Oh, Little E, with your head in the clouds. ..
I've always thought of that nephew of mine (you know the one: winning smile, Very Wise Glasses), as a man with his feet on the ground. he knows what's what, does Little E. But, it turns out, he's a dreamer too.
He loves a good sleepover, for a start. Take the one he had at Granny's a couple of weeks back. I heard they spent most of the day playing taxis. Which means that Little E climbed into the driver's seat of Granny's special take-my-wheelchair-anywhere van, and Granny sat beside, in her wheelchair on the drive while they travelled. To the moon, to the Post Office, to Kathmandu, most probably to the sweet shop. And, at the end of it all, he put on his pyjamas, crawled onto his camping mattress and fell fast asleep.
We managed to wear him out the day he was with us, too.
"Dad, your Play date is here," said The (Not So) Small One, looking out of the window at the small boy clambering out of his parents car. And within minutes her father had bustled Little E into the garden to do Man Stuff.
"Mum, you've got to come and see this," The (Not So) Small One came running back round the corner. "He's actually making him work. They're pouring sand into all the holes in the drive. But worse than that...they're wearing matching outfits. It's like something out of The Chuckle Brothers. I'm going to take a picture."
So she did.
And then they worked on, and it was time for Little E to go home, and within five minutes of his getting into the car, I got a text from his Mum. Good Job. He's fast asleep.
Not all texts are like that, though. last week there was word of A Very Bad Day. It's terrible! Teddy Pippin got left in McDonalds and he's gone. No one will sleep in our house tonight..
It was true. Teddy Pippin had vanished; and, despite everyone's very best efforts, he couldn't be found. We were all gutted. Little E tried to be brave, but he was sad, no doubt about it, and sleeping was hard. Until his auntie and his cousin on the other side came to the rescue. Teddy Pippin had come from their house in the first place, and it turned out that they had another one: loved, but outgrown, and now passed on by a very kind cousin. You rock, Molly! And so harmony was restored. sleep was back on the to-do list.
Life settled back down to normal and Little E found some time for a bit of shopping: new underpants. He slipped them on with some satisfaction, admired himself and looked up at his Mum, with a smile on his face..
"They are," he said, They are Great Dreaming Pants"
I could do with some Dreaming Pants of my own. Couldn't you?
If I had a pair, I expect they would make it to Storytelling Sunday. Thank you for the stories so far this month. Don't forget you have until next Sunday to write your story and add your link. Newcomers, old timers, everyone is very welcome!
For Little E, of course, but with a wave to another little boy I know: one with a big new bed and some new pyjamas. You sleep tight, too!

I love your Little E updates - he is so precious and love that photo The Not So Small One took.
fabulous post Sian and has left me with a great big smile on my face xxx
That Little E needed dreaming pants - any guy on the move that much needs his rest - even if he's having adventures in his dreams too.
oh yes some dreaming pants would be fabulous - Little E is such a treasure
So much character for someone so young. Imagine the future he's going have .... Amazing :)
I love the way you write :-) Had me hooked until the end. There are some great stories this month for STS.
I read this post with a huge smile on my face ~ that photo is priceless!
And that other little boy you know? he's doing okay; two 7ams and one 6.30am, with no wandering at all.
Dreaming pants - quick, book him a space on Dragon's Den, I think he's onto a winner there.
The Chuckle Brothers - hilarious! Great photo, those men of yours know how to rock a stylish hat.
I think the not so small one got the best line this post!
So fun to hear the adventures of Little E. Isn't it great to have a little one in the family to keep a fresh perspective on everything? :o) So cute!
I need some dreaming pants. I haven't been sleeping well at all but now I know what to wear to bed I will be fine. Little E is just so cute!
Thank you for making a wobbly Wednesday just super.
Your Little E is such a character...and isn't he getting big?....great update, Sian!
Alson xx
One of my favourite posts of yours, just love the detail and how you brought it all together :)
Fabulous story and oh how I want some dreaming pants!
Wonderfully told - I hope you are keeping all these stories in a Big Book for him for when he quite grown up :).
How appropriate that I am reading this tucked up in bed. I hope my pants send me some good dreams tonight :-) I really think you should compile a book Sian, all about Little E. Never mind just for him, his adventures, the way you tell them, would make a fabulous children's book.
Dreaming pants sound so much better than TSYO declaring she had 'gastroke' last night! Uh-huh ... guess what I am doing today?!
Oh my gosh he is wonderful and that photo is priceless! You have captured some gems here Sian!
That little boy is just precious.
Dreaming pants. Why does that sound so much better than skinny jeans or jeggings, that are popular now?! :-) That little E is so cute and he's obviously very clever, too.
Little E takes after his Aunt who also has a special way with words. Another great story for the Little E album. The photograph is great too. x
I always love to hear about Little E and his philosophies of life....and we could certainly all do with a pair of those 'dreaming' pants!
How wonderful to read of all Little E's adventures & his new dreaming pants.
Totally enjoyed hearing about the latest adventures of Little E. What a sweet one he is and love that photo! Glad that his loved stuffie was replaced. That would be a sad event. My youngest still has "Rosie", a teddy bear that had rosy cheeks at some point. Can't imagine if she had been lost at the age of Little E.
I really do love hearing the tales of Little E, I think you should publish a book!
I love tales of Little E too! and I would love a pair of dreaming pants!
Too funny for words - especially their hats!
Stylish workers you have around your house. Relieved that a replacement teddy was found - tis easier to be brave when cuddling a teddy after all.
Dreaming pants are now going to be on my shopping list ;)
Lovely post Sian and I love the photo of the two of them dressed alike. Glad that Molly was able to save the day with a teddy Pippin.
Great story! Glad a new bear was found (and accepted)!
I love hearing about Little E. Glad he found a replacement teddy Pippin and those Dream Pants - well yes! I could do with a pair of those myself!! lol
I so enjoyed reading this lovely post and I could really do with some of those dreaming pants right now!
Brilliant...matching outfits...doing jobs, that's all little boys want! lovely to read about little E x
p.s glad someone was able to help with Teddy Pippin!!
Your Little E is adorable--there's definitely a glint of mischief there, and wisdom beyond his years. I enjoy everyone of his adventures.
I am catching up in my new Reader (Feedly:) and I have to read any LIttle E post that pops up, no matter how old it is! :) It reminds me of a story... maybe I should wait for storytelling sunday!
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