Monday 16 November 2015

Me On Monday

It was a weekend of ordinary activities washed over with extraordinary events. For what else is there we can do except keep trying to live our good lives?

A subdued weekend, then. Close to home. A list making, first trawl round the Christmas shops without the kids (yes, we still do that) weekend. A knee socks take longer to knit than ankle socks weekend. A does anyone actually understand what's happening in Homeland? weekend. A weekend of wind and high rivers, of floods and impassable roads. 

And then it was the weekend of the new laptop. I don't know about your house; but here, when there is something of the technological kind to be acquired, it goes a bit like this:

We sit round for days, talking about it. We pile into the car and head to the shops. We stand in the shop, confused, and when the salesman asks if he can help, I open my mouth to say "we would like.."  but before I manage it, my other half says "we're just looking, thanks." I spend the next ten minutes trying to re-attract the attention of said salesman. He talks to us. I start to say "I think I'd like.." but I'm beaten to it by the man saying "Okay. We'll go away and think about it, thanks". So we go away, We find ourselves at home again, doing more talking. We end up in a different shop, ordering something completely different, usually at the suggestion of a teenager who knows what she's talking about. 

So now I'm waiting for a new laptop to arrive. If I disappear sometime over the next week, you'll know why. Keep your fingers crossed it's here before the old one finally refuses to turn on for good!

Today? Today I'm measuring:

We have one room in our house which JK Rowling might call The Room Of Evolvement. It's where ancient furniture goes to die and where medium-ly old furniture goes to be considered, where we keep things tenants don't want, and things they might like and sometimes ask for. It's a constantly moving stock room of pieces which get steamed, cleaned, painted, or pensioned off. I'm looking for space for a set of bookshelves due to arrive soon. It's bookshelves; so of course I'm going to find room. But, since that desk left, I've also had in mind a new spot for taking photos, in front of the window, if I can keep the radiator out of shot. I've grabbed a spare coffee table (always one or two around) and started to play with some of my Christmas album things. It might work. It's somewhere with a little light, and that's hard to find on this side of the house.

And I think that's where we came in today, isn't it? Looking for light. I hope you find some in your week! If you'd like to pass it round, please give last week's Mondayers a wave. They are:

  Sandie, Deb, Ruth, Helena, Sandra, Eileen, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Fiona, Louise H, Linda, Louise, Karen, Liz, Ladkyis, Julia, Sheena, Maggie and Gail

Have a good one!


Sandra said...

its funny, I'm just trying to write my post for me on a Monday, but not sure where to start ... I came to you for inspiration. As always, you bring a smile to my face ... oh, I know that whole computer chatter.

Stay safe xxx

Patio Postcards said...

Your Room of Evolvement sounds a perfect place, wonderful natural lighting, (soon to arrive) bookcases, which I trust will be completely stocked. I predict a page is forthcoming from this ...

helena said...

I recognise the whole buying technology sequence - hope you new one fits its remit. And yes the problems of finding light for photos this time of year - if only I'd thought of that more when planning my furniture. Have a great week

This West London Life said...

Ah, technology ... a dying PC, a dead camera and now a poorly iPad (but I should be so lucky to have such things). The weekend's weather here went with the events from across the Channel ... awful. And now I'm wondering how it will end and how we (the majority)can make a difference?

Linda said...

Oh yes, we're the same with technology! Except that we go in every shop and then back to the original one ot buy the thing! How many times have I said to OH< let's skip the middle bit and just buy it at the first place! LOL! Hope you manage to find some light - it's pretty gloomy here too.

Julie Kirk said...

You know - what with my phone/camera crises - that I'm not one to pass judgement on anyone's dithering over technology!

We have a back bedroom that - despite always saying we never would - we now treat like a junk room. It even made me cry the other day! Next time I see a lovely old piece of furniture and go to say the usual 'But where would we put it?' ... I know what I'm going to do ...


Jennifer Shaw said...

I'm happy to hear that you got that new laptop. I am finally enjoying mine. I think we have all the bugs worked out. Rob loves technology and so the decision goes a bit easier. If not we would be relying on our Lisa for help. It must be hard for you with this tragedy so close. You are right that all we can do is go on living our lives. I have to say that it seemed weird for me to be posting a frivolous yarn sale post when such serious stuff had just happened. It seems almost wrong to celebrate the little things but we have to or else they win.

