Lets start with a question. Does every scrapbook page need a title? See, I'm not sure that it does. A cleverly thought out title can pull you in, that's for sure; it can make you smile, charm you into wanting to look more closely. It can cue you into what the page is about (though of course that's what the photo is there for, too); and if it's properly considered as a design element it can add emphasis, draw your eye to the main event, and make use of colour or type in a way which makes your page really pop.
And yet...all of this can also be done in other ways. I remember saying as much to Debbie Hodge when she interviewed me for "Single and Pretty" last year; and she replied that she thought a title was always a good idea. Certainly, when I started scrapbooking, I began a list of titles I'd collect from newspaper headlines, song titles, advertising slogans, anything I could tweak a little. But that list got left behind in a notebook under a pile of other notebooks; and I've been getting lazy.
There are so many cleverly cut big wood veneer phrases and pre printed Life Pages cards out there at the minute that I've been using those instead of coming up with something myself. So, when Get It Scrapped asked me to make a page demonstrating one of my scrapbook masteries, I decided to go back to what I enjoy and gather together some words which work.
Um, yes: another food page, about another weakness. It seems to be a running theme at the moment.But it's true: I've hardly ever met a doughnut I haven't wanted to stretch out my hand and grab. And they always look better on my special plate. They're the fault. On my stars. I hope taking the book title and changing it works. On this page I think I needed a title to add impact to a layout about a very little thing. The title turns it into more of an event. And has persuaded me to lose my sloppy ways. I need to get a good titling groove going again.
And that reminds me. A couple of years ago I came up with a list of easily transferable, stick anywhere titles for use in an emergency. If you can't find the words, you are very welcome to use these ones. No, they won't win many prizes for originality; but if you are feeling that your page is lacking in the colour, or shape, or energy some judicious use of a few alphas can bring, and you are lost for a phrase or two, you might find something here to suit
No Title: No Problem
And if you are looking for more, try googling "title generators". Lots of the ideas will have you thinking about blog posts too. Join me in a snack first, though, won't you?
My page today was made for the new Get It Scrapped blog article How To Scrapbook Faster By Doing More Of What You're Good At

please don't tempt me with a doughnut, I'm trying to be good. A title can add to a page but it is very hard coming up with something interesting.
Oh no - I have many pages without a title (oops) have I been doing this wrong? Sometimes I just think that photos themselves make the title. I like the theme of your page & plate with ring doughnut the star of the page & the play with book title is great.
I tend to use titles, though they might be on a journaling block instead of really big on the page.
I very seldom have pages without titles...it just doesn't seem complete to me without one! xx
I think I have a couple of layouts without titles but majority have them. I think it's more for others though than me. Maybe I'll rethink the whole title thing x
Dig that black and blue color scheme you got going on! I don't always title, but I do quite often..but then again, it all depends. It's art, you can do whatever you want! Hugs!
Let's start with an answer: yes, every layout needs a title. Otherwise you are opening the book to a page and you don't know what book it is. Have you ever noticed that most books have the title of the book at the top of every other page. It is there for a reason. It is a road marker - it lets you where you are in case you just arrived and need to find your bearings. Make sense to the librarian and the traveler in you? I find any layout without a title incomplete and unfinished. So even though you are not absolutely positively definitive on the need, I appreciate all the helpful advice and suggestions on how to do titles. Long live layout titles.
A beautiful page and I love this creative title. I too have been using the generic already made titles as of late. Sometimes I wonder if we will look back on all of these pages one day and think it was silly to have a huge title on each page. But... I still always put a title on.
I generally use a title - but sometimes prefer to let the photo speak for itself. For me the photo is always the star and I want it to shine.
I have a saying I use a lot 'I've never met a cake I didn't like'. However, ring donuts I would never choose, jam ones oh yes!
Great post. I struggle with titles sometimes and a handy project life card can be perfect!
I'm guessing that when I scrapped 12X12 and 81/2X11 pages that almost all of them had titles. Later today, I think I'll take a look. I also know that I rarely put the kind of thought into them that you do. Now that I'm doing Project Life, it's a bit different, but you've made me think that the filler cards I create or choose do act as titles. And, in fact, choosing them is often the most time-consuming part of the spread. Very thought-provoking post for me. Thanks.
I actually flipped through four different albums to see how I handle titles. I'm all over the place. Some of my layouts have titles - basic, clever, short, long, and everything in between. Some of them rely on an element on the page for the title - for example a focal photo of three people on a boat standing behind a life ring that says "Washington D.C." - that would count as my title. Then I have layouts where in the context of the album it is clear what it is and no title is necessary. So I guess my answer is, it just depends... How's that for definitive?
Your layout is great and I love the creative title! I may borrow from the list for my next blog post...
Hi Sian,
I love how your pages are always personal and "real"
This layout is beautiful and I also love your base, how clever!
Thanks for the titles, a very helpful list.
I adore this page. It's my new fave. Partly cos of the subject, partly cos of that gorgeous denim blue behind....did you 'paint' this? Or is it on the paper? And I REALLY Like the PL [???] cards you've used behind the photo. Especially the tilted one. AND I really, REALLY like that long 'title'. You're making me want to scrap lift this one!!! Might just do that. If you don't mind???
What a brilliant list and thank you! I have not given much thought to titles, I am afraid to say; if nothing comes to mind quickly, I have probably just just the first few words of my first sentence and added a row of little dots. What a wonderfully strong look your page has. I do like your plate :).
I love coming up with titles, sometimes a title pops in to my head and I have to hunt out a photo to go with it :)
Why, yes, thank you - I'd love a doughnut snack! :) Great play on the book title, drew me right in to the layout!
And a great list of titles - I'll keep those in mind for future layouts.
First off, I can't remember the last time I had a donut. I love them--but rarely indulge. It helps that there are no tempting donut shops nearby. As for titles on pages---I'm not sure I could create a page without one. I'd feel like I was looking at a title-less book. Maybe to much work to figure out what it's about. On the other hand, using the photo AS the title is an intriguing concept. Hmmm, perhaps that could be a challenge for my group!
Titles depend on how I'm feeling and where the page is ending up. But I'm happy to use word art or a card or a wood veneer etc. as a title - or a long multi font wordy title just for fun.
Doughnuts are tempting but I'm quite fussy I've decided as I skipped several last week.
Enjoyed this Sian. A title can conjure up so much - it's interesting how sometimes we can start with this or end. I have no formula, what ever sparks me is my inspiration. A photo - or a doughnut!
Thanks for the list - these are always useful to keep to hand. I loved the book and the film that inspired your title. Great page too!
Always love your title/subject posts!
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