So we sat in the house. All that cold cold wet sister and I, last week, and we tossed around memories of hot summers from the part. The very few..
..That summer I was sick? it was a hot one. All through July and August, as I recovered, the sun shone and the radio played a song called Pink Sunshine
It came back to me when I was sticking down this page. It's a reflection on those holiday days when you have just had enough. You can tell by her face. Sometimes parents take the sightseeing a bit too far, they keep you out long after lunchtime. Or maybe it's more that you partied too hard the night before and still had to get up in the morning. But, whatever the reason, sometimes that sunny dispostion slips. It's happened to us all. Sometimes you can have too much holiday.
Sun shapes and circles cut with the Slice. Rubons and chipboard from American Crafts Dear Lizzy and a little bit of misting with a Studio Calico mask
The wicker picnic basket in the photo isn't ours. It belonged to the museum guide.
I hope you enjoyed Storytelling Sunday this month? You know what really struck me this time round? Not just the stories, it was the bits of news too. Some of you had taken the opportunity to share something good or to ask for a bit of a boost. I think that tells us about the Storytelling Sunday community. Everyone meets someone new when they join in on the first Sunday of the month (or any day this week - there is still time!). You can count on it.

what a lovely page I do love the soft colours and yes indeed pink sunshine. perfect
Lovely page Sian - lots of my favourite colours in there. And of course I've now got that some in my head!
I may yet squeeze in [out?] a story this month ... just seem to have more story than time at the minute. Fingers crossed!
This is such a lovely page on two counts - first it just is, the colours and all that white are yummy. Second - a parent recognising that it all gets a bit much sometimes - I do hate when on holiday or days out in general or even just at the supermarket and all you can hear is the parents yelling (quite abusively) at their obviously exhausted kids.
Love that jar of hearts - THAT is Ruby's song of the moment... along with Moves Like jagger :D
I too love the jar of hearts...along with the rest of the LO of course!! A great moment to document..we've all been there, on both sides of the situation!! :D
ooo, Fuzzbox....must fish out my album and see if I can remember which bit on the sound system my record player is attached too......annnyyywwwaayyy!!!!!! lol
Great page..I love the colours
I love all of your layout Sain, from the hint of misted hexagons to the jar of hearts....gorgeous! x
You realise, I hope, that Google searches for "Pink Sunshine" will now go through the roof?
Lovely page. I like the white background and how you haven't "done too much" with it. Definitely a case where "less is more" applies.
Like those pink sun shapes and the jar of hearts.
And TSO does look rather weary in that photo - so glad you stopped to feed her!
I love the real life moment you captured. I wish I had done that in Ocean City when Becca was having one of her signature melt down moments! I need to memorialize it for all time.
Beautiful page!!
I agree about the storytelling Sunday community as I have been emailing one of the ladies as her story inspired me and I had been though something similar recently and wanted some reassurance! So thanks for starting it up!
Great layout too - I totally know those moments!
Love the colour palette on this layout :)
Ive had a page half finished since receiving the last quirky arrived really must get it finished. Thanks also for stopping by my blog.
Kate xx
Gorgeous page. Love everything about it. The contrast between the bright, happy lay-out and your daughter's photograph is genius. SS gave us lots more wonderful, sometimes heartfelt, stories. It is such a pleasure to read them all.
I was struck by the sheer number of participants in Storytelling Sunday! Such a wonderful event.
Love the layout today - when the kids were little, we used to declare that it was time for tea and cakes (or a magnum) anytime that look appeared.
Fabulous page, I love the misting. Little Miss had some grumpy moments in Disneyland Paris too. That's not what she'll remember though! x
You really rock these pages with one small photo Sian :o) I can't think of the song 'Pink Sunshine', but I just know I'll have 'Jar of Hearts' running through my head, until I go to bed now!
Not sure that I know the song Pink Sunshine, Sian. That's a lovely layout, the colours are indeed very sunny.
What a lovely page! And the look explains it all.
Lovely LO, Sian!
i'm in love with this layout. sublime.
Now you have reminded me of a family holiday where the parents took it too far, and, as they were searching for somewhere to have lunch - at 4pm - the four backseat passengers put up a mighty fine protest!
I know what you mean about too much holiday. Sometimes it is nice to get back to a routine and a have a purpose! Holidays wouldn't be exciting if there wasn't work! They make a nice change. I love the colours of this page. x
Love all the bits and pieces you used on your layout. So glad you mentioned your Slice, reminds me that I have one I need to turn to more often!
What a pretty page--with her thoughts miles away from her location probably...
Vacations, with all their new-to-see and more-to-do opportunities, are fun, but like a comfortable promise, there's always the hint of "home" and "routine" lingering in the background.
What a beautiful layout,your Storytelling Sunday is such a lovely way of bringing everyone together,I love reading them x
when you describe the "mood" of this layout, i can completely relate! sometimes you can have too much of a good thing and need some time "off" to let it all soak in. your pages convey so much: moments, events, design and feelings. :-)
Ah yes we have those moments - especially close to lunchtime... Lovely gentle colours and I like the jar with the lemonade as our lemonade comes in jars :)
Gorgeous fresh and pretty page - and yes, do we ever recognise the sentiment!! Love that you photographed the problem before fixing it ;)
Lovely page! We are of the opinion that most vacations go on just slightly too long so you won't regret going back to 'normal' too much.
What a lovely layout! I did enjoy Storytelling Sunday, but regret that I didn't get around to them all this time. I'm heading out for my 4-day crop with BPC friends tomorrow, so I had to take time to pack up some craft supplies.
I love the combination of pink and green, it has such a summery feel to it. That moment when a child has had enough of looking at 'interesting things that only Mum and Dad like' is one I can certainly identify with!
Lovely looking page and boy does that sentiment ever bring back some memories.
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