Anyone else as ready for the weekend as I am? (Storytelling Sunday!) It's been good to settle back into our routine here, though we've been a bit perplexed by the number of things which seem to have broken while we've been away. The house alarm engineer was here on Monday; and after he left, I started to make dinner only to discover the hob wouldn't do its thing either. So, Tuesday, the hob engineer came out and told us we needed a new one. When I went to go looking, I found my car battery was flat. Comes in threes, they say, comes in threes.
Scrapbooking wise I had a page up at Get It Scrapped this week. It's based on - coincidentally - "three in a row".. as a design feature, not a list of moans (though there could be another new layout in there combining the two..)
This is such an easy way to get your design started! Head over to Get It Scrapped for ideas on using the power of three - three is good! - and while you are there check out all of the new offerings for the week. It's definitely worth taking a look at Prompts, Sketches and Templates for the Month of August.
My page is a let's-play-with-paper one. There isn't a big story. Or maybe there is. maybe it's a starting point: because the more I think about my lack of green fingers, the more I think about gardening stories from the past (the wet weekend my parents built the green house..). But for now I simply wanted to record that I'm not at all good at making things grow. I love flowers, but I can't help them to flourish. My answer is - sshh - to fake it. What do you think? That spring posy? Real? or just realistic?
Speaking of stories: it's Storytelling Sunday this weekend. I'd love it if you joined us. Your story can be about anything at all: Pick Your Precious or go rogue..we'll read them all. I have a Precious to help me celebrate this month, so I'm suggesting something about togetherness, or something given in love. But anything and everyone is very welcome. See you there.

Now that page has piqued my interest! I like the idea of the neat little frames and three in a row/ happening in threes is something we are very aware of. As for Storytelling Sunday, well, I have such a cute little thing to show you and a good story to tell of how we came to own it. I'd better get writing hadn't I?
I have no idea what a "house alarm engineer" is---or a "hob engineer" for that matter. Is a "hob" your stove? Since you were making dinner, I made that connection.
Do tell, so I can add these to my list of British words!
So glad to have you back!
I often use the 'three' or even 'four' in a row design....I love you say...a very easy way to get started.
I love your little pile of layered embellishments.
Hope nothing else requires fixing.
I think in threes a lot when designing a card or adding embellishments. Your page, as always, is fresh and inviting! Hope the repairmen are at an end at your house.
Oh I'm so glad you're back, Sian! :o)
Your layout is lovely, and I am thinking about what to write for Storytelling Sunday. And, I had to google "hob" because I couldn't even guess what that was. I hope you are done with repairmen for a while!
A hob? the top bit of the cooker, with rings or burners. I thought it would be easy to do without it for a couple of's harder than it sounds
house alarm? must be universal..there are intruders everywhere. Ah, maybe you call them intruder alarms?
I didn't realise the term hob would bemuse your readers from the across the pond. Although we have our country in common and I don't call it a house alarm. It's a burglar alarm to us. I like a row of three as a design element on a card. My other favourite being a block of four.
I like the row of threes on your layout. I'm not good at growing things either, that's why I get new fresh flowers every week! LOL
Our microwave quit working right before we left on our trip. We got a new one & Robbie installed it when we returned, then I replaced the light bulbs around the house that were out, and I broke out with a case of shingles - so, I guess that's three! :>(
I've found things come in three's too. Hope you have got all your electricals sorted, and I like your page of three. Odd numbers are always good.
I'm also of the black thumb persuasion. Most of my gardening activities revolve around keeping the weeds at bay, and I've spent a small fortune this year getting our "plant shelves" decorated with a variety of silk plants. But you are right...quality silk stems (and a skilled designer) look as good as the real ones without the upkeep.
Love the three text lines, the butterflies and (of course) the houses.
Our hot water heater just gave up the ghost. Ouch! That was a big bill.
My mom had a gloriously green thumb, but I struggle a bit.
We're enjoying that part of the summer holidays where we have the luxury of losing track of the days!
Like the realistic flowers, I have some of those too.
Oh and agreeing with Deb - I still think if I'm ordering a HOB I should get a house elf in return.... What's wrong with 'stove top' which is what I used and found nothing for sale at all :)
Such fresh and pretty colours, and I am a fan of your little deckled frames. Hope that's an end to the 3s :(.
This is such a fabulous page Sian. I really love those little frames in a row.
A beautiful page, soft and it sets off the subject so well. I hope you have had everything fixed, it is always surprising how much you use these things.
It always comes in threes for us too - glad to hear you had a lovely holiday...good to see you back x gorgeous layout too x
I love the look of the 3 frames. It's given me a couple of ideas. Luckily I have sort of a green thumb - my problem is to try and get things to survive the d..n rabbits that somehow get into our yard. :) Ahhh, now I know what a hob is - here we call it either a range or a stovetop. Speaking of alarm systems, I need to get busy finding a company so we can get one installed before our trip.
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