Aah, sighed The (Not So) Small One, settling herself into the back of the car and popping open a big bag of winegums. So, parents, let me ask you what the words "centre of attention" suggest to you?
Which means, of course, that we had safely delivered her big brother to his Halls of Residence and driven away. She flipped on the camera and started to scroll through her pictures: some cleverly spotted views, a few cute street performers, and a couple I'd managed to snap of the two of them together. It's not often, these days, I can achieve a brother and sister shot. But I've been trying, trying hard, especially after Granny's comments on our holiday photos - last year - pulled me up short.
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camera cut with Slice and pie chart from a kit by Citrus Twist |
These are lovely, she said, but where are the people?
The family, the personalities, not the places. Actually, they were there. It was simply that I had thought she wanted to see where we had been, not more views of the bodies sitting in front of her. But it did get me thinking.
We were never a photography family, when I was little. We didn't have family pictures on show anywhere in the house and we didn't often even buy those school portraits most parents stack up in their dozens. I asked for a camera as a birthday present before I went on a school trip: that's how I got started. Of course, the grandchildren have changed things a bit over at Granny's house now. You might have guessed. Now there are photos on proud display: all three grandchildren in various combinations, groupings and - depending on who visited last - proportions. It's a game The (Not So) Small One plays - Ooh, too many Little E's? Have three more of me Granny. Look, I'll prop them up at the front where you can see them.
But I'm kind of getting off the point (or am I? wasn't centre of attention where we came in?). My point is: this year I made sure I showed Granny the who of it, the photos of us, and I'm scrapbooking them too. Even the quick, while they aren't looking ones. Because - and I think you know what I'm going to say - you turn your back for a moment..and they're gone.
Happy rest of the week everyone. I'll be back as soon as I can. But tell me this before you go..did your last page show the who of it?

Granny sounds very similar to my Dad ... he's always asking where the people are - but shied away from actually being in a photo himself, over the past couple of years I have noticed he is willing to be included ... might have something to do with grandchildren?!
Ah yes, my mum would look through a dozen photos of lovely places but it was the ones with a person in that held her attention! I too try and get a brother/sister photo when ever I can as the opportunities are few and far between. Sounds as if the trip to Bonny Scotland went smoothly, and you are all getting used to the new family dynamics of being a trio rather than a quartet at home x
Glad the NSMO is looking forward to being the Centre of Attention - Ewok looked quite thrown when this was pointed out :)
Yep I like people in my photos and my last couple of pages have had people and talked about who.... or at least who and where!
i take way too many photos of stuff and places too, but i've been working super hard on snapping more of people too, when they agree at least!
also, love that little pie chart!
I actively avoid non-family people in my photos because it's so annoying to hear someone say, "who's that?" instead of "where is that?"
I need to make more of an effort to appear in front of the camera lens ...
Such a bittersweet post today, Sian. I love your layout, and you have me thinking about the people part of photography.
I'm smiling thinking of your girl being the center of your Universe. Hope all went well with the delivery of your boy to Uni. xo
I have to admit that blogging has me taking more pictures of things and places than I used to take. But scrapbooking pages usually always have a who to them.
My photos tend to be very people orientated.....only vacation pictures are more places and things....perhaps that is because we weren't a 'photos' family either....and I have very few photos of my family taken during my childhood.
My scrapbooks are all people based but my photography is always places and things.
I make sure I take pictures of Ben every few months though. Things to ponder Sian, you are so good at that.
Very interesting...I recall a Paris album I made from when I was much younger and recently tried to find photos of ME in Paris to use on a page and no dice. Just lots of cool things to look at taken in the days of poor cameras! ;-)
I do like a few familiar faces in my scenery. Taking pictures at 40mph can make this difficult but I usually get a face over a tea cup or a smile behind a plate of food.
A beautiful page and I love the pie chart! Great title too. I agree that it is hard to capture photos of grown children. I have almost given up on trying to photograph mine so sadly, the who of it in most of my albums are dogs. After all, they are much more agreeable while getting photographed. ;) I would much rather have lasting memories of my girls though.
I'm with you---I always try to show the "who of it." I think it's funny that the (not so) small one is keeping track at granny's! But my biggest question from your post is: What are winegums?
You make an excellent point. The vast majority of my photos do not include people--everyone seems terribly camera shy. I like your page as well--"been there, done that" is a nice addition.
Glad to hear delivery to Uni went smoothly :) we have till the 29th here! We won't have a " centre of attention" thing here but I can already feel a shift in the family dynamics :S
Great Lo as always x
my photos are a mix but I'm trying to capture more natural people pics x
I'm so excited to hear how TTO gets on! I wonder if our paths will ever cross?!
My mum is the same. She is only interested in photos with people in them! My Dad on the other hand is with me on taking shots of the scenery and the place. I think you take a lovely balance of both Sian.
The thought of TNSO re-arranging photos in her favour made me smile. My MIL has 9 grand children and they keep a beady eye on how many pictures of each of them are on show!
When my brother handed over all the family photos, I was devastated to discover there was only ONE photo of the four of us, and that was somewhat damaged. I do take lots of WHO photos, but on our trip to Europe in May, there are very few of us, and lots of where we were. It seems harder when there are just the two of us.
Love your layout! :)
I mostly take 'who' photos, to the point of where people might wonder just 'where' we were. :)
I think my youngest will have a similar comment the day we drop his brother off at the dorms. He talks about it from time to time & is a bit annoyed that being only a year younger he will only get one year of being the 'only child'. "You should have had me later" he accused me a few months ago.
It is a delicate balance. I still remember taking my throwaway camera to the Year 8 Brittany trip and only taking pictures of the sites and the buildings. I thought they were really arty but I remember my parents being disappointed. Now they mean a lot less to me than if they pictures of my school friends in our 90's getup!
Yes it did! Mine often do as you know but then mine are both young enough to still love having their pics taken ;-)
This is a great post Sian, and got me thinking about the 'who' of the photos and scrapbook albums for sure! I probably take more pictures of scenery and details than people on balance, but I think I've improved this balance in recent times, especially since I got a 50mm lens. Looking back over holiday pictures from previous years, I often find the ones with people get most attention and interest!
My mother in law and I differed so much of these. Almost all of her pictures were all places and I would lose interest looking at them. Probably 85% of my pictures have people or animals in them. I will even buy postcards for great scenic photos from places we visit. I have just always thought if I am taking these photos for us to look back on and relive the moments, I want to see the personality and feelings of the people.
I hope the TTO has a smooth start to Uni and the TNSSO enjoys being an "only". It may wear off shortly. The Pirate missed the Beast from the day he left.
I'm sure it will come as no surprise that most of my layouts how the WHO of it! LOL My challenge has been scrapping the other photos - the things & places with no people, but I think over the past few years I've reached a happy balance.
Quite funny that you should post this topic when we have just finished hanging 48 more pictures on our walls. Almost ALL of them are us at the places we have been. I love family photos LOL I was going to take a photo of our photo wall and make a blog post, I shall have to now :)
I think as scrapbookers we are always looking for the layout photos, and sometimes we forget to get the everyday family shots :) ... You always inspire both in your writing and layouts. Fabulous
This post made me think of my mum, she hates looking at photos without people in them :)
I don't know how I missed this post Sian. Henry's move in date is today, and I'm sure I'll be totally emotional by the end of the day. Clara got all teary when we left last weekend, though she's been wanting his room
What a great looking page Sian and a great reminder to get the people in the shots too. Hope all is going well with TTO away.
I love the fun design of this one... I admire how non-linear it is! I always make a point to catch people when visiting places... just to "prove" that we were there ;)
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