A bit of a round up for the shortest month.
Yes, let's get the not-so-good out of the way first.
- RIP Gary the Magnificent. he was the very best of hamsters and he lived a good life; and last week we buried him behind the trampoline in a special box I'd been saving for an important occasion. It's not the same in the dining room without him.
- A dental crown falling out of my mouth and onto the street without any warning. Okay, so The (Not So) Small One scooped it up quickly and the dentist put it back in that afternoon., but, still..eugh..
- The failure of the coffee machine after seven years. two weeks is a long time to wait for it to be fixed..
- Bad pencil sharpeners. A very small thing, but surprisingly life un-enhancing, when every pencil in the house has a broken lead..
- The beautiful bracelet and earring set I received from Lisa. I love it! Lisa blogs with honesty about the challenges life throws at her - I think I met her through Gotta Craft - and I always like to see an update pop into my Reader. You can see what she makes at A Little of What You Fancy. Very pretty!
- The boy. The bow tie. The birthday. But I think we've already covered that one.Last night he finally received the university offer he'd been waiting for and he's delighted. Look out Scotland, he could be headed your way
- Little E, on his holidays. I believe that was pretty hot.
- The start of the Six Nations Rugby . Saturday afternoon. Big bag of crisps. Sorted.
A short month and a busy one with ups and downs, highs and lows. We're looking forward to the lighter days now with a spring in our step. Come on in March!
I'm keeping the pages in my round up series a bit roughed up and casual. I want them to look like an old cuttings book, a bit curled around the edges. This one has turned out pink and vintage, with flowers, which is exactly what Punky Scraps are looking for in their challenge this month. Handy!
Before I go for today: a reminder that it's Storytelling Sunday this weekend. Yes, it's that time again. Already! I know lots of you are away on holidays and retreats and I hope you have a wonderful time! Give me a wave and bring home a story to share if you can. I'll be here, holding the fort til you get back...

and Scotland will be all the better for his arrival. In my experience Irish students are welcomed by the Scottish students
I think the 'Highs' have it though...by a whisker!! I think your LO has a definite feel of a traditional scrapbook about it! Love it!! :D
you've certainly had some ups and downs, congratulations to your son x
i love that idea for monthly layouts! shoudl do that to include in my PL!!
also, love your layout! the papers are so pretty and "different" from everything else we see, are they "vintage"?
Congratulations on the Uni placement. I love your page, the colours and feel of it really appeal to me. SYS!
Sorry about Gary the Magnificent. :( Maybe try a critter with a longer life span next? And congrats to TTO!
All things considered I'd say you had a month to be grateful for. Congrats to the university bound son - it is always a relief to get the first acceptance to college but a real joy to get the one that they really wanted!
Well done Tall One! Such wonderful news.
Love the LO. Love your idea for the post (as always).
Thanks for the reminder about the rugby! Know what I'll be doing tomorrow morning!
Congrats to the boy:)))) I'm with you on the pencil sharpener that's why I prefer retractable pencils:)
Alinor, you are right - it's older paper I pulled from a two year old Midnight Rooster kit. I think it's MME?
Loving all the little details on the LO & love the idea of doing a round-up. I've not scrapped for ages but this definitely appeals :)
Congrats on the university placement!
I've got the best precious this month for a story. I'm just hoping I get the photos edited today so I can write it up tomorrow.
RIP Gary. Glad you used the 10-SEcond Rule on your crown (if it's been on the ground for less than 10 sec, it's oK to put in your month!)
dh has a huge dentist bill in feb too - I Spend half my time i'm sure sharpening pencils. We had chocolates for six nations! a nice round up Sian and super layout. the feb photo is perfect x
I was only lamenting the plight of ridiculously made pencil sharpeners last week - they are so frustrating!
My condolences to you all over the loss of Gary.
A very pretty page, Sisn, and I like the roughed up look.. Your inspiring blog has been warmly mentioned over over here at the Bloggers' Weekend, and am sending you warmest good wishes from us all.
Love your February LO! Sorry to hear of Gary's passing. :( Congrats to your son on his acceptance to university! :)
I got home tonight and suddenly realised that it is STS THIS Sunday (ie. TOMORROW!). Where did Feb go????? My story might be late unless I get time tomorrow morning but I am looking forward to everyone elses.
I can relate to most of your "nots"! But, my granddaughter's hamster was not all that good---she was a biter. And our coffee machine failed too---but it was only 2 years old. Luckily, I'm a tea drinker (love the smell of coffee, but not taste.)
Looking forward to Storytelling Sunday. I had to plan ahead because I have way too much on my plate right now!!
It's been another busy month for you, but what a high, big congrats to your son. And aww sorry to hear about Gary
Congrats to TTO, so exciting when they are accepted at their top choice. Will that be far from you?
Sorry about Gary :(
But your "hots" all sound so wonderful. I'm working on my Irish+ One Precious story right now.
what a great way to sum up the month! I'm not crazy about February but it does have Valentine's Day and Presidents' Day (a three day weekend here in the US.) I'm looking forward to reading the stories tomorrow. :-)
I love the monthly round-ups. So sorry to hear about Gary the Magnificent's demise. The loss of a pet is never easy. And Congrats! to the Tall One. It's wonderful to be accepted at your top choice.
Oh congratulations to TTO on the offer hope it all goes well between now and then. Sorry to hear of Gary the Magnificent's death :(
Absolutely love that last photo and cluster, memories always made me smile.
wow!! your layout is fabulous! and i love this "whats hot, what's not round up." such a neat idea. sorry about the hamster...but great news about your son!
thanks for playing along with us at punky scraps! xo
So sorry about Gary and the dental crown. Thankfully, it sounds like the good outweighs the bad for February. And March, being that much closer to spring, has got to be better!
I love this layout with all the journaling and soft colors! Thanks for playing along at the Punky scraps! :-)
I'm looking forward to the end of the six nations next weekend! I was so glad it didn't clash with my crafting retreat ;-)
A lovely round up of your month! My February was ups and down, too - I'll be sharing my Art Journal page about it this week.
I love the hots but not the nots! Great layout x
I kind of just love this page. Thanks for playing with Punky Scraps.
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