Do you ever get a completely unexpected flashback to a daft little moment you thought you had completely forgotten?
Happened to me the other night. I was flipping round the channels and arrived at something about the singer Glen Campbell. I caught a snatch of Rhinestone Cowboy and instantly I was about eight again. My friend Claire and I were lying on the floor in her living room, listening to selections from her Dad's record collection. The sun was in the sky, the Cremola Foam was waiting for us in the kitchen and I was marvelling at the grooviness of parents who didn't just like Julie Andrews. Life was good.
Suddenly, Claire jumped. "There's a bee, she said. "I don't like bees. I'm going to stamp on it and throw it out the window."
I looked up. There was a bee, but it seemed to be minding its own business, so I shook my head. "Nah, just leave it alone. It's not doing any harm." And we lay back down again to hear more about the star spangled rodeo, until it was time for me to go home.
About an hour after I left I remembered something vitally important I had to tell her. As you do. I begged to use the phone. As you did (way back then) and I dialled. Her brother answered.
"I'd like to speak to Claire, please," I said in my best telephone voice.
"You can't." he said. "Mum had to take her to hospital. She got stung by a bee and her arm blew up like a balloon, and we don't know when they'll be back..."
....funny how things come back to you like that, in a flash. I made a page to remind me, taking as my title a quote from that old Michael Caine film about killer bees Swarm. I had no photo to go with it; and I guess I could have googled for a cowboy, maybe; but that wouldn't have made a layout my style, so I found a garden bee photo instead. An Echo Park journaling card, some Crate Paper and a bit of tone on tone stitching finished it up. Oh, and that little bird print, which came in a Quirky Kit.
So, next Sunday,'s the first in the month so psst! remember it's Storytelling Sunday! For March I'm thinking of an Irish themed "precious" maybe. How about you?

I hope that you still stayed friends! It is strange the things that we remember for no reason what-so-ever. I haven't decided on my precious for this month yet. If I get a day off I will delve back into my box, but if not I have a very precious back-up that isn't kept in my boxes :-)
Great story. 'Rhinestone Cowboy' was in my Dad's record collection too. As was Crystal Gayle's 'Pearl's a Singer' and you've just reminded me I though for years that she 'stands up as she plays the piano in her nightshirt"!
Lovely page - and amazing how memories are sparked.
Great story and the layout is simply exquisite, I love the stitched trail, the doily, the peeking flowers, well it's all fab :)
Good job you reminded me, I am away next weekend retreating so I better take a photo with me.
Its lovely when random memories just pop into your head and I really admire how you make the time and effort to get them down on paper.
Great story, as always Sian. I had something similar the other day when Mum mentioned she'd heard from an old friend in South Africa and we were talking about their sons. I immediately remembered closing their son's fingers in the car door when he was about 5 and I was about 8. I remember feeling so guilty about it.
What was the vital thing you had to tell her? Hopefully not that bees are our friend - as this would have been slightly ironic in the circumstance!
I love how something clicks a memory forward. It can be a scent or a sound and it comes rushing back. Your memory was triggered by music. Isn't the brain just wonderful? Gorgeous layout of that memory.
You have made me think of doing the ironing as a teenager...mum had Glen Campbell records and I played him and Andy Williams when it was my turn for that dreaded chore! ...lovely layout too
Alison xx
A terrific LO to remember this fun story. Too funny but poor Claire. Yeah, I guess Glen Campbell was a cool guy back in his day. We used to watch The Glen Campbell show. We only had 2 channels so maybe it was more out of desperation. ;)
It's almost like looking into a garden! The details are terrific especially the touches of stitching!
I really enjoyed the story too!!! Poor Claire!
Really beautiful LO, Sian
What a sweet memory, oh those summer school memories of happy times with friends busy doing nothing :)
it'a funny how a song can take us right back. i love the two clusters on your beautiful page. Did you record what it was you called to tell her? I so remember the days of begging to use the phone, I was only allowed after 6pm!!
My step-dad had some Glenn Campbell too, also Andy Williams and Peter Startedt's Where Do You Go To My Lovely .. he was almost cool the day I found that.!
I think that scrapping thermally moments is what it's all about x and I like the almost honeycomb x
I loved that song too. It is amazing how we can flash straight back to a memory...
Lovely story and page, the layers are something that I admire and never achieve.
I hope Claire soon recovered from the bee sting!
Great story. It's funny how the strangest things bring back memories.
Love your story, that is quite a detailed flashback! I can remember the show he had, and his voice when he said, "Hi! I'm Glen Campbell!" Oh, and a completely captivating scrapbook page!
Now I've got that song stuck in my head! Your story has a bit of an Alfred Hitchcock or Twilight Zone feel to it. I have to think about my March precious - I have a couple of Irish possibilities actually!
A brilliant story and a very delicately pretty page, Sian. That wood-grained paper behind your lovely clusters gives a lovely feel of lazy movement. And Cremola Foam, my friend! I was just talking with my Dad about it the other day, and how we used to sneak it into school to help make the school lunches more palatable :).
That is a great story and a song that is so close to my heart. Did you feel guilty about not killing the bee when your friend first saw it? :)
gorgeous layout Sian,as always :)
What a perfect example of a story without a photo of the exact situation. I think the one you used with the bee was a great substitution. I do hope your friend recovered okay.
Ooops, its a shame she turned out to be right. Very pretty page, Sian.
I think your page is fabulous and the story so funny ! sorry. Yes I love how things pop into my head and it is usually when I hear a song or smell a perfume. When I see your pages I always wish I was scrapping with paper but it's just not to be at the moment.
What a pretty page and a great story. It is amazing the things that we remember and I am glad you have scrapbooked the memory. I can just imagine how you felt on hearing that your friend had been taken to the hospital ...
Hoping to join in on Sunday.
Hi Irene, it's good to see you back :)
Yes, Claire was absolutely fine and yes, I did feel guilty..that's a big moral dilemma when you are eight..
Oh, and I can't remember what I needed to tell her, but I bet it was Bay City Roller related
Oh no, now I'm going to have that song on my mind all night ...
Strange how things just come into your mind sometimes, I wonder what sparked that memory?
I haven't thought of Glen Campbell in a LONG time. It's amazing how a song can take you back to a very specific memory! Wonderful story.
Wow hasn't Storytelling Sunday come around quickly! I love how songs can trigger memories. The music I listened too last summer is wonderful to listen to now as it brings all those lovely summer thoughts flooding back! Lovely page to document it too.
Haha - oh my goodness, I was not expecting that as an ending to your story. So funny!
And thanks for the reminder about Storytellng Sunday. Wow - that came quickly this month!
That doily makes me so happy! And the stiching! Love the story. Very cool how that memory came flooding back.
I have a page posting on Thursday that starts the story for Sunday and I CANNOT WAIT. I am seriously excited about this one. Not a Irish precious, but a Peruvian one!
You paint a vivid picture Sian!! Rhinstone Cowboy was a popular tune in our home as well! I love your choice of embellishments for the layout :)
I like the colours here - especially the stitching and the layers of bees. Amazing story and glad Clare's ok
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