Since the start of the year I've been enjoying the pairings of pictures popping up blogside as a result of Helena's clever plan to Look Up, Look Down. Even without a camera to hand I've been trying it to see what I see when I'm out and about; but I finally got it all together and took some pictures on a trip we made on Sunday. We ended up at our local Botanical Gardens: in the Palm House and the Tropical Ravine, both of which love to show off their soft Victorian brick, their plants and their clanking old heating pipes. It's horticultural, it's industrial...
..and it's even a little bit steam punk. Just the kind of place you might find Sherlock Holmes, or some other kind of dark and brooding character..
..and his Dad. "I didn't know this was here," he said, which made me realise we need to do a lot more investigating of our own city before he moves on to another in the autumn. And wherever we go? We'll remember to Look Up, Look Down. And bring a camera.
Thank you to everyone who has been part of Storytelling Sunday this month: storytellers, readers, commenters, all of you. There is still time to add your story to the link which is open until Sunday. Everyone welcome and we enjoy any sort of a tale: short or tall, we read them all!

Its so true how we often forget to be tourists in our cities or towns and there are often hidden treasures.
What a gorgeous shade of purple that is :o) I remember using sieves, like those in the 'Up' shot, to get rid of all the little stones before planting the veg. Happy memories.
Fiona xx
I love botanical gardens especially for their old victorian engineering and modern architecture blending with plants and garden design. Definitely need to do touristy things then before the autumn!
Thought of you and him yesterday - final choices were made and finances started...
It's true, we don't tend to visit our own area unless we have visitors! So much of London I haven't seen and yet it is only 40 mins on a train. Maybe this summer! Pleased to see The Tall One is getting out and about before all those days of revision - eek!
I spent some time Saturday at our quite small plant conservatory. It's such a good respite from the dull, dreary weather of March and April in western New York. Love the up/down, but even more the photo of the brooding character.
I love the "look up, look down" challenge, but haven't yet been able to commit to it myself. Visiting botanical gardens at this time of year is so exciting. There's so much happening in the spring. You've just reminded me that I need to plan a trip to ours soon. And, I'm impressed that you got the "tall one" to go along.
Ooh those blue flowers are very pretty. Have to say I'm concerned for The Tall One's future development of haemorrhoids sitting on that cold pipe ;).
Jo xxx
This is such a great idea. Makes it easier to capture some photos with this simple formula. And yours are fantastic.
gorgeous photos, I've been thinking about doing this.
One thing I miss most about Europe is old quirky buildings and gardens. Nothing very old over here! LOL I am hoping for time on Friday to get my story done and catch up on some story reading.
It's so true....we often forget to visit the jewels on our own doorsteps!!
Yes, yes, yes, I have been loving this series in blogland as well and mean to join in at some point! I also need to go explore my surroundings more! Thank you for the push/inspiration :)
oooh these are lovely Sian I especially like the 'along' one of the young man sitting there wondering why...
lovely to have you join in - wonderful pair with the repitition of circles. And great photo of the brooding soul
Looks like a wonderful spot for a Sunday field trip! Your photos are great. it is a good reminder to consider different angles in photography.
Lovely to see these photos Sian, and my Dad has enjoyed them - he often spent time here in his boyhood.
Beautiful photos Sian. We went to some lovely gardens in Devon over Easter and are lucky to have some near our home too that we visit sometimes. It's a good idea to do as much with your son as you can before he moves away. Special days that pass far to quickly.
One of the great things about Helena's up/down meme is seeing how everyone posts the photos in their own style. Yours are lovely, Sian, and the photo of your boy is fantastic!
I love how the circles repeat in both photos. And what a great portrait of the boy. . . it certainly made me think of how both of ours will be gone to university soon.
It's often the way, tat on our travels we visit so many lovely places, but often forget to do the same in our own back yard :)
I really love the UP shot and the blooms are gorgeous. How nice that you stumbled upon a dark, brooding character ;)
I do think sometimes we don't take advantage of the things we have close to home. I know for sure there are tons of things still in the Dallas area we haven't enjoyed yet. Hmmmm - what should we do this weekend?
Great photos! Especially the last one.
I thought at first that the sun had miraculously arrived! Great pics...and I'm very impressed that TTO still goes to such places with you!
Alison xx
Great pictures, I hope you have fun exploring your home town.
ohhh steam punk! Great photos!
I love the contrast in these. Ok what is steam punk? All of a sudden I seem to be hearing/reading that a lot and I'm lost.
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