Monday 22 September 2014

Me On Monday (and a Winner)

It was a fundraisng coffee morning, new floor choosing, work experience organising, pulled beef in the slow cooker trying, Christmas gift catalogue perusing (well, if they send them , you gotta look, right?), birthday present ordering, leaf raking, old boots in the back of the cupboard finding, cough medicine swigging kind of weekend

The late summer sunshine is getting lower and lower in the sky, and it's all the more beautiful for it. It was a fading, leaf fluttering, scuffed up, slightly battered weekend, but in a good way, mostly. Because here's my observation of the week: some days I wake up and look at everything around me and think - argh, it's all worn out and needs changing and replacing (and those days I'm often full of zip and wanting to get things done) and some days I look around and I'm more than happy with the old and the worn in and the comfortable. And actually the comfortable days are best because sometimes you don't need to get a lot done or go looking for the new to have a good time. I found some ancient cowboy boots in the back of my cupboard and I pulled out an old, old soft brown leather bag and I read my book for the Laura Ingalls Wilder class starting today and I sipped my cough medicine in the bottle which looks like a bought it from the back of a wagon and it was all even more cowboy than last weekend's check shirt and moustache. There has to be a layout in that.

Have a great week! And if you'd like, please do give me a Monday wave. Last week Alexa and Alison and DebFiona and Liz and Ruth and Theresa all joined in. Thank you!

Before I go today I need to announce the winner of the class pass for May Flaum's Supplies in Hand class. And the winner is.....

Elizabeth who said "ooh, ahh, hmm. Stamps or sprays!! So hard to decide.. I guess stamps win out.. maybe ;)
Thanks for the chance to win"

Elizabeth please email me and I'll pass your details on to May. I'm looking forward to meeting you in class.


Lizzy Hill said...

Sounds like my kind of weekend....especially the comfortable boots & bag type....I've had a 2&1/2 yo grandboy all mine's been a gogogo weekend....which doesn't end 'til tomorrow. Bring it ON!!! Then maybe I'll get a chance to look at the course:):)

scrappyjacky said...

All sounds good....apart from the cough mixture....I'd love to know how the pulled beef worked out.
I've pulled out my autumn jacket....though I don't quite need it's 20 years old [at least]'s been washed a million times [even though it's wool]'s getting a bit threadbare....and should go into the charity bag....but I just can't bear to part with it!!

Karen said...

Sorry to see the cough syrup in the collage, but the rest is lovely. I LOVE those boots; just bought myself a pair of red boots. I passed them up last year (several times) and when I saw them again this year at the same discount shoe store, I grabbed the last pair in my size.

Lesley G said...

A great insight but no to being poorly - feel better soon :)

Larry said...

Like the sound of your weekend. Mine was spent clearing rooms out to be painted (and now no-one is allowed to breath in them!); jewellery making; bead sorting & curtain hanging - wish I had sopped! Hope you feel better soon x

debs14 said...

Howdie partner! Fab boots!
Sorry to see that cough mixture was part of your weekend - and yuk to the taste of that particular brand - you must have felt bad to have to take that.
Thanks for the lovely card which arrived this morning - what a lovely surprise!

This West London Life said...

Do you think it's odd that I like the taste of Corvonia? I've also been pulling old clothes and shoes out of the backs of wardrobes and drawers, except that I am now giving them away to a good cause and not giving them a new lease of life with me!

Alison said...

Hope the cough's improving...although not at boot weather, we have definitely seen a change (for the better) over the weekend!
Alison xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Love the boots and there's something special about a well worn in leather bag. I'll be waving back later. I don't know where today has gone! That's what I get for a weekend gadding about London!

Jennifer Shaw said...

I love your fall posts and your words for this amazing season. I too am enjoying the low sun although today it is indian summer! Hope your cough gets better. There is a bad bug going around here with an epic cough but Rob and I got it early this time round... in July.

Sandra said...

Finding a old loved handbag is a joy, and what a lovely soft looking one it is.

I hope the cough is better xxx

Abi said...

I loved your words today Sian. I really enjoy the slower pace that Autumn seems to bring. I like rummaging through cupboards and pulling out those favourite jumpers again. Love your boots too and hope the cough goes away soon!

Melissa said...

Sounds like a nice weekend (except for the cough syrup!). I haven't got a copy of the Laura Ingalls Wilder book and Amazon is out of stock. Trying to decide if I want to get the Kindle edition so I can get started.

Missus Wookie said...

Pulled beef is happening here - the last of Princess's family recipe books. Going to have to look at the Laura Ingalls Wilder book and class - one of my favourite authors.

Theresa said...

definitely time to find the boots in the back of the wardrobe now - although wellies were more appropriate on Sunday. hope the cough syrup is doing it's job.

Susanne said...

Loving the boots and the bag!

Elizabeth said...

I am so excited thank you so much :)
I've emailed you.

Lou said...

it's been a floor buying, cough medicine, pulled pork kind of weekend here too x

alexa said...

I had no idea cough medicines still had wonderful labels like that! Hoping the cough has gone now ... Your faded cowboy/girl theme and words about the weather really echo here this morning here and I'm reading a week or so late - you see? your writing is timeless.

Nathalie said...

I love your photo collage! It's theme is even better ;) Oh, and that purse caught my eye!

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