Monday 25 January 2016

Memorandum Monday

Hey Monday! I'd love to say I'm ready to grab you with both hands - and I certainly hope lots of you have a spring in your step this morning - but, after a weekend of more antibiotics here, I'm finding it hard to get going.

I'm absolutely sure that you don't want to hear about the state of my sinuses. That's if you can make me out at all. I'm believe I'm a bit difficult to decipher at the minute. My hearing is off a little, too. Last night, just as I was falling asleep, I heard a voice beside me sigh and say "I do love you, beard". He says he said babe; but, you know, I'm glad he's good with his fashion choices. And if he wants to talk to his own facial hair, who am I to stop him?

In any case, we got to sleep, and now it's Monday, and that means it's time to make a note of anything new I did over the weekend. Sorry, then, that it's back to the congestion; because in a weekend which was quiet, of course, about the only thing I learned is that onion soup really is good for a bad nose. We made a big vat of it on Saturday, and we slurped it right through Sunday, and we found that it actually does help to clear the head.

Or maybe that was the Vick? Or the Olbas Oil? Or the spray? Or the garlic capsules? No: let's say it was the soup, because it was A Good Thing about yesterday. That, and - yes - the sock knitting. You can gauge (ha)  how much sitting about I've been doing if I tell you this is the second of a new pair. Socks rock. And soup's not bad either.

So, how about you? What did you learn that you didn't know before? Do anything new? We'd love to hear about it! Think of all the useful facts we'll gather if we keep collecting all year..

Last week  Louise H, Deb, Ruth, Jane, Mardi, Sue, Karen, Maggie, Denise, Ladkyis, Eileen, Susanne, Mitra, Karen, Mary-Lou, Miriam, Rinda, Melissa, Barbara, Krafty Karen, Alison, Cheri, Julia and Fiona made a memorandum on Monday.  Come, join us!


helena said...

sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly -seems to be a lot of flu around at the moment. Hope it improves and allows you to have a good week

Jane said...

oh dear, I hope you get better soon xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh no! That infection is proving its tenacity a little too well. I really hope this latest round of AB's see it off. I'm a big fan of soup, as you know, and I always think it makes me feel better. Hoping for clearer days for you, as the week progresses.

Maggie said...

Oh dear Sian! You have been so unlucky. How about steam inhalations? I don't see that on the list. Stick your head under a bowl of boiling water with a bit of Vick if you wish. Stick a towel over your head and the bowl and breathe deeply. A real old fashioned remedy.

Julie Kirk said...

Sorry to hear things are taking so long to clear. But, while you're on a soup vibe ... try this Nigel Slater’s cauliflower and leek soup recipe:

It's delicious and it *doesn't* taste weird ... which is how expected cauliflower to taste in soup! It makes it really creamy and lovely. We've made it a few times now and it doesn't disappoint.

I learned ... that it's even hard for me too *talk* about ideas I've had re: overcoming my dog phobia. Let alone put them into practice!! Oh my.

Wishing you an accelerated [running on vitamins from the entire onion family] recovery! x

debs14 said...

Oh no, not more antibiotics! You poor thing you must be feeling awful. I'm going to suggest something here that you may not want to consider, but seeing as I how I suffered similarly for a very long time before they realised it wasn't my sinuses at all I'm going to throw it out into the ether ... have they checked for polyps?
The only good thing is that you are keeping warm indoors with lashings of homemade soup and keeping yourself busy with the knitting. Here's hoping that next Monday sees you feeling better - and able to distinguish between an affection for facial hair and a romantic comment ;-)

Sue Althouse said...

Hope you are feeling much better very soon. We've also had sinus problems here. It must be a January/wintery thing. I'm envious of your prolific sock knitting. I am already going to fail in my goal to knit a pair of socks every month. Maybe 10 pair in 2016?

Maria Ontiveros said...

