Storytelling Sunday Three? There is no excuse for not joining in with this one! Everyone can do it. Pick Your Precious is about celebrating the little things you love: those souvenirs, bits and pieces, things from your past you can't bear to throw out. You know, the special little something you have tucked away in a drawer or up on a shelf? Or the thing you love most in a room? Or the object you would save if you knew you had to leave the country? Your favourite things.
Ready to begin?
The Monkey's Bathrobe story for this month. Now, let's see..
Well, for the past week we've been thinking about packing. We've been making lists and getting the suitcases down from the loft and counting pairs of socks, all for that boy of ours who is heading off for student life. And I hope that turns into a long and happy story he'll maybe tell you himself one day. There's another story in there, too, I think, about another Fresher, many years ago now, who had no idea then about what her Mum must have been feeling as her daughter loaded her bags into the little brown Nova and drove away. But that's not the story for today, either. My story for September - a quick one now I've got started - is about what that daughter found when she began to unpack at the end of her journey.
Oh, yes. I've picked my Precious and here it is:
a small blue bathrobe: sewn from towelling and monogrammed with the letter "M". That would be M for Munty, my illiterate but faithful monkey mascot. He would have been about three or four by then - a teenage present - and we were an inventive, storytelling family, always, so he had already had a rich and varied life by the time he packed his smoking jacket (which he worked as daywear) to keep me company in Halls. I was very glad to see his head appear when I opened my suitcase, but when I turned to the little "Don't Open This til you Get there" box, I was laughing out loud. For inside, wrapped in tissue paper and nestled beside the new mugs and the big jar of coffee, was a new outfit for Munty: made by my sister to exactly match the robe I had sewn for myself to take with me when I left home. she had gathered up the scraps and put it together and I'd known nothing about it.
Now, you know how it is: we could have got a bit sad and wondering-what-everyone-was-doing-at-home-ish at this point. But we were too pleased with the present. So Munty whipped off his Smoking Jacket and tried it on and I hung my robe on its peg and we sat back and waited to see who we might meet in our new student life.
New student life? Isn't that where we came in? I guess that means it's back to the packing here. I'll have to see what I can get into that suitcase when his back is turned. ..
Maybe you have a story for us today?
Write your post, introduce it as a Storytelling Sunday story and then come back and link us up. You won't regret it! Everyone meets someone new on Storytelling day You have a full week to add your story, and the rest of the month to come back and read your choice of the others. No big rush! Have a think, take your time. And then? Sit back and enjoy the rest.

What a wonderful discovery for you when you arrived at the end of your journey that day! I have a feeling TTO will find something just as meaningful when he unpacks one day soon!
I can only imagine what it must be like packing up your eldest and sending him off into this new stage of life for him and for you.
Our neighbours daughter started university this year and seeing her grow over the past 12 years has been such a pleasure ... it was just a mere blink since she wrote the most beautiful card and note to welcome our eldest into the street when he was born!
I am sure you will find just the right thing to pop into the case for him to discover ...
We had a little bag of remembrances to give to Sarah when we left her in Boston that first year. Much to our surprise, she had wrapped up a gift for each of us as well. A beautiful frame with a photo for me, and a diary for her father that the two of them had written letters in when she was in elementary school. She had written him a letter before she left for college. We barely made it out of her room dried eyed. It was one of those very special moments.
I'll be thinking of you a lot these days; packing up the first one seemed the hardest.
What a sweet gift your sister made and as I thought I did have a monkey just like yours. Mine had to make do with his fur though! I hope all goes well when you come to deliver your boy to his temporary home. I'm only now beginning to realise how that must have been for my Mum.
I love the idea of Munty and his smoking jacket but to have a bath robe too what a monkey of sartorial elegance he must be!
When Gracia went to uni I made a book of advice from Dr Seuiss ( and secretly packed it into her suitcase - she has taken it with her at each house move and it sits on her shelf. I smile each time I see it as it is obviously well flicked through and because the making of the book was my way of getting through the knowledge of her imminent departure.
How fabulous of your sister to get creative with the off cuts for Munty x
We too are starting to pack for Uni, our first time at this & I'm putting together a "red cross food parcel" just like my parents did for me :D
What a thoughtful sister - and, might a say, a rather dapper looking monkey! This was obviously the inspiration for the meerkat advert with his smoking jacket ;-)
I always sneaked a few surprises into the back to uni bags, not to mention the odd card or two, favourite sweets etc. I think I got as much pleasure imagining them finding them as they did finding them!
