Hello world! It's good to be back. It was good to be on a breather too: it has given me a chance to come up with layout ideas and plans for enough blog posts to keep me going into the Spring.
Did someone say Spring? I'm taking stock of March and hoping for a bright and not-so-breezy April.
So, round here in the last month?
- Our seats at the Simple Minds concert. Organised by my excellent brother-in-law Kenny Who Cooks. We were in the second row from the front, with a little gap between the seats just ready for me to squeeze through and take pictures from the edge of the stage. Happy Days.
- Little E's birthday. Now he is four..no, a nice rhyme hasn't come to me yet.
- New passport photos. Hot? I don't think so. But we need them if we are to plan a holiday for the summer: a special anniversary trip.
- The End of Term school music concert. As wonderful as it ever is; though bitter sweet this year because it's the last one they'll both be in. It won't be the last time we'll see them standing together, will it? said the Mum of the Best Friend of The Tall One. I hope not. Oh, I hope not.
- The gift of a book from my blog buddy Linda. Thank you!
- The pinata that keeps on giving. We taped up last year's and used it again for an Easter shower of chocolate limes (and the rest)
What's Not:
- I hate to have to record pet deaths two months in a row. That doesn't sound too good, does it? The goldfish, this time. But they were getting on a bit..
- The (Not So) Small One spending an extra hour in the bathroom because the lock broke. Her Dad hacksawed her out in the end. Climbing out the window just isn't an option when you live in a very tall house..
- The coldest Easter on record. You can't get any more Not Hot than that.
And that was March...
..which brings us to April and this month's Storytelling Sunday. This Sunday! Pick Your Precious and join us. Please. I'll be telling the story of another treasure from my Mums' house; and there's a thought for you: if you are having trouble thinking of something close, there is nothing to stop you reaching further afield. Maybe your Precious this month is something you enjoy from a distance? See you Sunday!
Green Easter Bunny cut with the Slice
Fabric heart from a kit by Citrus Twist

I'm pleased that the hot list was longer than the not list! Sounds like a good month for you :)
Sian such a lovely page as always I really do love your style
Ooh the anniversary trip sounds exciting! Eek to being stuck in the bathroom and yay to being rescued.
I've been struggling a bit with the Pick your Precious format. Not still having the 'things' to photograph only the memories that go with them. I have one for this month though :o)
I went quite cold at the thought of the NSSO trapped in the bathroom. The thought of confinement just makes me panic so hurrah for Daddy and his hacksaw!
I have my precious ready for Sunday
Getting locked in the bathroom is bound to be one of those things that initially is inconvenient [though more 'convenient' than being locked *out*!] and a bit scary but ... in years to come ... she's going to be revelling in telling that tale [maybe in a Storytelling Sunday in 2033!].
Loved seeing you in my blog reader today. Love the page. Love the idea of raining chocolate limes. Sorry about the goldfish.
Happy April. x
I love these lists Sian. I am excited to hear more about that planned holiday and am equally annoyed at the awful weather we seem to be having. What has gone wrong?! Looking forward to STS. x
Another lovely page! I do enjoy your what's hot and what's not posts, though it's always nicer when the former outweigh the latter. Sorry about the goldfish :(. You might things twice about replacing it though, in case - like us - you were still cleaning out the fish tank long after its owner had graduated!
I love your page Sian, and this series that you do always makes me smile. Sorry about the goldfish & the bathroom (quite funny now that she is out).
Lovely page Sian x
Hope anniversary trip planning going well, we are off to Amsterdam next month for a few days to celebrate 20 yrs married!
Great month and hope you have replaced the bathroom door by now lol... I love the layout and I know what you mean about passport pics.. well, we have just had to renew our driving licence photo cards... looking at the previous one, I looked so much like my mother... this time round well... I don't lol
Great to visit you Sian and hope you are still enjoying the jewellery too
Lisa xx
good to see some rad hot stuff to counter the cold weather - and proof that every house need a hacksaw
Sorry to hear about the goldfish. I remember my son sobbing when his first pet goldfish died 'But I never got the chance to cuddle him'. I wonder if a trial cuddle was what prompted his demise - we'll never know!
