At last! I've been looking forward to sharing the first of my pages for Get It Scrapped, and today's the day. Just as we finish up getting ready to travel here, I have a layout to fulfil an assignment on - travel preparations.
And, oh, how much do i love to get ready! The pleasure is in the planning; and the story of how I got started is here
"If you want to blame anyone you could start with my mother. She bought me the notebook, passed me the pen and told me the word I was looking for was "itinerary". hard to say, even trickier to spell, it was everything I loved most about going on holiday. The first one came home from school with a note about the trip to London. It opened a door: I wasn't there yet; but I could take a peep and imagine the rest. The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, all laid out for me day by day. With breaks for lunch. tantalising windows of free time and shopping "if time allowed". That typewritten list curled at the edges as I ran my fingers over the promises time and time again. I could plan ahead: if Tuesday was Hampton Court, I had Monday night to dream about meeting a Queen or two. If Friday meant Hamleys, I had all week to save my money for a splurge. It was all there in duplicated black and white. When we came home I glued it into my red hard backed notebook and resolved never to go on another trip again - without a list. Planning is my pleasure and weeks of happy anticipation my reward."
That's a Crate paper Christmas paper there! i had been saving it for a different story entirely; but when I got thinking about itineraries, I realised a print of the top of the world, with everything spread out before me, made good sense. Then I backed it up with the idea of the door opening and took my colour cues from the photo.
For more pages on travel preparations, hop over to Get It Scrapped and check out what the Creative Team has been preparing. You'll be able to read about the ideas behind the stories and hear about everyone's design choices.
Me? I can feel another list coming on...
Psst..there is still time to add your story to Storytelling Sunday!
Psst..there is still time to add your story to Storytelling Sunday!

Enjoy your holiday Sian, I've just got home from ours and am flitting between washing, photo editing, enjoying the rest of the term break and percolating a few blog posts.
Somehow I am not surprised that having an itinerary appeals to you ... I like them too!
I love itineraries and lists and plans and travel books....getting planned for a holiday is almost as much fun as going on it!!
Love the colours in this layout. I like a good list too and to plan and organise, but I hate running school trips. Too stressful!
I LOVE to plan a trip but always like to leave a little room for the unknown. My mom plans almost down to the minute and it almost put me off planning anything. But you are right about anticipation ... it is part of the adventure!!!! Have a fab holiday :)
Planning and anticipation of an upcoming trip are two of my favorite past times. The last trip was made so much more enjoyable by all the preparation I did before we left. Hadn't thought of a scrapbook page about it, but I think I may. Yours, of course, is wonderful!
I love holiday planning and anticipation - just wish I had more time to do it in!
Happy Holidays <3
I agree, planning the trip is half the fun, sometimes more. Love looking forward to the next getaway. Great idea for a page!
I'm most definitely with you in planning! That paper is just perfect for your layout. Have a great time on your trip and can't wait to "hear" about it when you get back.
oh yes I do love a good itinerary and will admit to getting small group tour brochures just to browse the itineraries (while wearing my dreaming pants!!)
Oh gosh, I love this layout, Sian! The papers, the design, the embellishments - everything. It's fantastic.
Enjoy your vacation!!!
that background is perfect, i'm still hoarding it, need to do something about that!
Planning is my favorite, because it's like already beeing on vacation! I'm the worst with luggage though, i'm leaving Saturday morning and i'm not even sure where my suitcase is...
I enjoyed this Get It Scrapped article very much. It totally made me think of photos to take before my next trip that I might not have taken. It was also very exciting to see your work at Get it Scrapped for the first time! :)
I HAVE to have an itinerary for my holiday. For me, the planning is as much a part of the holiday as the holiday itself. I love to get guide books and read up on the internet and then make LISTS! Seems this is another thing we have in common!
I saw this great layout over at Get Is Scrapped yesterday! I, too, enjoy travel preparations and just finished up a 6x6 handmade journal to take on our upcoming road trip.
I love itineraries! And planning is always a big part of the trip for me. We always have the "sheet" with our various plane and train ticket info and hotel booking, as well as emergency numbers.
I love the fact that you blame it on your mom.
Oh I love itineraries too! Planning holidays are as much fun as going. I love to find out about any new places we might visit - - and as a child I ALWAYS managed to find a storybook to read about the area we were in - a trait I still have - I do my best to find a novel I have't read that is about the region or area I visit. Love your LO - I am playing with map paper too at the moment. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. J x
I agree the anticipation and planning is one of the best parts, have a wonderful holiday Sian.
How exciting is an itinerary! I love the planning parts too. Gorgeous paper and I wouldn't have spotted that it was a Christmas design.
Another one who loves the planning of trips here!....I spend hours online looking for places to stay, visit etc...have a great time!
Alison xx
Love your layout and especially your story. Planning trips is half the fun. The itinerary has become a family staple---taped to the refrigerator of whatever house we happen to rent. Everyone looks forward to "what's next!"
I just love this layout Sian!
Lovely LO!
Lovely post and I am a lover of lists too.
I'm in the middle of holiday planning here right now. Not sure that I love doing it, but wouldn't go away without a detailed plan now:)
Ooh yes, half the fun is to be found in the planning. Have a wonderful break :o)
Great use of the map paper and as always journaling that is a joy to read but my very favorite thing about the layout is the door :)
yep! i agree, planning and knowing where i'm going and what i'm doing when I get there makes me excited :) have a great vacation :)
For 10 years I think I must of had what would have been a dream job for you, I planned holiday itineraries for a coach company, can't tell you how great it was but I guess you already now that :) Great layout x
I´m a planner too. I missread the title as "Worried fingers" Now you know the kind of planner I am. ;)
I love planning too. When I can't sleep (increasingly often, it seems), I imagine our next vacation, a "bucket list" destination, or even a dream room. Any of those is enough to calm the worry or stress enough that I'm able to relax and fall asleep.
another one who's like to plan ahead. A wonderful layout x
Yet another who loves Itineraries - but then you knew that :) Lovely layout, I used my paper and wished for more which is always a sign of a good print.
Lovely to see your work on Get it Scrapped too - finally getting a chance to catch up on blogs. Hope your holiday is lovely!
Such a superb page, full of interest words to read and pretty things to admire. Anything to do with journeys and itineraries always makes me tingle :).
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