It was a getting over the jetlag, lying on the sofa, reading the paper, watching the Commonwealth Games kind of weekend here. Honestly, we did very little apart from stare at the pile of holiday ironing and decide to leave it for another Monday morning has arrived and I'm starting on the final clearing up tasks. The suitcases are going back to the attic, the souvenirs are being safely tucked away
and that's why today's photo has me making my way High In The Sky with the few craft supplies I brought home from Florida.. We found a Michaels store to browse in, but all it had to tempt me was a packet of white card, some folders and some extremely well priced glue. Fabric stiffener and Tacky Glue were half the price we pay here. I love Tacky Glue! But, for today at least, I'll have to set it up on the shelf and admire it and then comeback downstairs for some proper work. Maybe tomorrow..
Again, thanks to everyone who kept "Monday-ing" while I was away. Anyone waving today?
Oh, and before I go today, I did promise a prize for a comment on the what-should-The-Tall-One do while we're away post. Lizzie Hill drop me your address please. It's you!
Hope this week is a good one.

I've always wanted to go to a big American craft store, but I think with online shops now, we can pretty much buy anything here.
At least you can keep thinking, "this time last week" while ironing. x
I've always thought I'd go bonkers in a Michaels store. Funny that when you actually got there that wasn't the case... like Sandra said - we probably get most of it online.
I'm going to do a Me on Monday today - I keep forgetting but this post just reminded me :)
I fear I would not be that restrained if I got to visit a US fabric store! Boo to the laundry pile. Maybe the ironing fairies took care of it while you were blogging. No? Well we can dream.
"Enjoy" the could watch a Disney film whist doing it and pretend you were in Disney World..........
"Enjoy" the ironing - always a great welcome home!
There's nothing more depressing than a pile of holiday clothes waiting to be ironed. I'm at the other end of the holiday process, it's far more fun getting it all into neat piles to take away with you! Although as you will see from my post, not everyone gets excited by the sight of suitcases on the landing!
I hate ironing so I am with you on ignoring it! I loved Michael's but did try to restrain myself too due to lack of space with return suitcases! I am waving today...
I'm afraid I bought a lot more than that when I was in a joanns store!!
The ironing is the worst part of a holiday!!
No woe is me but I would love that feeling of post-holiday ironing so please look at it with a glass half full kind of a feeling (hope that helps lol).
That blouse Sian, swoon :-)
I hope you settle back in soon and the magic ironing fairy visits. She is elusive though.
The Commonwealth Games have been precious haven't they young Eirrad Davies (I hope I have remembered how to spell her lovely name correctly) has been such a source of joy in our house this past couple of days. Because she has joy, it is lovely and contagious. x
Was Michael's not up to much then? Target was as far as I got when we were there! I hope it doesn't take to long to catch up on all the holiday ironing. It was Rugby 7's here at the weekend!
No, you would be much happier in an Archiver's but sadly they have gone out of business :( I think a few slow and easy days are always necessary after a vacation.
Yikes...the aftermath of a vacation can be a bit daunting. It does seem to take far longer to get everything right afterward than beforehand, doesn't it? But, I think you have the right approach...get your physical self back together and deal with all the rest in due time. We'll be here...
Welcome back - you were very restrained!
I struggled with craft shopping in the states - Michaels wasn't as good as I'd hoped and I couldn't find a "proper" scrapbook store.
It's funny. I much prefer the independent stores to Michaels. I guess we're just spoiled here. I was so sad when all the independent art and stamp stores closed several years ago.
You look fabulous! The rest must have done you good.
Chilling weekends are good. I admire your self discipline - I'm afraid that I would have spent too much time putting the glue to good use rather than doing what I should be doing!
Chilling weekends are good. I admire your self discipline - I'm afraid that I would have spent too much time putting the glue to good use rather than doing what I should be doing!
Glad you had a weekend of downtown after your holiday. I don't iron but can imagine staring at it ;)
I bought cardstock and envelopes in an Office Depot to the amusement of my non-scrappy friend S. Did find a scrapbooking store - which was going out of business so bought some distress stains at 65% MRP.
LOL!!! And I didn't even realise there were 'goodies' involved in that post comment I left;) It just brought back a flood of memories of boys & booze & bbq tools!!! Anyways, THANK YOU!!! Off to send an email to you now:):)
Hope you managed to get that washing [uggh!] done etc...!!!
Nice to see you, and you look really well: holiday-ing and not doing the washing and ironing is clearly therapuetic :). Welcome back!
Ironing presupposes that the laundering is already done - if so, I'm really impressed. You look well rested, and I hope you get to play with your glue real soon.
Welcome home! I always try to get some craft souvenirs . . . usually local rubber stamps.
THE after-holiday laundry isn't fun, but looks as if the holiday was worth IT... I'm so enjoying the POSTCARD EXCHANGE, I've had 4 cards so far, 2 FROM THE SAME SENDER- thanks Barbara!!- so happy to have joined in! thanks Sian
We arrived home on Sunday, so I've been catching up this week, too - laundry, mail, unpacking, putting away the souvenirs & a few crafty supplies I found . . . so like what you've been up to! :>)
Thats the one thing about vacations I don't like - the chores afterwards. :)
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