Sorry to hear about the bathroom incident - I'm always a bit sceptical about locks that look a bit dodgy in public places but maybe now I need to be more cautious at home too!
Will this cold weather never leave? I can't wait for a little bit of sunshine.
Oh dear....not a nice experience for TNSSO....and like Deb I always worry about locks in public places....I never think to carry a hacksaw in my bag...p'raps it should become another 'just in case' item!!!!
And I am soooooo fed up with winter.
Pretty page - it seems March was as busy for you all as for us. I have my story done for Sunday, just need to take the photo - and my Mom does play a part in it. See you then.
That's a very nice page. Cute bunny! I'm wondering where Spring is around here - we woke up to snow this morning and it looks very blustery out there.
Loved reading your 'What's hot and what's not' Sian! Hope you are enjoying the book:)
A lovely March LO! Sweet photo too. I always enjoy reading about your month.
Such a joy to read, as always Sian. So many things covered and all interesting and beautifully written. I hope your daughter was not panicked by being locked in the bathroom for so long - a hacksaw sounds drastic but sometimes that's what it takes!
Love the page - lots of it - but especially the page from the book. A lovely touch.
Oh my, what a month - hacksaws, goldfish goodbyes and cold weather! We had a beautiful Easter Sunday, but it was COLD here this week - in the 30s, which for us is not normal. Luckily today the sun is shining & we might hit 70 degrees!
Welcome back! I love this layout . . . the colors, the elements, everything. Your story of the small one locked in the bathroom reminds me of the time Clara got locked into a bathroom on an airplane!
Kicking the door in is the only option we have if the bathroom door lock breaks. We have no windows in them.
Congrats on the great concert seats!
Cool concert seats :-) Will you be sharing some pictures?
I love the page...love the colours.
I shivered when I read about the bathroom incident. I locked myself in my parents bathroom a few years ago...I had been told not to lock it cos it was faulty and numpty here forgot! Unfortunately, I am mildly claustrophobic so was not pleasant even though I was only in there for about half an hour!
I have 'Alive and Kicking' running round my head now. Your page is perfect for March this year - here's to warmer days to come.
I'm very jealous about the Simple Minds concert....we have been to a few -it would be interesting to see if they still 'have it'!
Alison xx
I always admire your layouts because they seem so light and airy. There is nothing heavy about them. Almost as though your hands are floating on air as you design them. It even took me a while to realize you have no photographs on your March page.
Glad to see the not so hot is shorter than the what's hot. Summer trips always sound good with grey windswept days.
Thanks for the memory too.... Climbing from one window to another to rescue a hysterical toddler Princess whilst calming down an almost hysterical Ewok... refusing to look down at the three flights depth to the concrete steps and path was not the nicest memory of a previous house. Shuddering still thinking about it!
I am so glad I just hopped on the internet and read this. I had completely forgotten about STS! Where did March go again????? See you Sunday ... or maybe Tuesday ... :)
I'm guessing the anniversary trip might be for your 25th? I'm pretty sure you two are the same as us
I still have my LP of New Gold Dream in my box. Another precious for this year perhaps,
Jo xxx
We're off on our anniversary trip next month, though the anniversary won't be until the summer. We're determined to stay home during the summer this year. It's usually quite lovely, which is more than you can say for winter---or this year, spring! Love this post, and the layout.
Oh, I love the Hot/Not hot posts and pages that go with them! I adored Simple Minds!!! You just brought me back to my heavy concert going days big time! :) I believe I saw them more than once in concert way back when!
If your list is any indication, March was, despite the weather, a hot one at your house. I enjoyed reading about about your doins'.
I so enjoy this series of posts - and the scrap page you make for each one just makes it extra special.
Thank you for sharing these little snippets with us - I love reading them!
Sounds like Little E and my girl are VERY close in age as she has just turned 4 too. Goodness they are getting so growed up! And boo to this non-spring non-hot weather!
Another great looking layout Sian. Oh dear poor NSSO. I hope she was ok and not panicing. Looks a hacksaw is a good thing to have on hand.
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