Hi Monday-ers! Happy start to the week! Due to unavoidable and unexpected busyness and business here, my post is a short and sweet one this week. (and no, absolutely nothing to do with not blogging!) But I guess that's appropriate, because what I have to offer you is a biscuit:
Or two, as you can see, because one wasn't enough. Together they are my "new thing" for the weekend, the thing I tried for the first time. As I stood in the queue in Marks & Spencer behind the lady with the two trolleyloads of food, Friday morning, I had plenty of time to look around me. My eyes fell on these: Mexican Chipotle Chilli and Ecuadorian Dark Chocolate Cookies.
If I don't find anything else to try all weekend, I though, at least I'll have these. So I bought them and I brought them home and everyone said What? Really? But they ate them anyway. And here's the thing: they don't really taste of chipotle chilli at all. Or so my source tells me: the one person in the house who really enjoys Mexican food says they have no kick at all. But I liked the dark chocolate, and as we munched we talked and decided that, if we couldn't come up with anything new some other week, we'd cook a mole, a sauce with chillies and chocolate, because we haven't before. And so one new thing, small as it might be, will lead to another.
Which reminds me, I enjoyed reading all the guesses about my weight after last week's post The Tiny Ones . There were plenty of guesses around the 5lb mark; but you needed to go lower than that. I was 4lb 3oz and it was a month before I made it home. Didn't take long, though, before my Dad was saying I must have hollow legs because he didn't know where else I was putting all the food. Which is where we came in, I think. Have a good week, folks, and give a special Monday wave to everyone who posted last week. You can find out what they did for the first time by clicking on their names.
Becky, Deb, Ruth, Helena, Eileen, Maggie, Mardi, Fiona, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Alison, Cheri and Ladkyis

Ooh those cookies sound delicious!! Have a good week xxx
I can feel an old crochety lady rant coming on about leaving good plain biscuit flavours that have stood the test of time along and stop tryign to be clever - same goes for crisps!! Have a great week
I tried a bar of Chilli Chocolate once - never again! But in a biscuit, maybe that would tone it down a notch. Next time I'm in M&S I'll have a look, I'm sure you wouldn't mislead us!
I always grate some plain chocolate into my chilli con carne, it really adds to the flavour.
You really were tiny weren't you? Sounds like you soon caught up though!
Oh I have tried something like your chipotle chocolate - in a candy bar, not a cookie. Ss long as the chocolate is the dominant flavor, I don't think you go wrong. It seems that chocolate cookies are turning up in Memo posts fairly often - as they make for good crusts too like at my house last week. Have a good week Sian, and I hope yours includes more chocolate!
Oh, you were a teeny baby. I've tried Lindt chocolate with chilli, which was quite nice and a fancy brand with other spices that was downright disgusting, but never biscuits. I think I'll stick with chipotle in my sweet potato quesadillas. Happy Monday Sian. Busyness has held me up until now too.
stop trying to tempt me when I'm on a diet!
That would be me with the two trolleys. Well actually I only have one but people who queue behind me raise their eyebrows. It wouldn't be M&S though because I would need to take a loan to have two trolleys in there. What a wonderful excuse for buying something naughty in the supermarket. Oh I need it for something new for my blog...... Oh and tell your family that should they want a real mole for their mole dish I can provide one that the cat caught but won't eat because they taste nasty!! ( assure them that I jest).
Oh, it's always FUN to try new cookies!! Finally waving Hi again this Monday! :)
I am not sure I would like the cookies I prefer plain or just with ginger. Enjoy the rest of the week!
Hollow legs. That's what they used to say about me in my family! Have a great week ... I hope things settle down and leave you some free time soon. X
Hoping that your busyness settles so that you can enjoy a tea with more of those yummy looking cookies. Happy week ahead.
Hollow legs, that's what we call TBC! To be honest, I don't fancy the sound of the cookies or the mere thought that you might be tempted to cook a mole. 4lbs 3oz? I was twice your weight ... gulp!
Yum! I love Biscuits, M&S, chocolate and Chipotle so my mouth is watering.
I had a quick visit at M&S last week. I bought some tea, a vegetarian salad and lingerie but missed the biscuit section ;(
We used to talk about hollow legs in our family too :). My goodness, you were indeed tiny especially for way back then. (Not casting aspersions about your age but you hopefully understand what I mean!). But with a hugely strong will to live and thrive, I suspect ... Unexpected business could be either negative or positive, I guess - hoping for the latter for you. I'm not a biscuit fan but they sound intriguing though I have a touch of Helena's attitude clumping around in my Grumpy Old Woman brain.
I must admit I would have passed those biscuits by - not a fan of chilli or dark chocolate - now if they had been cranberry and white chocolate the packet would not have lived to tell the tale!!
You sound as wee as my Dad - he was born very premature at the start of WW2 - he was a home birth and he was coated in goosefat, wrapped in cotton wool and nursed in front of the fire in a shoebox - every week my gran was allowed to take one layer of cotton wool off of him. This has made him so resilient - he has fought off slipped discs, double pneumonia (which nearly killed him when he was in the army) and advanced prostate cancer!!
Wishing you a great week x
I'm a fan of chocolate and chipotle, but I'm not sure how I'd feel about them together, but I'd be willing to try! You were a bitty baby!
Hmm interesting flavour combo. I sometimes out dark chocolate or cocoa powder in my chilli but the Belgian isn't a fan.
I think I would have seen them and thought WHAT!!! but I would like to give them a try :)
I can't say the sound of it appeals to me very much but if you say all it tastes of is dark chocolate, I'll give it a go. I did try their rose and violet cream chocolate ... Can't say I recommend it
oh goodness. first you have all these awesome ice cream flavors and now you have cookies that are somehow hot...jeeze louise...I am so moving! Hoping your busy time is good busy! Have a great week! Oh and under the dryer were dust bunnies! They were a bit vicious. I expected to find a sock or two and was disappointed that there were none!
LOL! Thank you for the cookie...unfortunately I believe that you require a super power to be a good baker...and I don't have that super power.
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