It was a get up early and leave her to the bus weekend. An "No, I'm not thinking of going to Trinity but we'll go to the university Open day and tour the library and look for the Book of Kells just for fun" weekend. And with that, she packed up her Euro and she left.
So we had a stand in the Post Office queue and confuse the new counter staff weekend (Oh, I hope our box arrives where it needs to be: there are presents in there!)
We had a shop til you drop (in a good way) weekend. A just a few stocking fillers to get now weekend. A card writing, gift wrapping, more paper needing (buying on a roll by roll basis doesn't really work, does it?), new art supply shop discovering, marking the calendar (Uncle Dave will be here for two whole weeks!) weekend.
And also a mince pie with cream eating, perfume sampling, Salvation Army band (sob: it always makes me want to cry) listening, knit like the wind weekend. In other words, we got stuck into making Christmas.
And today? I'm making shortbread. As a spectator sport.
With a day off school, The (Not So) Small One has a tea party to bake for. I get to lick the icing bowl. And that's a good way to start the week. I hope your Monday has something sweet in it too.
So our Monday-ers last week were Helena, Eileen, Jane, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Deb, Rinda, Sheena, Linda, Karen, Barbara, Ruth, Louise , Maggie and Julia. Go on, give 'em a wave! And have a good week!

licking the icing bowl while watching baking sounds a great way to start the week - hope its a good one
It sounds like a lovely christmasy weekend.
Just hope I can catch up with you on Christmas-making this week!
Licking the icing bowl out - now that's such a good way to start the week! Hope the rest of your week is as good.
sounds like you're well ahead with all the preparations.
Another great weekend - sooo busy!! Im exhausted just reading about it :-) - sounds like your back up to full health - have a great week xx
All the best flavours are around the bowl and on the spoon - lovely!
Sounds like you are fighting fit again - and far more organised than I am with your Christmas shopping!
I hope your daughter is more adept at bus traveling than mine is .... All will become clear when you read mine. My husband is usually lurking to lick the bowl . I can't believe how organised you are. I think I better get a move on!
I think it's the law to cry at Salvation Army bands. Pretty sure.
I need to get on top of card writing and parcel packing this week ... I thought that that would me *me on monday*. But somehow I've got sidetracked into sorting out [and putting in charity bags!!] my entire book collection. I think I'm in 'must clear out the old to make room for Christmas decorations' mode.
Wishing you a great week ahead. x
Cute photo of you licking the spoon ... nothing is more Christmas like :)
Hope you have a wonderful week which does NOT include a bus, off route rescue.
Seems there are a lot of us caught up in the crazy chaos of Christmas making!
Sounds like a great weekend, I'm enjoying catching up on your blog Sian :)
I am having the hardest time getting "stuck into Christmas" this year . . . so glad to see you had a festive productive weekend!
You have done well to get most of the presents, sounds like you made a good start to Christmas!
I'm with Julie - crying at the Sally Army band is definitely a must. It reminds me of an old family story my Dad told me years ago. His granddad was in the trenches in WW1 and apparently the only people they ever saw helping were the Salvation Army. Always there with warm soup and a razor.
I always have to give pop some money in their collection tins in thanks for this kindness in the past.
Have a good week x
You have described a busy but fabulous weekend! Enjoy your week :)
Sounds like a fab busy weekend. Have a great week, I have given you a little wave
Mince pies with cream, shortbread... you are making me hungry !!
Have a good week xxx
Sounds a wonderful weekend....but 'packing up her Euro'??? what does that mean??? I really like your photo collage with all that red and white happening..... it's a-comin'.....VERY fast!!!
Now that sounds like a fabulous christmassy weekend. I did smile at the whole buying a roll at a time, I have the same problem ... always run out at the wrong time.
Sounds like a fab weekend! You sound very organised for Christmas! Have a great week:)
Lizzy: when we cross the border and go South here, we're going into a different currency zone so we need to take Euro to use instead of our pounds
Thank You for a great Monday post Sian!
Home baking that you didn't have to bake. What could be better than that?
That's a great photo of you sporting the new winter woolly!
We had our shop till we drop day yesterday, and nearly got all it wrapped too. Now we have a list of the last few things, and I'm hoping to tackle those on Friday afternoon. Alas, I always put thoughts of the food off till the last minute - Monday it will be.
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