That's such a lovely gesture from your sister - sounds like it was exactly what was needed! I hope your boy's uni adventure kicks off just as well!
How delightful to find Munty could also don his new robe! A lovely story Sian - and I am sure you will find just the right thing for TTO as he steps out on this new life in his temporary home. Sending a huge hug for that moment when you both have to walk away - I was both devastated and bursting with pride at the same time when our girl waved us away!!
Jen xx
What a great story, a lovely monkey and a beautiful thing for your sister to do for you x
Such a gorgeous story Sian. I've at least two more years before we have to face this. I just can't imagine it.
Oh what a dapper Monkey - Princess and I both smiled over the photos. Princess's beloved Winnie the Pooh already has a large wardrobe but I'm sure I'm going to fit something else in the boxes too.
Aww what a sweet story :)
Aww what a sweet story :)
He is a lovely Monkey and that is a fantastic present to start you off on your uni life. I can't believe it was just a year ago that I started at uni. Enjoy this packing up stage. It's a new chapter for your boy and it is so exciting!
What a sweet sister you have. By the time my parents got home from taking me to Halls the first time, my brother had stripped the pink wallpaper from my (larger than his) bedroom and started moving his stuff in
What a wonderful gift from your sister! I remember my mom crying as they left my dorm room . No surprise presents but a suddenly last minute gift of money. :)
Aww what a sweet story. Have just taken part in my first Storytelling Sunday about the precious cuddly guy in my life
What a creative family you have, Sian. Your sister thought of the perfect gift, one that made you smile. A very dapper monkey indeed. All the best to your son as he begins his new, exciting chapter at University.
Hi Jess, it's brilliant to have you joining in this month. I love your Snoopy, but I couldn't find anywhere to comment on your blog...hoping maybe you'll see this here :)
Oh this was such a sweet story and what a wonderfully intuitive sister you have Sian. I would have been in floods of tears by this ! Nice to be back Sian.
You certainly have a loving and kind family :)
Another great story :)
This is such a great story Sian, this much have been such a lovely surprise to get in your suitcase! The monkey is so sweet. Wishing your boy lots of luck and happiness in his university adventure :) x
I have a beloved monkey cuddly toy too. I bet it feels strange and bittersweet seeing your son head off to uni. I remember getting annoyed when my mom started folding my knickers and putting them into my new chest of drawers in my new room in halls. Dad explained that she needed to do something or she would cry. Try not to do this Sian. Underpants don't need folding... x
What a delightful story - and bathrobe! As I mentioned, I forgot it was story telling Sunday, but I think this has given me the idea of what to write about. Will post tomorrow (hopefully).
How cute is that?! I love the fact that he had a smoking jacket to begin with and that the robe was such a lovely surprise. Happy memories indeed.
How sweet of your sister! Jay & I both cried the first time we dropped Sarah off. No tears for the next two though ... just seems like a natural part of life now.
I felt just the same when mine left!
I wonder what TTO will find when he unpacks?!...what a cute bathrobe...and monkey!
Alison xx
I loved your sweet story, Sian! Like Alison, I also wonder what little surprise your boy might find when he unpacks his bags at school!
I was worried that I wouldn't have time to read/comment on many stories this month so I bowed out on putting my name on the list, but now I have read enough that it would have been justified. Oh well, I'll catch you next time!
Wishing you all the best with getting your young man off to school! xo
First off, hugs to you as you push your little one out of the nest. Lots of hugs. Second, what a wonderful thing for your sister to do for you. Terrific story.
Awww - sweet story and very apposite! Good luck to the Extremely Tall One in his next steps!
Lovely story - and it definitely needs to become a family tradition generation after generation.
aww how thoughtful. Good luck to tto too. Had to smile at Mel's comment!! x
I eventually managed to join in with PYP...missed your linky though...sorry!
That is a heartwarming story :) I missed STS as I wasn't well. The Princess brought home a bug from school and we had an up-and-down sort of week.
Sorry, I'm so late. What's that they say - better late than never and this was definitely worth it! How sweet of your sister to make that for you and you Mum to pack them both away for a nice surprise when you got there.
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