Monday 20 April 2015

Me On Monday

It was a weekend of wide, open spaces and cramped, inside places. A weekend to throw our faces up to the sun, or bend our heads over our desks

Two of us studied steadily and the other two, the older two, skipped outside into the sunshine (dodging accusations of abandonment), grabbing every chance we could.

So: a deep breath taking, twisty path following, you can do it, marching forward, stopping and starting kind of a weekend.

An oh, that's what a gorse fire looks like and those really are firemen running in this direction weekend. A sorry I forgot to take the salmon out of the freezer, it'll have to be burgers weekend. A yes, we'll talk about your driving licence and what you'd like for your birthday weekend.. A new Paddington film watching, Easter egg finishing, BBQ considering (we didn't), lines of dry washing outside, thinking about packing weekend.

And of course we finished it up with our second Sunday night drive-time of the season. Somewhere with fields they asked for; so I guess that brings us right back to where we started. Wide Open Spaces.

Me On Monday?

In the passenger seat:

Making use of my last couple of days of taxi service. Well, I have to use that boy of mine for something, right? When he's in town I get him to drive me to all the places I need to go where the parking is impossible (that's living in the city for you) . I jump out, he circles, messages done. Although one day last week he texted me to tell me where he had found a space to wait, and, as it turned out, I had left my phone at home. I found him. Eventually. Miles later. Miles and miles later. After I - just for a moment - considered hailing a real taxi, going home and phoning him. No: you're right. Probably not a good idea..

Last week Helena, Alexa, Fiona, Eileen, Jane, Deb, Susanne, Ladkyis, Rinda, Krafty Karen, Julia, Rachel B, and  Gail all gave us a wave. Go on, go wish 'em all the best for the week ahead. Still thinking of you Gail ♥

..and thank you to Michelle who last week left a lovely comment, the thought of which got me going on a Monday morning this week. Have a good one!


Lizzy Hill said...

Oh I the first? That's a first LOL!!! Sounds a fun, interesting, intense for some weekend! And the chauffeur story is TOO funny!!!!!

Julie Kirk said...

That's always niggling at the back of my mind whenever I'm meant to meet someone: what if my phone dies / I can't ring them for some reason. Funny how much more organised/structured we needed to be before we relied on them isn't it? I sometimes blurt out a contingency plan right before I get out of the car ... something like: 'if you don't hear from me I'll just be wandering round Aldi after 5pm ... find me'! ;-)

Jane said...

sounds like another fun weekend, fancy forgetting the salmon!!

This West London Life said...

Your weekend sounds so much more fun than ours ... I can't even remember what we did ... if we did anything!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

The weather has been lovely here, its a shame to be cooped up, but needs must. Glad you got to escape into the great outdoors.

Anonymous said...

Sounds a delicious weekend! I had to laugh about you having forgotten your phone: we've all done it! Did you enjoy Paddington? It's been on repeat at our house: my son loves the line 'Is that you, God?' - he cracks up in to uncontrollable fits of laughter every time he sees it!!!! Have a great week!!!!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I am looking forward to my boys being able to drive me around. They are looking forward to it too because the driver chooses the restaurant if we are going out to eat.:)

helena said...

loving the idea of you and the Accountant skipping around the countryside - have a great week

Karen said...

I can relate to the "not having my phone" story. We've gotten so reliant on them when we are shopping. I'll text Tracy in a large store if I can't find him, and he frequently texts me to tell me where he is parked while I run in to take care of an errand. What did we do before? Enjoy your days with the chauffeur!

debs14 said...

Yes, I always try to have a backup plan when parting company. Choosing a time and place to meet up in case batteries die, signal disappears or phone is 'accidentally' left on silent! Make the most of that chauffeur, he owes you many a lift I bet!

Jennifer Shaw said...

Glad you and your son finally connected. That would be a frustrating situation. Sounds like a fun time out in the sun. Sometimes life is easier for us "older ones". I sometimes forget of the stresses that the young generation go through with their studies.

Barbara said...

I do like the idea of a the Sunday drive-time. I can relate to you forgetting to take the salmon out of the freezer that's the sort of thing I do frequently!

Ladkyis said...

what a great weekend! we had one of those

Sandra said...

Isn't it alway the way! You forget your phone just when needed.

Had to smile about forgetting to take food our of the freezer ... I'll hold my hand up, yup ... Been there, done that xxx

Linda said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend. LOL at forgetting your phone:)

Miriam said...

Waving to you on Wednesday Sian. My boy does that dropping me off think for me. I love it.

Becky said...

Sounds like a good weekend. Xx

KraftyKaren said...

Sounds like a great weekend and with glorious weather too. It has been a grotty, snotty flu ridden weekend and week so far here - not up to taking photographs and can't be bothered to blog either :( Hopefully this coming weekend I will have turned a corner and feel like coming back into the world. For now I will just peek over the bedcovers at people's blogs. Have a good week!!

Jo said...

That sounds like a lovely weekend, I did chuckle when you could locate your 'taxi' though :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Sounds like a busy, busy weekend! Both of my kids are in test-taking mode right now; Henry has midterm exams, and Clara is studying for college entrance exams!
I leave tomorrow for Oregon to go see my boy for mom's weekend, and I'm really excited!

Susanne said...

Oh dear, of all the times to leave your phone behind. One of the nice things about hubby being retired is having a driver too!!

Lou said...

Haha....that'd be me! leaving the phone at home. Sounds like a nice drive and he took a photo for you too x

Julia said...

Hats r sort of thing I'd do too with the phone! Great that you got out and enjoyed the weather x

Melissa said...

I had to laugh at the idea of him finding a space the day you left your phone at home - isn't it funny how that happens! (Well, I'm sure it's funny now . . . maybe not while you were searching for miles & miles!)

Sandie said...

Parking can be such a pain even when you don't live in a city, I bet you will check you have your phone on you next time!

Gail said...

Oh I hate trying to find a parking spot and our town isn't that big - forget about driving into the city. I'm so sorry I just found your note about me, I really need to finish catching up on my blog reading - I was schocked to see I was 2 months behind. Thanks so much for thinking about me - radiation starts tomorrow and it sounds like reading might be all that I have energy for. But at least it's only till the 14th of July.

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