Monday 9 November 2015

Me On Monday

Me on Monday?

Determinedly wearing cheerful yellow stripes and pinning up my message for the day, after a why is my brain still only half functioning? kind of weekend. A do a little something and crawl back to the sofa kind of a weekend.

But enough of that! From the sofa I did try to turn it round to a sock knitting, catch up on iPlayer, do a tiny bit of internet Christmas shopping weekend. The knitting is for a gift, so no pictures. The iPlayer catch up was a collection of things nobody else here wanted to watch: Iain Rankin talking about Jekyll and Hyde, followed by a documentary on Clara Bow, the Silent Movie star, topped off with two hours of Chivalry and Betrayal: The Hundred Years War. And the Christmas  shopping? Oh, Little E, I'd say you have a surprise in store..

...except that wouldn't be true, would it? You asked, we are happy to listen. But may I play too? I like Playmobil, a lot.

So: looking forward, hoping the week picks up and I get lots more things done. Scrapbooking-wise, I'm itching to get started on my December Memories album

A last child's last Christmas at school, that's what I'll be pinning down. I enjoyed every minute of my last Christmas at school, way back when, and I'm wishing the same for her, with a book to remember it by. 

These aren't new pictures. I can't claim to have taken a single one over the weekend. They're from my Instagram feed. But they do show what I'll be hoping to have a look at this week. May your own week be filled with good things! 

So last week I did manage to get round and say hello and pick up the links for Deb, Barbara, LouiseRinda, Helena, Eileen, Sandie, Jane, Karen, Alison, Linda, Mary-Lou, Ladkyis, Karen, Julia, Sheena, Mitra and Maggie who all shared the start of their week. Happy Monday!


Karen said...

It sounds like that "cold" or whatever it was has hung around way too long. I've been fighting one; think I'm still winning the battle, but it's not over yet. Love the looks of your December album, and think titling the project December Memories is better than December Daily which I know I can't keep up with. I've decided to go back to a mini-album, though. The last two years, I put it in my Project Life binder, and it just didn't feel quite right. This will be the 10th year I've done it, and I'm already making lists of ideas! Hope your energy level is back to normal soon!

Barbara Eads said...

Love your sentiment for the day! You always manage to have a productive weekend! I haven't been upstairs in my scrapbook room Since September 25th. I'm itching to do a little scrapbooking---soon---I hope!

Maggie said...

Some of these colds do seem to hang around. I hope you shift it soon. I love Playmobile. All those intricate little extras. Can I play too? You have reminded me that I meant to add on my Me on Monday about it being our last school bonfire night. I guess I shall be saying that all year. Have a good week.

debs14 said...

Oh the hours I've spent playing with Playmobil in the past - such a great toy it is for stretching the imagination. Now, I wonder which theme he's gone for?
So you are about to tick another off the 'Last' list. I'm sure she'll have a fab school Christmas and I know there will be someone willing to take the odd photo or two ;-)
Pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better, here's hoping that next Monday finds you completely recovered.

Julie Kirk said...

I tend to catch up with iplayer stuff when I'm working from home - although it means I've 'seen' plenty of films I've actually not really 'seen' - I've only heard them while I've got my eyes on crafty-business. OR ... I end up getting absorbed into the film and get very little work done!

I hope you continue to clear that cold. After thinking mine had entirely gone I had to buy throat soothers last week ... fortunately nothing came of it ... but watch out for those signs it's sneaking back in!

Me on Monday? I'm kicking myself for forgetting to tell Dad about the vital Comber/Cumber information while at Sunday lunch yesterday! Next time I see him ...

helena said...

playmobile shopping sounds just the think for the end of cold, head still full of cotton wool feel. Hope you are feeling better as the week wears on

alexa said...

