you to think about the Irish fans at the Quidditch World Cup. It was loud, it was uplifting; it had fireworks, it had moments of sweet silence as the ball sailed between the posts before the singing began again, over and over, until, with the greatest of good humours, the Australian fans in their yellow striped blazers, conceded defeat. Ireland 27: Australia 24.

It was cold, but my preparations in the thermal underwear department had been meticulous. It was moving: it seems only a couple of years since our kicker was a schoolboy we could watch here on a Saturday morning. Now he's a national hero. It was sparkly and twinkly, as the houses we passed on our walk to the ground were already lit up for Christmas.

And the next morning

there was souvenir yarn to be found and gifts to be bought, before we got back in the car and headed for home. It was a first; but, I hope, a trip we will repeat. Birthday tickets are a very good thing indeed.

How about you? Anything new at the weekend?  Maybe you'd like to make a memo. After all, it is Monday. Last week Deb, Helena, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Ladkyis, Karen, Maggie, Alexandra and Krafty Karen dared to share. Go on, give 'em a wave! And have a good week!


Barbara Eads said...

Congratulations--on the win and for a great weekend! I hope you have many more in your future---with or without tickets!

Karen said...

What a perfect birthday gift! And how wonderful that TA is showing such improvement! We'll be traveling today, so if there is a Memorandum Monday this week, it will be on Tuesday---we did do something new and fun this weekend!

Patio Postcards said...

Glad your patient was well enough to travel & enjoy the match. What a bonus that there were Christmas lights & decorations displayed for all to enjoy. For me it was F1's final race & my driver, Nico, who won, not the race but the championship - lots of cheering in this house but from the sofa.

Alison said...

So glad to hear that you were BOTH able to go! Xx

Alison said...

So glad to hear that you were BOTH able to go! Xx

Ali said...

Wow! What an experience- I'd love to go to a match - but I get into trouble for this it would have to be an Italy match lol in Rome would be good :-) so pleased to read your hubby could go xxx Enjoy the rest of the weekxx

Maggie said...

Sounds like a great time and I'm glad he was well enough to go. Those thermals were essential this weekend!

debs14 said...

Thank goodness he was well enough to go and enjoy the game. I bet the atmosphere was amazing.
I've only been to Dublin once, but absolutely loved it there. I bet it looks lovely in all it's festive finery!

Ruth said...

International rugby? How marvellous and how marvellous that TA was well enough to go! Goes off singing, "When Irish eyes are smiling ..."

alexandra s.m. said...

OH How exciting indeed Sian!
I'm so happy you could see it live!
Everyone in the world knows the Irish Fans are the BEST!
They're always loved and seen as brothers and sisters in France.
Thank you for sharing this great post with us and Congrats to your team, to Rory and all of the players! They deserved this vistory!💚💚

Susan said...

Your weekend sounds like it was the perfect combination of excitement and loveliness - glad to hear the patient was up to the trip!

Barbara said...

How exciting! it sounds like it was a wonderful weekend. Also glad to hear hubby is feeling better.

Jennifer Shaw said...

So happy to hear that you guys got out and had such a fun time! Giving the gift of an experience is so much better than getting "stuff"! :)

Jo said...

I'm glad the patient is improving and was well enough to go. You've summed up the atmosphere so well I feel like I was there, it sound like you had an amazing time!

alexa said...

Loved reading your vivid description - I am not a rugby enthusiast, but you certainly made it sound very special. Experiences over objects every time I say (though the odd bit of thermal underwear doesn't go amiss!). And how cheering to read that The Accountant is recovering his strength and energy. Warmest good wishes and cheering here too.

helena said...

there really is nothing like being there to smell the mud and hear the cheers - so glad to hear your patient was up to going. My tip fro keeping warm is to take a square of bubble wrap to sit on - it makes a massive difference and is easy to carry. Love the idea of souvenir yarn. have a great week

Lizzy Hill said...

I almost sent you an email after we watched the match. Well, HE watched. I listened to the blow by blow description from bed...... I'm so glad Ireland won. They've been on a streak now:) Must be that good NZ coach, LOL!!! And I wish the Aussies weren't such an aggressive and almost nasty mob. We're not all like that;)!!! Anyways, glad it was a good weekend!!!

Susanne said...

How fun, glad to hear he is out and about.

Sandra said...

Oh wow and so glad that Hubby was better to really enjoy it and enjoy it loudly lol

Melissa said...

I'm so glad the patient was feeling well enough to go - what a FUN time. I can picture it perfectly (the Irish fans at the Quidditch World Cup!). :)

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