Monday 10 August 2015

Me On Monday

It was a serious phone calls, driving long distances, fetching clean nightclothes kind of a weekend here, as Granny, my Mum, was taken into hospital on Thursday afternoon. I have very little fun to report.

I did do some knitting:

There is always knitting: calming and easy to carry; and, with self patterning yarn, there's always something to look forward to. This one pulls together such a nice collection of colours I'm thinking of ordering more to make an autumn hat. And after that maybe I'll dip into my new book Folk Socks by Nancy Bush, and try a few cables. This picture is a bit obscure on purpose, sorry: it's for a gift ..

So Deb, Helena, Eileen, Jane, Mary-Lou, Julia, Ladkyis, Louise, Krafty Karen, Ruth, Liz, Fiona, Sheena and Gail ll gave us a wave last Monday. I'm hoping all of you and all of you find a little something to look forward to this week. Have a good one.


Eileen T said...

Sending best wishes for a quick recovery for your mum.

Miriam said...

Oh my goodness. I hope your mum will be home soon. Its such worry when mum's are poorly.
Me today? determined o catch up with lovely blog friends who have ben so very kind (that'll be you then... also Foot Measuring!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh Sian, tough times. Thinking of you all xx

Lizzy Hill said...

Oh, I hope she will be OK. The older we get, the older they get, the harder it is all round..... meanwhile. I WAVED! I did. Dunno what came over me!!! Just in case you miss it:

scrappyjacky said...

Thinking of you....hoping for the best.

Sandra said...

Sian, I'm sending love and good vibes to you and you Mum, I hope she is better soon xxx

Karen said...

Keeping you and your mum in my prayers!

debs14 said...

Oh dear, that sounds like a worrying kind of weekend, I do hope she's ok and will be keeping you in my thoughts.
I do like the look of that wool - I almost feel inspired to pick up a pair of needles myself - as you suggest, it may soon be time for wooly hats!

helena said...

sending good vibes across the water and hope your Mum is on the mend. I agree variegated wool is a fun mystery journey

Patio Postcards said...

Sian along with the Monday wave I am sending you a big hug, lots of positive thoughts & energy your way. Glad you have your knitting to keep the wobbles away emotionally & mentally.

Cheri said...

So sorry to hear Sian! Warm and positive healing thoughts being sent your way for you and your Mum.

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope she's on the mend soon. x

Ladkyis said...

Sending magical cwtches (hugs with a Welsh accent) that take the sting out of any situation. You are all in my thoughts.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Yes, knitting keeps the hands occupied while the heart and mind worry. Sending good thoughts to you and a prayer for your mum.

Nathalie said...

I hope your mum is feeling better already! Thinking of you!

Susan said...

Best wishes to your Mum, Sian. It is not easy as our parents age. The socks look beautiful. Whoever will be receiving them as a gift is very lucky.

Julia said...

So sorry to hear this Sian. Hope your Mum is on the mend soon and thinking of you lots xx

Unknown said...

Sending positive thoughts your way Sian.

The yarn looks wonderful.

Sheena said...

Wishing your Mum a speedy recovery xxx

Lou said...

oh no..wishing your mum a speedy recovery x x

Maggie said...

Sorry to hear your mum is unwell. I hope she is soon on the mend.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Hope your Mum is doing okay. It is a stressful thing as our parents age and have health issues. Knitting is a wonderful calming activity. Knit on. Thinking of you and your Mum.

Gail said...

Yes knitting is always a good stress reliever. My thoughts and prayers being sent for your Mum and you.

Barbara said...

So sorry your Mum is unwell, my thoughts are with you.

Susanne said...

Oh so sorry to hear about your Mum. Sending up a prayer right now.

Jo said...

So sorry to hear about your mum, I do hope she has a quick recovery xx

This West London Life said...

I'm sorry to hear about your mum and even sorrier (is that even a word?) that I've been late in knowing this. Sending you a massive hug and positive thoughts. x

Melissa said...

So sorry to hear about your mum - I'm just getting to some blog reading after a busy week! Sending prayers your way!

Jane said...

oh no, I do hope your mum is ok x

Missus Wookie said...

Hoping that your Mum is better, those colours are lovely.

alexa said...

Hoping that your Mum is well on the mend, Sian, and that you are able to relax a little by now ...

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