Sorry to hear you are still being plagued by the lurghi :(. The bugs this year seem very persistent. A bit of 'me' time sounds just the ticket. And I love your December memories book ... Playmobil? I've just been speaking yesterday to a little one who had spent a very happy day in Playmobil World ... I didn't know one existed!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Boo to the cold. Hope it's on its way soon. That kit looks lovely. I spy a couple of the same colours as I have in mine and I shared it today too! It's good to be back after last week's tech fail.

This West London Life said...

Do hope that cold pushes off very soon! Playing with a December Daily type project is just what the doctor orders, in my opinion ...

scrappyjacky said...

Playmobil....I'm jealous....I loved playing with it with my kids.

Patio Postcards said...

Lovely cheerful yellow stripes - perfect quote. May I quote you? Looking forward to seeing about your December Memories album. The deer seems to be a very popular motif this season. Happy thoughts for your week ahead.

Lou said...

oh, hoping you are cleared of your cold soon. I vote for playmobile too x

stephanie said...

My Monday has involved a very hungry two week old and multiple changes of clothes!!

Sheena said...

Heres hoping the cold clears soon.
Playmobil is wonderful isn't, I've kept all ours ready for future generations.

Lizzy Hill said...

You're getting there! Phew:) must be a tad better to play with socks, even if only for a few min's. Playmobil? What the heck? !!!!! Christmas is a-coming!!!!!!

KraftyKaren said...

Hope this week sees you finally kicking the lurgy out the door. The December album stuff looks lovely - I have vague plans for a Christmas album, I have the album and the page protectors and am hoping I have enough stuff in my stash to put something together. Have a good week!!

Melissa said...

Oh I do hope you are all well very soon! I've got my Christmas album all ready since I took that class with one of my teenage friends back in the summer! No shopping here yet, although I'll be out tomorrow to pick up some gifts for Robbie's upcoming birthday.

Have a great week & feel better soon!

Louise H said...

Well I visited you first, and then everybody else on the list here and on bloglovin - and then realised yours was the only one I hadn't commented on! I do hope you finally get rid of that nasty virus Sian, all this damp weather can't be helping. The yellow stripy top looks just the thing to lift your spirits.
I love the reindeer/stag embellishments - they seem very popular this year.

Jo said...

I hope you are feeling much, much better now. I can't wait for you to start your December Memories album, that stash looks gorgeous :)

Eileen T said...

Hope you feel back to normal soon - some colds hang about for way too long and full recovery takes ages. Make sure you pamper yourself.

Hope you have a good week.

Linda said...

Love your little notice! Really hope that you are on the mend now, but glad you were able to rest and enjoy being on the sofa this weekend!

Cheri said...

So sorry that cold is still hanging on for you - sending lots of warm healing thoughts your way! I'm better except for a touch of sore throat that doesn't seem to go away, but doesn't bother me much either.

Love the prep for your December album - all of you setting it up already is making me want to play too!

Miriam said...

Its Wednesday, I am hoping you are feeling a lot better. For someone functioning from the settee I'd say you were pretty busy! I love seeing you on IG, it makes me feel I'm still in touch. I am struggling with tiredness/fatigue, if I sit down and get my iPad out I fall asleep! Hope the rest of the week is good for you.

Sandra said...

On the plus side, you're getting this horrible bug of yours done and out of the way. So come that December album, you'll be on fine form. Sending love and well wishes xx

Sandie said...

I hope you are feeling better Sian, that cold certainly did knock the stuffing out of you. It seems to be doing its rounds...
We love Playmobile too. I hope you are regaining your energy. As much as I hate feeling unwell I do love that I can fall in front of the tv to watch films without feeling guilty, because I don't have energy for anything more!

Gail said...

I do hope you're feeling much better now. The cold/flu thing is the pits! Your December Memories bits look interesting. I've decided to bite the bullet this year and am doing AE's December Daily digitally. Still feeling somewhat yucky here - I just don't seem to have bounced back from the latest surgery like I did the big one in April - maybe 2 in one year was a bit more tiring than I thought it would be. Hope you've had a great weekend to make up for the 2 not so great ones healthwise that is.

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