I also had a relatively quiet weekend, and I made chicken soup!
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Patio Postcards said...

oh Sian I laughed & laughed (out loud) about himself possibly talking to his own facial hair. Oh onions, wonderful in any form, except red onions, I don't like red onions. I read that Vicks rubbed on the soles of the feet is very good for colds & congestion, not sure if sinus woes falls into that category or not. Sending positive energy & thoughts for improved to healthy sinuses. Happy week.

alexandra s.m. said...

So sorry you have been under the weather but you haven't lost your sense of humour ;)
I share your pain, I rarely have a cold but boy, this one is bad! About the only thing that works for me is inhalation. It definitely kills some of the nasty bacteria in the sinuses.
I hope you feel better soon

This West London Life said...

Gosh, you do seem to have been in the wars ... do hope this evening finds you feeling more like you again! Says she with the hacking cough and snotty nose ...

alexa said...

Your ability to make us smile whilst you are feeling under par is a great gift :). Yes, all members of the allium family are excellent for infections - garlic poultices were used in the war on septic wounds. Not that you will need one - I am sincerely hoping this latest course of capsules will clear things up for you. Oh, socks in colour! Now that's cheering ...

Louise H said...

Oh Sian you really have struggled to shake your illness off - I hope the onion soup works where the antibiotics haven't.
At least you aren't too poorly to knit - get better soon x

Anonymous said...

Oh Sian, hope you feel much better soon. Being married to a sinus suffer I know how awful it can be.

Mel said...

Feel better! Both my kiddies have the sniffles. Tis the season!

Cheri said...

Sure hope you feel better soon! Seems your sense of humor survives intact despite the illness.

Mardi said...

Argh... those sinuses!!
Its so hot here in Australia at the moment it seems funny to think of sipping on onion soup....and battling colds and ills.
Our turn will come though. I hope you are well soon.
Mardi x

Melissa said...

Oh Sian, I do hope you feel better soon. Soup is definitely good for the nose & sinuses - our favorite is chicken noodle . . . and potato . . . . and vegetable . . . :)

It does look like all this extra time is good for the knitting though!

Karen said...

Oh no, I can't believe you've got it again! I hope it's really short-lived this time around. The onion soup does sound good though.

Linda Batson said...

Sorry to read you and family under the weather. Hope the new day brings feelings of improvement your way. God bless


Jo said...

Sorry to hear that you've not been well again, it's horrible when nasty things linger for so long :(

Sian said...

Thanks everyone!

..and hi Linda B. It's lovely to hear from you. I went to visit your blog; but I don't have a Google + account so sorry I wasn't able to leave you a comment

Missus Wookie said...

I have a friend who makes 'garlic virus killing soup' and swears by it.

Hope you feel better soon!

Becky said...

I do hope that you are feeling better soon. The onion soup sounds delicious!

Lizzy Hill said...

Crumbs! Or maybe Onions! You have had a Time and a Half of it. ROLL OVER SICKNESS AND GO AWAY....I Think you need this new mantra!!! At least the soup and socks made it bearable, I guess.....& look at all those fabulous peeps joining in with the new thing.....WONDERFUL:):)

KraftyKaren said...

Sorry to hear you are poorly - sinusitis is so miserable, I've had it before and know how painful it can be. I hope this round of antibiotics will do the trick - keep drinking the soup!!

I had a four day weekend so have only just had a chance to wave back at you. Wishing you a week of increasing betterness (is that a word???)

Sandra said...

You poor thing, I hope you are feeling better xxx

Sandie said...

I don't know how you write such good posts when you feel so poorly, Sian. You are an inspiration and I feel like I should be putting a smile on your face rather than the other way round. Do wish you a speedy recovery.... this has gone on for weeks!!
I love onion soup and am glad you are looking after yourself. It sounds like you are doing all the right things, and knitting socks is good for the soul.

Anonymous said...

I do hope the sinus issues have left for good and will not be making a return anytime soon. Reading your post made me wish for some homemade soup for my cold. Oh well!

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