Monday 16 May 2016

Memorandum Monday

It's a new week! (though when I said that here I was reminded that it's a week with an exam in it, so we're pretending it's still the old week until at least Wednesday).

There was a lot of studying, then, at the weekend

Sitting upstairs, sitting downstairs, or sitting on the stairs, where the light is nice, reading the latest story from Jonas Jonasson (who wrote The Hundred Year Old Man) and wearing socks in wool by Arne and Carlos, in the colours of The Scream. Some Scandi sitting, then.

Let's hope it was anything she was seeing for the first time! So her Dad and I didn't venture too far, While she sat upstairs, we sat downstairs. We sat, and we enjoyed it. Did I learn anything new? Mm..well..

...After trying to resist opening the new email about a sale on wool (Wool Warehouse! 35% off Drops in May!) and failing, I sat around ordering enough for another sweater (or two, ahem) and a pair of socks. I sat around a bit more then researching a new pattern for May's Sock of the Month, and I found one called Down the Rabbit Hole, which seems right for exam month.

Then we sat upstairs, this time in front of the big tv, putting in a couple of hours on our new activity binge watching (horrible phrase). Never been a fan, never felt the need, until we discovered box sets on Amazon Prime. Now we've been right through Man in the High Castle and we have moved on to Outlander. Just one more episode, we tell ourselves, with my excuse being I can knit at the same time.

What I'd really like to crack is simultaneous knitting and reading. Could I handle that much fun all at once? Ooh, hard to say. Let me think about it, just after I've reminded you that it's Get Caught Reading month. So if you are looking for a picture  for a post today, or for something new so that you can make a memorandum this Monday, grab a book off the pile! Let's have a look!

Wishing you a good week, with time for a new book or two in there somewhere..

 Helena, Mitra, Mary -Lou, Ladkyis, Karen, Susanne, Maggie, Mardi, Jane, Deb, Eileen and KraftyKaren all gave a taste of what they were trying last week. Go on: give 'em a wave! And then think about joining us.


helena said...

I've tried listening while crocheting a few times because I agree it would be perfect to be able to do them both together - so far I haven't found a format that works for me.

Love the scandi combo - have a great week

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I'm not a binge watcher and I hate that phrase too! I loved the first series of Outlander, yet to start the second. I'd completely forgotten about The Man in the High Castle, having watched the first episode long ago before the series was available, thanks for the reminder. Loved Transparent. I didn't think it would be my sort of thing at all, until I started watching and found it compelling.

This West London Life said...

I enjoyed The Man in the High Castle (but can't get into the book at all ... total tosh!)and am now starting on Series 2 of Outlander (I waited for it to be a few weeks in before watching, so I could watch a few at a time).
I like the sound of get Caught Reading Month, definitely a blog post there.

debs14 said...

TV and knitting I can do, not sure reading and knitting would be successful for me!
I can related to the 'binge' watching, as I'm a devil for 'just one more episode' of a box set. It does take away that end of episode cliff hanger feeling though doesn't it, when you know you can switch right to the next one instead of having to wait a week.

Eileen T said...

Sending good luck for the exams.

I can't even knit properly, so I am in awe of the fact that you are thinking about knitting and reading at the same time!

alexandra s.m. said...

I do binge watch but I have a good excuse, i think: I do it while exercising on the treadmill ;)
Have a fantastic beginning of the week Sian!

Karen said...

I don't think any of my hobbies lend themselves to binge watching, although there are a couple of series I'd like to catch up on. One of them would take a long time; I think I'm two seasons behind!

Patio Postcards said...

Oh I am all in for Get Caught Reading month. I think it would be a daily activity. Binge watching, I have tried once but I get too restless but the I like the appeal of just getting through an interesting story plot & not forgetting the little key bits.

Down the Rabbit Hole knitting is timed perfectly with the release of the new Alice Through The Looking Glass movie.

What did you think of the first season of Outlander?

Jo said...

I could never understand binge watching until I caught it, it's a disease you can't shake off if you find a good box set!

KraftyKaren said...

I'm currently binge watching the X files - I missed a lot of it when originally shown and really enjoyed the latest series, so it is good to now catch up with it all and understand some of the references in the last season.

What do you think of Outlander? Have you read the books? They are my most read books, I love them - I have got Outlander on DVD but due to so much stuff taking up room on the sky box I haven't had a chance to watch yet but I am sure I will binge when I do get round to it :D

Have a great week x

Mitralee said...

Oh lovely, sounds like a relaxing time of it for you guys, not the one studying of course...we haven't watched either of those shows ourselves (yet!)

Lisa said...

I have to confess to being a binge watcher too - although that phrase makes it sound dirty, doesn't it? At the moment, I'm catching up on The Good Wife after realising I'd missed a season. I've gone back to episode one and am loving watching it all again. Love Amazon Prime! My English teacher used to knit during class. She could knit, read and "teach" all at the same time. Or not!

Melissa said...

I can be caught reading almost every day . . .either on the exercise bike or in bed before turning out the lights or while eating lunch . . . :) We enjoy binge watching on occasion & just discussed that we need to re-watch the first two seasons of The Last Ship before it returns in a few weeks.

Lou said...

Hi Sian,

Exams start here tomorrow too. With Maths. Good luck to TNSSO.

Every time I see a sock on Pinterest I think of you. Bet you can't wait for your wool parcel to arrive :)

Ladkyis said...

We "Binge" watch The West Wing at least once a year, simply because there is so much going on that it takes several watches to catch all the nuances. We also took Death in Paradise on holiday with us so that Mr M could watch while I knitted.
As for knitting and reading, I have a distinct memory of my other and I on the Chesterfield settee when I was around 5 or 6 years old. We listened to the radio because we didn't have a TV. Listen with Mother followed by Woman's Hour and while I played with my doll or teddy my mother knitted and read her library book - as she listened! I can listen and knit or listen and read but not all three

Maggie said...

I can recall " binge watching " when I first joined a video hire membership. These days I would fall asleep!

Barbara Eads said...

When I'm reading, I can't really do anything else---except maybe having music playing in the background. I have a friend who reads while watching tv. I could never do that. I can stitch and watch tv if the project doesn't require too much concentration. But read and stitch or knit---unless it was a book on tape, I couldn't do it!!

Miriam said...

I spend quite a lot of time on my own in the evening when Paul is away. I can watch the iPlayer and craft or knit or sew or stick or glue at the same time, in fact thats how I like to catch up on a series that interests me but reading and... how about a narrated book? or CD? with all the technology out there, there has to be a way.

Julia said...

I've only binge watched once - several episodes of House of Cards very recently. And by gosh it was good! Might do it again soon but in the meantime too many other things to do! Sorry I've not stopped by lately or joined in. Life has been a bit manic for various reasons. One of them being exams here too! Good luck to yours and see you on the other side x

Ali said...

Binge watching is a newish past time here we've done The Bridge and The killing fab scandi drama x

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