I have no photo today. There is no pose I know which could adequately illuminate the way we're all feeling here after a did-that-really-happen weekend.
In the middle of last week my Mum, usually known as Granny here - you know, the book collecting one - was rushed to the Stroke Ward after suffering a series of episodes, very quickly, one after the other. We weren't given a lot to hang on to, frankly; and there were late night phone calls, early morning ones, lots of reassuring her grandchildren of how much she loved them, hours spent in the car on the way to the hospital. Then, we had a little hope, then the results of some scans sent us down again. Then further investigations brought relief and a change of opinion and then, we are all agreed, the fighting spirit which has kept Granny G at the top of our tree (despite many years of MS). well, it kept her fighting. She is now at home, in her own house, resting comfortably and wanting to know what I'm going to choose with that birthday Amazon voucher she sent me...
When I started to write this morning I had no idea where I was going to end up. I don't post about every piece of family news because a lot of the time those aren't my stories to tell. And because I know you all read for different reasons, sometimes I do wonder about maintaining a balance. But I want every blogger I read over the weekend to know that being able to dip in and out of your worlds over the past few days has been a good thing for my world. Seeing the postcards pile up, looking at the pictures of what you've made and now I hope waving at a few of you this Monday..it's good stuff. As Granny herself said yesterday: let's just get back to normal

so pleased she is on the mend, it must have been so frightening for you all, wish her well from me xxx
Oh my what a rollcoaster you all must have been on. Thank heaven she is back home, and comfortable, and knows her "normal" is that she is well loved. Hugs to you all!
Sorry to hear this Sian, a difficult weekend for you all. ((HUGS)) and pleased to hear she is back home and wanting to get back to normal!
Sian, thinking of you xxx Helen xxx
The only photo that would describe that kind of weekend would be you on a roller coaster. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that, but so happy that this story had a happy ending!
PHEW!!! I'm sooo glad things have turned out OK... Hope they've worked out what exactly happened & hopefully can stop it happening again....man, you wouldn't want that sort of weekend for a while now... But it DOES make you realise how this sort of thing is happening all the time when you see the inside of a hospital:/
Oh my what a week you've all had. So glad to hear she is on the mend and back in her home. Hugs to you all.
Oh Sian I'm so sorry. I'm pleased to hear she is fighting. I only saw the first few words of your post in my reader and couldn't click through fast enough to find out if you and your family were ok. Sending virtual hugs and prayers your way.
oh Sian for a moment my heart stopped, but I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear that she's doing well, and back in her home. May she continue to improve. Sending love to you all xxxx
Glad your mum is on the mend, must have been a horrible time for you all sending hugs xx
I think it's great that you shared your scary weekend. Life isn't always perfect. Plus, I look upon my blog as a diary of sorts. I'm so glad your mum is home and on the mend! Take a deep breath and try to have a calm week yourself!
Even reading your post felt like a scary roller coaster so I can't imagine what you and your family must have gone through this past week! Best wishes for your mom.
Oh Sian, such a scary time for your family. I felt a little scared to read on, I must admit. I'm so glad I did and found a happy ending. Love to you all x
Oh Sian....that sounds like an awful few days....but so pleased to hear it ended well.
And what are you buying with your Amazon voucher??
What an awful scare! I'm so glad she's recovering! It seems like I hear so little good news recently; this is really reassuring. Hope you're all taking good care of yourselves this week.
What an awful few days for you all. I'm happy to hear that your mum is back in her own home. Sending you all a hug. xx
Oh my gosh, Sian, I'm so sorry to hear that you had a rough last-few-days. That doesn't sound like fun for anyone involved! Here's hoping your mom continues to recover and that things are back to normal soon! Hang in there, my friend! xo
Oh Sian! I am so glad this post had a happy ending! I'm sure it made for a very long few days . . . sending prayers for continued healing and things getting back to normal all around!
Sending you some virtual cwtches, They come in armfuls - in England they call them hugs but that isn't an adequate word for a cwtch. They are magical, they are healing and soothing and they ones that I send will never run out. So when your Mum need a little something you can give her one of my cwtches and you'll still always have an armful
That must've been so scary for you all. So glad the crisis is over and that Granny G is back home.
Oh my goodness, what a scare you have all had. So pleased to hear that she is back home again now.
Oh Sian I am so pleased that your Mum has recovered enough to return home and I hope she continues to get better as each day passes.
Definitely a roller-coaster time - but glad that things have calmed down a little. Hoping that things do indeed, get back to normal xxx
Sorry to hear your mum has been so unwell. Glad to hear she is home and on the mend. Xxx
Oh, I am sorry to hear that Sian, what a horrid time. I am glad too that she is home again and 'back to normal'.
What a trooper! Normal is good! Wishing her all the best.
So sorry to hear this.
Pleased to know she is home & wanting things back to normal xxx
Oh how awful. Hope Granny continues to make good progress
Oh what a frantic week, glad your mum is feeling better x
Glad to hear she is home again after such a roller coaster for you all - lots of virtual hugs
Glad to hear your mum is well enough to be back home. Sending hugs to you all x
Warm thoughts and comforting hugs coming over from me. My mum used to say that! x
So glad she is home and doing better! What a rough week for you all!. Lots of hugs and prayers to you and yours.
Glad to know your mom is on the mend. {warm hug} We are that sandwich age, caring for teens and elders at the same time. {another hug} It might sound silly, but remember to rest and eat a bit too, we tend to work and worry and not take full care of ourselves.
So sorry to hear the news but so glad that your Mum is on the mend. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts xx
What a roller coaster for you all, Sian, especially your Mum. I'm SO glad that she is home and recovering, it must have been a scary time. I am glad you have shared this news. True, not all things that go on in our lives are 'ours' to tell, but personally, I feel more of a connection with those who share some of their ups and their downs. It is more real, and you have hit the balance just right. A big hug and what are you going to spend that Amazon voucher on?! LOL
I have been thinking of you all, Sian - coping with ups and downs is immensely tiring. I am hoping that your Mum's fighting spirit can rest a little, and yours too, now that the immediate crisis point is over. Sending warmest regards ...
Such a terrible scare, hoping that everyone has a bit of a rest as they get settled in the new normal. Holding you all in the light.
Sending hugs - so pleased to hear your Mum is now back at home x
Sounds like a stressful time for all. So happy to hear that your mother is fine. Sending all my best wishes to you and your family.
Just catching up and reading this now. Sending hugs and good thoughts to all of you. Glad you shared; blog friends can be counted on for love and support.
oh Sian..I wish I'd read this post first. It's been a tough time for you all. Good to hear that Granny is on the mend and mithering you about your voucher :)
I've been occupied with other things recently-genealogy mostly--and haven't been doing a great job of keeping up with blog reading. Thus, I was worried to read here that your mother was hospitalized. I jumped ahead to read other "me on Monday posts and was relieved to see that her condition is improving daily. I, along with your other readers, hope she continues to feel well.
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