Monday 7 July 2014

Me On Monday

Another weekend, another week And we'll be heading off on holiday. So today I absolutely, positively have to start my packing....

after an icecream eating, postcard writing, holiday book choosing, garden tidying, heavy duty ironing, loft ladder climbing, suitcase finding, suncream buying, shoe pondering, freezer stocking, football sticker sorting, ticket printing,camera battery checking, hamster catching kind of weekend.

But we aren't leaving for a few days yet, so I hope I'll be able to squeeze in a bit more postcard writing and certainly another post or two; and I'll definitely be around to give you a wave if you'd like to post your own....Me On Monday. Have a great week!


alexa said...

You sound deep in preparations already, Sian - though I was a bit nonplussed on the freezer-stocking, and wondering if you are so organised that you have planned and prepared meals in advance for your return, so you have more time to sort your photos! Thank you for the 'wee dote' - I have just had a flash of memory of my Aunty Hazel saying this :).

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like a busy 'preparation' week ahead....exciting though.

Barbara Eads said...

Sounds like another busy weekend for you---and a busy week ahead. Then hopefully, you'll be able to relax---unless it's an activity filled holiday!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Love that Wee Dote card. My friend uses the word often, although she is in Scotland, so it must be a shared expression. Sounds like you have the holiday prep well under control. I'm jumping in today for the first time. It's got me over my blogger's block so thank you for a great idea.

debs14 said...

Packing, oh how I dislike it! Pack too early and you forget what you've put in there, leave it too late and panic packing takes over!
You have a busy week ahead, you'll need a holiday by the end of it!

Karen said...

I just love getting ready for a trip, and the anticipation that it involves! Can't wait to see where you're headed this year.

Abi said...

Oooh Holidays! So much fun! I like your reference to camera battery checking. I always charge my battery but have left it in the charger too many times to count!

Sandra said...

Maybe you could then explain the hamster catching??? Lol. Ooohhh it's such a happy time when you're holiday packing,

I received my first postcard this morning .... Sssoooooo happy here

Alison said...

i leave my packing till the last minute, so I am very impressed...and the 'wee dote' made me smile too!
Alison xx

Nathalie said...

I hate the packing part of traveling! So many decisions to make! But i love your photo for this week! It says so much without showing much :) It's brilliant!

Lou said...

The most stressful part for me. Check...check... and check again! Happy packing x

Beverly said...

Very busy with a healthy mix of fun and necessary!

KraftyKaren said...

Have a fab holiday!!

Melissa said...

Isn't it so exciting getting ready to head out!! A week & a half before we head out here. Hope you have a fabulous week!

Sinead said...

Sounds like a hectic weekend Sian! I like your choice of holiday books - have heard lots of good things about 'The Girl who Saved the King of Sweden'. Enjoy your holiday preparations! X

doris sander said...

happy packing! we will be doing just the opposite today, unpacking!

Missus Wookie said...

Sounds like a relaxing but busy weekend - my suitcases are unpacked but still need to be put away properly.

Carmen said...

I really like your Me on Mondays :) I think I will start joining in :P

Have fun finishing up that packing!

Sheena said...

I hate packing :( in fact I should be doing it now but I'm easily distracted :D

have a lovely holiday xxx

Maria Ontiveros said...

I always like to pack early - about a day early for each week we'll be gone. I hope my post gets to you before you leave. I've always found mail to and from your island to be slow.If not, it will be waiting upon your return.

Sandie said...

How exciting! I could do with a book or lesson on how to step back from the internet... I need to put limits on myself as so much time wasted!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the pre-holiday excitement of getting ready and not forgetting anything. Hope you're having a wonderful time.

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