..and this is how the conversation is going here this sunny Valentine's morning:
So, when your mother texted me about her wobbly crown falling out.." said my One True Love
Yes, I'd noticed the tooth problem," replied the sweet natured result of our joint parenting efforts. "She looks like Granny after the famous Flying False Teeth incident."
This was an unpleasant slur on the double chins of all concerned, I felt, and I was about to say so, when she continued:
"Wait. What. Stop. Hold on a minute. She texted you? She never texts you! You don't text!"
"Your father and I communicate through a true meeting of the minds," I said, loftily. "We have no need of your modern devices."
"Hahaha! " She picked herself up back off the floor. "He needs to put on his glasses every time he looks at his phone, and you are the world's worst typist. That's why you don't text."
...which proves, I suppose, that love shows itself in all sorts of ways. It doesn't always mean red roses. Sometimes it's a pat on the back when a trip to the dentist is required. I hope love finds you today, somewhere, somehow..
..maybe in a postcard? If you are part of the Valentine's Postcard Exchange I'm hopeful that your cards have been arriving over the past few days. Mine have! Thank you! Several of you have been in touch to check blog addresses and details, all the easier to say thank you; and I've been puzzling over the best way to easily make sure everyone knows who everyone else is. Sandra! Genius! Sandra suggested a linky, so that's what we are going to do. If you are part of the Exchange and you have a blog we can all visit, please leave a link below (something simple like, for example, "X is here").It'll be a master list, if you like, so if you are looking to thank your postcard senders, you'll know where to find them. And instead of introducing yourself to the six on your list, you can say hello to as many participants as you like. How does that sound? Now, not everyone has a blog -I know - if this is you, you could leave a message here in the comments if you'd like, to pass on thanks, or say thanks or whatever. I hope that sounds like a plan?
Have a good day, whatever you are up to
Have a good day, whatever you are up to

I hope the tooth doesn't stop you eating something sweet and Valentiney today! But I'm surprised to hear about your typing prowess [or lack of it] ... unless *someone* is prone to exaggeration of course ...
And yes, my cards have been arriving throughout the week - 4/6 so far. I plan to sit down and leave proper 'thank you's sometime.
p.s: your photo reminded me that yesterday, when I put on a coat I hadn't worn for a few months, I found a crumpled up packets with 2 old Lovehearts in there! For a split second I thought 'How romantic! What timing! I'll save those for a little gesture tomorrow'. Then, on a second glance ... they looked a bit grey ... and who wants to eat a grey, pocket-worn, loveheart on Valentine's Day?!]
A Valentine's Postcard Exchange - how lovely! I've missed it this time, it's been a bit crazy here in recent months... Next time, I will try to join in.
Great plan about the Linky!
Thanks Sian for arranging this - it's been such fun! x
I hope it's not too many love hearts that has broken your tooth! We were given a love heart each at the end of Pilates yesterday!
a good game of 2 halves should distract from any tooth distress this afternoon!
thanks so much for arranging this and brightening up this cold month x
Great idea for the list of names! I'll be back later in the weekend to have a hop around. Happy Valentine's Day, Sian. And thanks so much for hosting the postcard swap! :o)
Thanks for organising another fun project, it's been lovely to receive happy mail this week!
Thank you for a lovely swap it's such a great idea.
Thanks, Sian, and all my postcard senders, I got a lovely selection of postcards and for the first year in ages I have some cards to put up on Valentine's Day, although I'm thinking of it more as Galentine's day this year, a trend I've noticed that I think is a good idea. I'm looking forward to looking up the blogs of the senders now. It's a lovely idea.
I've been receiving some fabulous happy mail over the past 10 days. I think I'm at 4/6 and I will be attempting to figure out those with blogs! Hopefully my postcards have made it safely - no blog for me to link in though.
All my postcards have arrived with beautiful pictures and stories. I'll be sharing a post in a few days specifically about them but have shared the postcards I sent today.
