A desk wrangling, student cookery planning, stationery buying, homework starting, suitcase finding, box packing, market visiting, case of curry procuring, craft book for a small friend buying, mug breaking, Granny visiting kind of weekend
We played "furniture jenga" (layout title, layout title), as The Tall One put it, travelling to Granny's to pick up Grandpa's desk, to shoehorn it into the car ready for the trip to Scotland. When Granny suggested it, I didn't know what he would think. Maybe, I hoped, he'd be won over by its looks - almost fifty now, it has a what's-old-is-new style an aspiring barrister could admire - in the end, turns out the sentiment found him. The desk bought in Ireland by the Welsh coalminer's son will head to Law School in Scotland next weekend. I hope it speeds the essays. I've just realised that in all its years, it will never have seen a laptop before..Pictures? I said it was shoehorned: it's still in the back of the car, so it went to work this morning. We'll get it set up next week and then we'll take a photo. Promise.
Here's to a week of preparation. But it's September. My favourite month. Can't complain. How's yours looking?

sounds a lovely weekend and wonderful to hear that the desk will be serving another generation - did you see the clip on the Last Leg of people trying to fit a sofa into a car boot when it was clear to everyone else that there was no way it would fit?
Hey you - soooo good to reconnect! Love the 'furniture jenga' concept!! Here's wishing you all lots of love and wishing The Tall One godspeed on his new year at Uni.....(yes, I hope to blog semi-regularly now - am in great need of a loving community to shelter me xxx)
my favourite month as well, the desk sounds perfect.
Sounds like a busy weekend and I'd love to see the desk! Its story continues on (a new object page pretty please! ;)
Ours was a stripe painting (my preteen boy decided he wanted the Adidas stripes on a blue wall), layout starting, outdoor dining, laundry washing, feedly reading, grocery shopping kind of weekend with a long long walk by the beach one morning. Today, we're enjoying our Labor Day off! :)
I love how the desk is about to embark on a whole set of new experiences. From paper and pen to laptop - brilliant.
So one of us has a son returning to Edinburgh and one has a son returning from Edinburgh! I'm sure ours has come back with far more than he went with!
I was just thinking I might give this me on MOnday thing a go, so I decided to take a look and refresh my memory about format........... Hmmmm........ oh go on then
You bet there's a story on a scrapbook page all about Grandpa's desk!
I want to see a pic of it still in the car.
Love the variety of curry you have going on there!
I've been otherwise occupied recently--mostly with genealogy doings--and not doing a great job of keeping up with blog reading. Thus, I was very worried when I read your August 11th post that your mother was hospitalized. Then, as I jumped ahead to more recent "me on Monday" posts, I was relieved to read the very good news that your mother is getting better by the day.
What a very special thing that is. Safe travels for you and the desk. I'm joining in today.
Hope the desk arrives at its destination in one piece.....how lovely to think it's still serving a purpose!
Alison xx
Busy, busy!! Hope that desk performs its magic. Especially essay wise - computers, or not!!! Y'know, 50 yrs old sounded so old once......errrr....now, it's actually hardly old at all---if you get my drift!!! Here's to a less busy week than my weekend. And never spending 3 hours in an airport looking for errant travellers again. That's what happens when they visit Ireland, apparently......!!!
What an interesting thought about the desk having never seen a computer! That would be true of my father's desk as well, though I'm not sure where that ended up. Sadly, neither my brother nor I had room for it.
Cool that he'll have the desk. Do post pics!!
You know what that desk needs don't you? An official tour T-shirt. I'm going to pre-book my tickets to see it when it makes its way into England! TTO could write a book about it ... like the man who took the fridge around Ireland ...
Those mug handles would look great framed. But I bet you're already on to that ... x
thanks for offering your support as I get back to blogging. I've even borrowed your Me on Monday feature - except on Tuesday, as the menfolk had Monday off from work/school. Love reading yours each week. :-)
so so excited for September (and Fall!!!) and an endless list of stuff to do.
That is lovely that the desk is going on again, well done that young man.
I love the change of seasons, even into winter, and autumn is lovely and I definitely knew that about you. I am in the early september mania of back to school and it seems many other things at the moment. Haircuts and blazer done this morning, spiced veg soup simmering, doc appointments made (nothing urgent or interesting), and bathroom cleaned, that is the list done so far this week. Off to work for a few days, so I suspect it will slow progress down :-) Have a good week.
It's fab that Granny has found a home for a much loved desk ... hope the laptop accepts its new base!
I'm looking forward to the photos of the desk. I would definitely have to take one with the laptop on it and scrapbook your realization.
Uh-oh. Shame about the broken mugs, but the handles do make a cute little heart shape! We had yesterday off work so it will be a short week for us, and I have yoga teacher school this weekend so you'll find me on my mat... :o)
It's looking all the better for seeing your lovely photo collage :). I do love furniture with a story and a history - I always think of all the DNA it will be carrying ... Hoping you all have a successful trip back there and back, and looking forward to that photo!
Love that he has his Grandpa's desk. September is not my favourite month. Unfortunately things always seem to go awry for me - oh well, chin up and make the best of it as I can!
How wonderful that it was the sentiment that got him - what a treasure he'll have to speed his studies along! We had a mostly relaxing, reading, watching a movie, puttering around the house weekend here.
How lovely to have a piece of Granny's past to help him in the future.
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