Louise H said...

I struggle for good light. The back of the house rooms have too much light, so I struggle not to cast a shadow (windows on two sides!) and the front of the house rooms are in perpetual shade. The bathroom has decent(ish) light but isn't big enough to get a good photo in. I bought the last laptop. I understand a bit about the technology and then went for a mid-priced one, don't ask me why... I think it is what my Mum always did.

Maggie said...

Enjoy that new laptop when it arrives. It has certainly been a thoughtful weekend which has touched so many people.

alexa said...

So pleased to hear you've taken the plunge - despite the toe-dipping manoeuvres of The Accountant :). Hoping therell be a photo of you with it before long, too. Your lovely description of the Room of Evolvement made me think of my Aunt Lily's Return Room (at the turn of the stairs) which was full of all kinds of bits and pieces and into which you could just about squeeze to play the old organ inside the door! Wishing you a happy techno-week.

Eileen T said...

Room of Evolvement - I love it! Have you ever shown photos of your Dad's recorders on this blog - I'm keen to see them - I'm in awe that he made them himself.

Lizzy Hill said...

Sounds in interesting weekend. Hope the light for photos works out--- & the new computer. I always find that a hard journey... Poor Paris.... Awful, terrible thing....sounds like the flu has gone. YAY TO THAT!!!!

KraftyKaren said...

Our general dump everything in it room is called The Room of Doom - I try to keep it fairly tidy as the chest freezer, tumble dryer and most of my crafting stuff also lives in there but sometimes I just seem to be moving boxes and stuff around and around to get to various things in there - hope you manage to get it sorted to get your better light. And yes a very subdued weekend of not knowing what the average person can do to try to change things apart from just keeping on keeping on. My Blue Monday problems are very trivial compared to what others are going through. Have a great week and enjoy the new laptop when it arrives x

Melissa said...

Oh I do like the Room of Evolvement name! New technology purchases here require several days of discussion, Internet research, then one trip to the store to get it!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ah yes, I recognise the laptop scenario. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have a clue where things are going in Homeland. I catch up on a Monday now, as it's all a bit much on a Sunday night.

scrappyjacky said...

Another family with technology issues here....we need a new printer....we've needed one for ages....but have never yet been able to come out of a shop with just the right one [though possibly they don't actually make it!!].
Have a good week.

Barbara Eads said...

Your trip to the computer store made me chuckle. It's exactly like that around here---with pretty much any purchase. I'm pretty decisive, so by the time I get to the store, I've already done the research and know exactly what I want. I'm ready to buy. DH has a different approach. He wants to try several spots to find the best "deal" and to "think" about it. I'm better off shopping alone---especially if the purchase is for me. Have fun with your new computer---very exciting. I'm due for an upgrade myself!

Gail said...

Oh that technology buying sounds so familiar here, mind you I was astonished last time when we went and both agreed on exactly what we wanted before we got there - that was a first! I hope the new laptop arrives in time. Hoping that bit by the window works out for you for your photo taking.

Sheena said...

WE have had a weekend full of windy wet weather too.
I love the sound of your Room of Evolvement, my folks have a room just like this :)

Karen said...

A Room of Evolvement actually sounds quite wonderful; no place for one of those around here. We're trying our best to get down to the essentials. I finally managed my half of the basement, but the workbench area is off limits to me! I'd hoped to get to the attic this fall, but once again, it's been put off to the New Year.

Cheri said...

I'd be totally afraid to have a room of evolvement - afraid with the pack-rat mentality of the other members of my family that it would become the room of old relics that nobody has a use for but that they also aren't willing to be rid of! Hope your new computer turns out to be everything you thought you wanted and more! It's tough when it is something that you'll be living with on a daily basis for a few years!

Deanna said...

Just when I get used to a laptop it acquires a quirk and the service guy says, 'Well, computers only last 3-4 years. You might want to buy a new one.'

Jo said...

That room sounds like a real treasure trove and I know all too well the tale of the computer!

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