I loved lovehearts and sorry about your tooth such a pain.
Thanx for organisaing Sian and tell the not so small one at least you and the hubby can text I have to do it my parents lol xxx
Jo xxxx
Thanks sian! This has been great fun. There's one signature I couldn't decipher, so I will check to see if I can guess who it was from the list.
A great plan so we can send thanks for our postcards. Glad to hear you got into the dentist. I have had that exact experience where a cap on my front tooth was ready to fall right off. Ha Ha about the texting. I don't even own a cell phone but sometimes think I would like the ability to quickly contact my loved ones. Although... my texting skills would make it anything but quick. ;)
Hi Sian, it's Mary-Lou K. from Ontario Canada; I have received 5 postcards so far - Such happy mail. Of those with a blog (3), I have posted a comment to say thank you. For those without I will say thank you through your comments section:
Lizzy Hill from Australia, sent a lovely card of Paris Montmartre, rue Norvins and Katie from London, England sent a cheery card from the Tower of London (a place I enjoyed visiting). In answer to everyone's question, yes it currently is very cold & snowy =^..^=
Sounds like the perfect solution, Sian. There was one person I couldn't track down last time and I still have no idea if 3 of mine ever arrived. I think it's nice to be able to connect with the people who took the time to send a lovely card.
I'm thinking maybe of printing this post and scrapping it lol. If anything it has to go into my PL ... Finally someone agrees with me on my genius lol xxx
Oh dear :( about the tooth. Hoping it is not causing you any pain and you can get it fixed soon ... My DH has, coincidentally, just lost a huge filling today so we have Dental Anxiety over here too. Thank-you for the Linky - it's been lovely to receive the cards and will be great to be able to say 'thank-you' ...
Teeth. Cause us pain & anxiety in one form or another from the moment we get 'em to the moment we lose & then beyond. Commiserations:/ I've only had one card arrive, but being in Australia....says it all!!!
The linky is a perfect idea - I was just about to email you as I received lovely cards from several ladies & I didn't recognize the names or have blogs/email addresses for! Happy Valentine's Day!
Hope the tooth's ok! Thanks for the linky and for the idea! Xx
I've really enjoyed the exchange....many thanks for organising it.
I've received four of the cards already, including the one from you, Sian! :D Thank you!! They are all so lovely, and it's really exciting when they arrive in the post :) The linky is a great idea!
I just had to pop back because I've been spending some time visiting blogs this afternoon and every time I happen upon a 'Postcard Exchange' post it makes me smile so! I wanted to thank you, again :)
Another great idea. We have a house full of company but when they leave I'll be back to hop around. I've received four cards already, and heard from four of them people I sent cards to.
Thanks for organising the swap.
Many thanks for all the lovely postcards I have received 5/6 so far.
Carole Anderson
A great idea. I will be blogging with pics of the ones I receive once they have all arrived. I am at 3 of 6. Now, I wish I had taken pics of the ones I sent. I found a package of postcards with illustrations from "By a Woman's Hand:Illustrators of the Golden Age" and they were all so lovely.
Hi Sian - after a bit of a dodgy start (on my part) by not reading the email correctly i can happily confirm that I received all 6 of my postcards from Sheena, Jane, Ruth, Alison, Julie & Laura. Thank you
i do hope that the ones I sent to Maria, Cheri, Helen, Ruth, Barbara & Rachel arrived safely & in time....sorry I don't have a blog.
Such great fun - I'd certainly love to take part again!
Oh good idea. I hope the dental situation has been resolved and all concerned are now smiling heartily. Are you really a bad typist - if so you must be an excellent proofreader. Although I realize a full size keyboard is a zillion time better than a phone's.
I hope the tooth is ok, great little story x
Hi Sian. I've finally posted about the swap but I think I'm still one card astray. Thanks for hosting this again it's been a lot of fun and I'm going to "Stalk the Mail man" till that last card arrives :0)
I hope the tooth didn't bother your Valentines Day. Love those conversation bites.
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